Running the "Out-of-the-Box" Demo with Silicon Labs Pro Kit for Amazon Sidewalk#

Congratulations on your purchase of the Silicon Labs Pro Kit for Amazon Sidewalk! This guide will help you get the most from the "out-of-the-box" demo application that is pre-installed on the radio boards in your new kit.

  • Prepare the Kit Hardware: Describes your options with the Pro Kit hardware, and explains how to prepare your kit to run the demo.

  • Ensure Access to the Amazon Sidewalk Network: Provides details on connecting the endpoint created by the demo application with the Amazon Sidewalk network through an in-range Sidewalk gateway.

  • Run the Demo: Describes how, with the endpoint ready and a Sidewalk gateway nearby, you can establish your Sidewalk endpoint and access the associated AWS application from your mobile device.

  • Going Further: Includes "next steps" to explore once you've witnessed the ease with which the Sidewalk network allows you to interact between an endpoint and the cloud, along with helpful tips if your demo did not operate smoothly.