Generic Access Profile (le_gap)

The commands and events in this class are related to Generic Access Profile (GAP) in Bluetooth.

le_gap commands


This command can be used to set user defined data in advertising packets or scan response packets.

If advertising mode is currently enabled the new advertising data will be used immediately. Advertising mode can be enabled using command le_gap_start_advertising.

The maximum data length is 31 bytes for legacy advertising and 191 bytes for extended advertising.

The invalid parameter error will be returned in following situations:

  • The data length is more than 31 bytes but the advertiser can only advertise using legacy advertising PDUs;
  • The data length is more than 191 bytes when the advertiser can advertise using extended advertising PDUs;
  • Set the data of advertising data packet when the advertiser is advertising in scannable mode using extended advertising PDUs;
  • Set the data of scan response data packet when the advertiser is advertising in connectable mode using extended advertising PDUs.

Note that the user defined data may be overwritten by the system when the advertising is later enabled in other discoverable mode than user_data.


Byte Type Name Description
0 0x20 hilen Message type: Command
1 0x03 lolen Minimum payload length
2 0x03 class Message class:Generic Access Profile
3 0x0c method Message ID
4 uint8 handle Advertising set handle, number of sets available is defined in stack configuration
5 uint8 scan_rsp This value selects if the data is intended for advertising packets, scan response packets or advertising packet in OTA. Values:
  • 0: Advertising packets
  • 1: Scan response packets
  • 2: OTA advertising packets
  • 4: OTA scan response packets
6 uint8array adv_data Data to be set. Maximum data length:
  • 31 bytes for legacy advertising;
  • 191 bytes for extended advertising


Byte Type Name Description
0 0x20 hilen Message type: Response
1 0x02 lolen Minimum payload length
2 0x03 class Message class:Generic Access Profile
3 0x0c method Message ID
4-5 uint16 result Result code
  • 0: success
  • Non-zero: an error occurred
For other values refer to the Error codes


/* Function */
struct gecko_msg_le_gap_bt5_set_adv_data_rsp_t *gecko_cmd_le_gap_bt5_set_adv_data(uint8 handle, uint8 scan_rsp, uint8 adv_data_len, const uint8 *adv_data_data);

/* Response id */

/* Response structure */
struct gecko_msg_le_gap_bt5_set_adv_data_rsp_t
  uint16 result


Deprecated. Replacements are le_gap_set_advertise_timing command for setting the advertising intervals, le_gap_set_advertise_channel_map command for setting the channel map, and le_gap_set_advertise_report_scan_request command for enabling and disabling scan request notifications.


Byte Type Name Description
0 0x20 hilen Message type: Command
1 0x07 lolen Minimum payload length
2 0x03 class Message class:Generic Access Profile
3 0x0b method Message ID
4 uint8 handle Advertising set handle, number of sets available is defined in stack configuration
5-6 uint16 interval_min Minimum advertising interval. Value in units of 0.625 ms
  • Range: 0x20 to 0xFFFF
  • Time range: 20 ms to 40.96 s
Default value: 100 ms
7-8 uint16 interval_max Maximum advertising interval. Value in units of 0.625 ms
  • Range: 0x20 to 0xFFFF
  • Time range: 20 ms to 40.96 s
  • Note: interval_max should be bigger than interval_min
Default value: 200 ms
9 uint8 channel_map Advertising channel map which determines which of the three channels will be used for advertising. This value is given as a bitmask. Values:
  • 1: Advertise on CH37
  • 2: Advertise on CH38
  • 3: Advertise on CH37 and CH38
  • 4: Advertise on CH39
  • 5: Advertise on CH37 and CH39
  • 6: Advertise on CH38 and CH39
  • 7: Advertise on all channels

Recommended value: 7

Default value: 7
10 uint8 report_scan If non-zero, enables scan request notification, and scan requests will be reported as events.

Default value: 0


Byte Type Name Description
0 0x20 hilen Message type: Response
1 0x02 lolen Minimum payload length
2 0x03 class Message class:Generic Access Profile
3 0x0b method Message ID
4-5 uint16 result Result code
  • 0: success
  • Non-zero: an error occurred
For other values refer to the Error codes


/* Function */
struct gecko_msg_le_gap_bt5_set_adv_parameters_rsp_t *gecko_cmd_le_gap_bt5_set_adv_parameters(uint8 handle, uint16 interval_min, uint16 interval_max, uint8 channel_map, uint8 report_scan);

/* Response id */

/* Response structure */
struct gecko_msg_le_gap_bt5_set_adv_parameters_rsp_t
  uint16 result

Events generated

Event Description
le_gap_scan_request Triggered when a scan request has been received during the advertising if scan request notification has been enabled by this command.


Deprecated. Replacements are le_gap_start_advertising command to start the advertising, and le_gap_stop_advertising command to stop the advertising. le_gap_set_advertise_timing command can be used for setting the maxevents and command le_gap_set_advertise_configuration can be used to for setting address types.


Byte Type Name Description
0 0x20 hilen Message type: Command
1 0x06 lolen Minimum payload length
2 0x03 class Message class:Generic Access Profile
3 0x0a method Message ID
4 uint8 handle Advertising set handle, number of sets available is defined in stack configuration
5 uint8 discover Discoverable mode
6 uint8 connect Connectable mode
7-8 uint16 maxevents If non-zero, indicates the maximum number of advertising events to send before stopping advertiser. Value 0 indicates no maximum number limit.
9 uint8 address_type Address type to use for packets


Byte Type Name Description
0 0x20 hilen Message type: Response
1 0x02 lolen Minimum payload length
2 0x03 class Message class:Generic Access Profile
3 0x0a method Message ID
4-5 uint16 result Result code
  • 0: success
  • Non-zero: an error occurred
For other values refer to the Error codes


/* Function */
struct gecko_msg_le_gap_bt5_set_mode_rsp_t *gecko_cmd_le_gap_bt5_set_mode(uint8 handle, uint8 discover, uint8 connect, uint16 maxevents, uint8 address_type);

/* Response id */

/* Response structure */
struct gecko_msg_le_gap_bt5_set_mode_rsp_t
  uint16 result

Events generated

Event Description
le_gap_adv_timeout Triggered when the number of advertising events set by this command has been done and advertising is stopped on the given advertising set.
le_connection_opened Triggered when a remote device opened a connection to the advertiser on the specified advertising set.


This command can be used to disable advertising configurations on the given advertising set. The command le_gap_set_advertise_configuration can be used to set configurations. This setting will take effect on the next advertising enabling.


Byte Type Name Description
0 0x20 hilen Message type: Command
1 0x05 lolen Minimum payload length
2 0x03 class Message class:Generic Access Profile
3 0x13 method Message ID
4 uint8 handle Advertising set handle
5-8 uint32 configurations Advertising configuration flags to disable. This value can be a bitmask of multiple flags. See le_gap_set_advertise_configuration for possible flags.


Byte Type Name Description
0 0x20 hilen Message type: Response
1 0x02 lolen Minimum payload length
2 0x03 class Message class:Generic Access Profile
3 0x13 method Message ID
4-5 uint16 result Result code
  • 0: success
  • Non-zero: an error occurred
For other values refer to the Error codes


/* Function */
struct gecko_msg_le_gap_clear_advertise_configuration_rsp_t *gecko_cmd_le_gap_clear_advertise_configuration(uint8 handle, uint32 configurations);

/* Response id */

/* Response structure */
struct gecko_msg_le_gap_clear_advertise_configuration_rsp_t
  uint16 result


This command can be used to connect an advertising device with the specified initiating PHY. The Bluetooth stack will enter a state where it continuously scans for the connectable advertising packets from the remote device which matches the Bluetooth address given as a parameter. Upon receiving the advertising packet, the module will send a connection request packet to the target device to initiate a Bluetooth connection. To cancel an ongoing connection process use the le_connection_close command with the handle received in the response from this command.

A connection is opened in no-security mode. If the GATT client needs to read or write the attributes on GATT server requiring encryption or authentication, it must first encrypt the connection using an appropriate authentication method.

If a connection cannot be established at all for some reason (for example, the remote device has gone out of range, has entered into deep sleep, or is not advertising), the stack will try to connect forever. In this case the application will not get any event related to the connection request. To recover from this situation, application can implement a timeout and call le_connection_close to cancel the connection request.

This command fails with "Connection Limit Exceeded" error if the number of connections attempted to be opened exceeds the configured MAX_CONNECTIONS value.

This command fails with "Invalid Parameter" error if the initiating PHY value is invalid or the device does not support the PHY.

Later calls of this command have to wait for the ongoing command to complete. A received event le_connection_opened indicates connection opened successfully and a received event le_connection_closed indicates connection failures have occurred.


Byte Type Name Description
0 0x20 hilen Message type: Command
1 0x08 lolen Minimum payload length
2 0x03 class Message class:Generic Access Profile
3 0x1a method Message ID
4-9 bd_addr address Address of the device to connect to
10 uint8 address_type Address type of the device to connect to
11 uint8 initiating_phy The initiating PHY. Value:
  • 1: LE 1M PHY
  • 4: LE Coded PHY


Byte Type Name Description
0 0x20 hilen Message type: Response
1 0x03 lolen Minimum payload length
2 0x03 class Message class:Generic Access Profile
3 0x1a method Message ID
4-5 uint16 result Result code
  • 0: success
  • Non-zero: an error occurred
For other values refer to the Error codes
6 uint8 connection Handle that will be assigned to the connection once the connection will be established. This handle is valid only if the result code of this response is 0 (zero).


/* Function */
struct gecko_msg_le_gap_connect_rsp_t *gecko_cmd_le_gap_connect(bd_addr address, uint8 address_type, uint8 initiating_phy);

/* Response id */

/* Response structure */
struct gecko_msg_le_gap_connect_rsp_t
  uint16 result,
  uint8 connection

Events generated

Event Description
le_connection_opened This event is triggered after the connection has been opened, and indicates whether the devices are already bonded and what is the role of the Bluetooth device (Slave or Master).
le_connection_parameters This event indicates the connection parameters and security mode of the connection.


Deprecated. Replacement is le_gap_start_discovery command which allows to scan on LE 1M PHY or LE Coded PHY.

This command can be used to start the GAP discovery procedure to scan for advertising devices on LE 1M PHY. To cancel an ongoing discovery process use the le_gap_end_procedure command.


Byte Type Name Description
0 0x20 hilen Message type: Command
1 0x01 lolen Minimum payload length
2 0x03 class Message class:Generic Access Profile
3 0x02 method Message ID
4 uint8 mode Bluetooth discovery Mode. For values see link


Byte Type Name Description
0 0x20 hilen Message type: Response
1 0x02 lolen Minimum payload length
2 0x03 class Message class:Generic Access Profile
3 0x02 method Message ID
4-5 uint16 result Result code
  • 0: success
  • Non-zero: an error occurred
For other values refer to the Error codes


/* Function */
struct gecko_msg_le_gap_discover_rsp_t *gecko_cmd_le_gap_discover(uint8 mode);

/* Response id */

/* Response structure */
struct gecko_msg_le_gap_discover_rsp_t
  uint16 result

Events generated

Event Description
le_gap_scan_response Every time an advertising packet is received, this event is triggered. The packets are not filtered in any way, so multiple events will be received for every advertising device in range.


This command can be used to end a current GAP procedure.


Byte Type Name Description
0 0x20 hilen Message type: Command
1 0x00 lolen Minimum payload length
2 0x03 class Message class:Generic Access Profile
3 0x03 method Message ID


Byte Type Name Description
0 0x20 hilen Message type: Response
1 0x02 lolen Minimum payload length
2 0x03 class Message class:Generic Access Profile
3 0x03 method Message ID
4-5 uint16 result Result code
  • 0: success
  • Non-zero: an error occurred
For other values refer to the Error codes


/* Function */
struct gecko_msg_le_gap_end_procedure_rsp_t *gecko_cmd_le_gap_end_procedure();

/* Response id */

/* Response structure */
struct gecko_msg_le_gap_end_procedure_rsp_t
  uint16 result


Deprecated. Replacement is le_gap_connect command which allows to open a connection with a specified PHY.

This command can be used to connect an advertising device with initiating PHY being the LE 1M PHY.


Byte Type Name Description
0 0x20 hilen Message type: Command
1 0x07 lolen Minimum payload length
2 0x03 class Message class:Generic Access Profile
3 0x00 method Message ID
4-9 bd_addr address Address of the device to connect to
10 uint8 address_type Address type of the device to connect to


Byte Type Name Description
0 0x20 hilen Message type: Response
1 0x03 lolen Minimum payload length
2 0x03 class Message class:Generic Access Profile
3 0x00 method Message ID
4-5 uint16 result Result code
  • 0: success
  • Non-zero: an error occurred
For other values refer to the Error codes
6 uint8 connection Handle that will be assigned to the connection once the connection will be established. This handle is valid only if the result code of this response is 0 (zero).


/* Function */
struct gecko_msg_le_gap_open_rsp_t *gecko_cmd_le_gap_open(bd_addr address, uint8 address_type);

/* Response id */

/* Response structure */
struct gecko_msg_le_gap_open_rsp_t
  uint16 result,
  uint8 connection

Events generated

Event Description
le_connection_opened This event is triggered after the connection has been opened, and indicates whether the devices are already bonded and what is the role of the Bluetooth device (Slave or Master).
le_connection_parameters This event indicates the connection parameters and security mode of the connection.


Deprecated. Use le_gap_bt5_set_adv_data command to set the advertising data and scan response data.

This command is only effective on the first advertising set (handle value 0). Other advertising sets are not affected.


Byte Type Name Description
0 0x20 hilen Message type: Command
1 0x02 lolen Minimum payload length
2 0x03 class Message class:Generic Access Profile
3 0x07 method Message ID
4 uint8 scan_rsp This value selects if the data is intended for advertising packets, scan response packets or advertising packet in OTA. Values:
  • 0: Advertising packets
  • 1: Scan response packets
  • 2: OTA advertising packets
  • 4: OTA scan response packets
5 uint8array adv_data Data to be set. Maximum data length:
  • 31 bytes for legacy advertising;
  • 191 bytes for extended advertising


Byte Type Name Description
0 0x20 hilen Message type: Response
1 0x02 lolen Minimum payload length
2 0x03 class Message class:Generic Access Profile
3 0x07 method Message ID
4-5 uint16 result Result code
  • 0: success
  • Non-zero: an error occurred
For other values refer to the Error codes


/* Function */
struct gecko_msg_le_gap_set_adv_data_rsp_t *gecko_cmd_le_gap_set_adv_data(uint8 scan_rsp, uint8 adv_data_len, const uint8 *adv_data_data);

/* Response id */

/* Response structure */
struct gecko_msg_le_gap_set_adv_data_rsp_t
  uint16 result


Deprecated. Replacements are le_gap_set_advertise_timing command for setting the advertising intervals, and le_gap_set_advertise_channel_map command for setting the channel map.

This command is only effective on the first advertising set (handle value 0). Other advertising sets are not affected.


Byte Type Name Description
0 0x20 hilen Message type: Command
1 0x05 lolen Minimum payload length
2 0x03 class Message class:Generic Access Profile
3 0x04 method Message ID
4-5 uint16 interval_min Minimum advertising interval. Value in units of 0.625 ms
  • Range: 0x20 to 0xFFFF
  • Time range: 20 ms to 40.96 s
Default value: 100 ms
6-7 uint16 interval_max Minimum advertising interval. Value in units of 0.625 ms
  • Range: 0x20 to 0xFFFF
  • Time range: 20 ms to 40.96 s
  • Note: interval_max should be bigger than interval_min
Default value: 200 ms
8 uint8 channel_map Advertising channel map which determines which of the three channels will be used for advertising. This value is given as a bitmask. Values:
  • 1: Advertise on CH37
  • 2: Advertise on CH38
  • 3: Advertise on CH37 and CH38
  • 4: Advertise on CH39
  • 5: Advertise on CH37 and CH39
  • 6: Advertise on CH38 and CH39
  • 7: Advertise on all channels

Recommended value: 7

Default value: 7


Byte Type Name Description
0 0x20 hilen Message type: Response
1 0x02 lolen Minimum payload length
2 0x03 class Message class:Generic Access Profile
3 0x04 method Message ID
4-5 uint16 result Result code
  • 0: success
  • Non-zero: an error occurred
For other values refer to the Error codes


/* Function */
struct gecko_msg_le_gap_set_adv_parameters_rsp_t *gecko_cmd_le_gap_set_adv_parameters(uint16 interval_min, uint16 interval_max, uint8 channel_map);

/* Response id */

/* Response structure */
struct gecko_msg_le_gap_set_adv_parameters_rsp_t
  uint16 result


Deprecated. New command le_gap_set_advertise_timing should be used for this functionality.

This command is only effective on the first advertising set (handle value 0). Other advertising sets are not affected.


Byte Type Name Description
0 0x20 hilen Message type: Command
1 0x01 lolen Minimum payload length
2 0x03 class Message class:Generic Access Profile
3 0x08 method Message ID
4 uint8 maxevents If non-zero, indicates the maximum number of advertising events to send before stopping advertiser. Value 0 indicates no maximum number limit.


Byte Type Name Description
0 0x20 hilen Message type: Response
1 0x02 lolen Minimum payload length
2 0x03 class Message class:Generic Access Profile
3 0x08 method Message ID
4-5 uint16 result Result code
  • 0: success
  • Non-zero: an error occurred
For other values refer to the Error codes


/* Function */
struct gecko_msg_le_gap_set_adv_timeout_rsp_t *gecko_cmd_le_gap_set_adv_timeout(uint8 maxevents);

/* Response id */

/* Response structure */
struct gecko_msg_le_gap_set_adv_timeout_rsp_t
  uint16 result


This command can be used to set the primary advertising channel map of the given advertising set. This setting will take effect on the next advertising enabling.


Byte Type Name Description
0 0x20 hilen Message type: Command
1 0x02 lolen Minimum payload length
2 0x03 class Message class:Generic Access Profile
3 0x0f method Message ID
4 uint8 handle Advertising set handle
5 uint8 channel_map Advertisement channel map which determines which of the three channels will be used for advertising. This value is given as a bitmask. Values:
  • 1: Advertise on CH37
  • 2: Advertise on CH38
  • 3: Advertise on CH37 and CH38
  • 4: Advertise on CH39
  • 5: Advertise on CH37 and CH39
  • 6: Advertise on CH38 and CH39
  • 7: Advertise on all channels

Recommended value: 7

Default value: 7


Byte Type Name Description
0 0x20 hilen Message type: Response
1 0x02 lolen Minimum payload length
2 0x03 class Message class:Generic Access Profile
3 0x0f method Message ID
4-5 uint16 result Result code
  • 0: success
  • Non-zero: an error occurred
For other values refer to the Error codes


/* Function */
struct gecko_msg_le_gap_set_advertise_channel_map_rsp_t *gecko_cmd_le_gap_set_advertise_channel_map(uint8 handle, uint8 channel_map);

/* Response id */

/* Response structure */
struct gecko_msg_le_gap_set_advertise_channel_map_rsp_t
  uint16 result


This command can be used to configure the type of advertising event and other advertising properties of the given advertising set. The command le_gap_clear_advertise_configuration can be used to clear the configurations set by this command. This setting will take effect on the next advertising enabling.


Byte Type Name Description
0 0x20 hilen Message type: Command
1 0x05 lolen Minimum payload length
2 0x03 class Message class:Generic Access Profile
3 0x12 method Message ID
4 uint8 handle Advertising set handle
5-8 uint32 configurations Advertising configuration flags to enable. This value can be a bitmask of multiple flags. Flags:
  • 1 (Bit 0): Use legacy advertising PDUs.
  • 2 (Bit 1): Omit advertiser's address from all PDUs (anonymous advertising). This flag is effective only in extended advertising.
  • 4 (Bit 2): Use le_gap_non_resolvable address type. Advertising must be in non-connectable mode if this configuration is enabled.
  • 8 (Bit 3): Include TX power in advertising packets. This flag is effective only in extended advertising.

Default value: 1


Byte Type Name Description
0 0x20 hilen Message type: Response
1 0x02 lolen Minimum payload length
2 0x03 class Message class:Generic Access Profile
3 0x12 method Message ID
4-5 uint16 result Result code
  • 0: success
  • Non-zero: an error occurred
For other values refer to the Error codes


/* Function */
struct gecko_msg_le_gap_set_advertise_configuration_rsp_t *gecko_cmd_le_gap_set_advertise_configuration(uint8 handle, uint32 configurations);

/* Response id */

/* Response structure */
struct gecko_msg_le_gap_set_advertise_configuration_rsp_t
  uint16 result


This command can be used to set the advertising PHYs of the given advertising set. This setting will take effect on the next advertising enabling. "Invalid Parameter" error will be returned if a PHY value is invalid or the device does not support a given PHY.


Byte Type Name Description
0 0x20 hilen Message type: Command
1 0x03 lolen Minimum payload length
2 0x03 class Message class:Generic Access Profile
3 0x11 method Message ID
4 uint8 handle Advertising set handle
5 uint8 primary_phy The PHY on which the advertising packets are transmitted on the primary advertising channel. If legacy advertising PDUs are being used, the PHY must be LE 1M.


  • 1: Advertising PHY is LE 1M
  • 4: Advertising PHY is LE Coded
Default: 1

6 uint8 secondary_phy The PHY on which the advertising packets are transmitted on the secondary advertising channel.


  • 1: Advertising PHY is LE 1M
  • 2: Advertising PHY is LE 2M
  • 4: Advertising PHY is LE Coded
Default: 1


Byte Type Name Description
0 0x20 hilen Message type: Response
1 0x02 lolen Minimum payload length
2 0x03 class Message class:Generic Access Profile
3 0x11 method Message ID
4-5 uint16 result Result code
  • 0: success
  • Non-zero: an error occurred
For other values refer to the Error codes


/* Function */
struct gecko_msg_le_gap_set_advertise_phy_rsp_t *gecko_cmd_le_gap_set_advertise_phy(uint8 handle, uint8 primary_phy, uint8 secondary_phy);

/* Response id */

/* Response structure */
struct gecko_msg_le_gap_set_advertise_phy_rsp_t
  uint16 result


This command can be used to enable or disable the scan request notification of the given advertising set. This setting will take effect on the next advertising enabling.


Byte Type Name Description
0 0x20 hilen Message type: Command
1 0x02 lolen Minimum payload length
2 0x03 class Message class:Generic Access Profile
3 0x10 method Message ID
4 uint8 handle Advertising set handle
5 uint8 report_scan_req If non-zero, enables scan request notification, and scan requests will be reported as events.

Default value: 0


Byte Type Name Description
0 0x20 hilen Message type: Response
1 0x02 lolen Minimum payload length
2 0x03 class Message class:Generic Access Profile
3 0x10 method Message ID
4-5 uint16 result Result code
  • 0: success
  • Non-zero: an error occurred
For other values refer to the Error codes


/* Function */
struct gecko_msg_le_gap_set_advertise_report_scan_request_rsp_t *gecko_cmd_le_gap_set_advertise_report_scan_request(uint8 handle, uint8 report_scan_req);

/* Response id */

/* Response structure */
struct gecko_msg_le_gap_set_advertise_report_scan_request_rsp_t
  uint16 result

Events generated

Event Description
le_gap_scan_request Triggered when a scan request has been received during the advertising if scan request notification has been enabled by this command.


This command can be used to set the advertising timing parameters of the given advertising set. This setting will take effect on the next advertising enabling.


Byte Type Name Description
0 0x20 hilen Message type: Command
1 0x0c lolen Minimum payload length
2 0x03 class Message class:Generic Access Profile
3 0x0e method Message ID
4 uint8 handle Advertising set handle
5-8 uint32 interval_min Minimum advertising interval. Value in units of 0.625 ms
  • Range: 0x20 to 0xFFFF
  • Time range: 20 ms to 40.96 s
Default value: 100 ms
9-12 uint32 interval_max Maximum advertising interval. Value in units of 0.625 ms
  • Range: 0x20 to 0xFFFF
  • Time range: 20 ms to 40.96 s
  • Note: interval_max should be bigger than interval_min
Default value: 200 ms
13-14 uint16 duration The advertising duration for this advertising set. Value 0 indicates no advertising duration limit and the advertising continues until it is disabled. A non-zero value sets the duration in units of 10 ms. The duration begins at the start of the first advertising event of this advertising set.
  • Range: 0x0001 to 0xFFFF
  • Time range: 10 ms to 655.35 s
Default value: 0
15 uint8 maxevents If non-zero, indicates the maximum number of advertising events to send before stopping advertiser. Value 0 indicates no maximum number limit.

Default value: 0


Byte Type Name Description
0 0x20 hilen Message type: Response
1 0x02 lolen Minimum payload length
2 0x03 class Message class:Generic Access Profile
3 0x0e method Message ID
4-5 uint16 result Result code
  • 0: success
  • Non-zero: an error occurred
For other values refer to the Error codes


/* Function */
struct gecko_msg_le_gap_set_advertise_timing_rsp_t *gecko_cmd_le_gap_set_advertise_timing(uint8 handle, uint32 interval_min, uint32 interval_max, uint16 duration, uint8 maxevents);

/* Response id */

/* Response structure */
struct gecko_msg_le_gap_set_advertise_timing_rsp_t
  uint16 result


This command can be used to limit the maximum advertising TX power on the given advertising set. If the value goes over the global value that has been set using system_set_tx_power command, the global value will be the maximum limit. The maximum TX power of legacy advertising is further constrainted to not go over +10 dBm. Extended advertising TX power can be +10 dBm and over if Adaptive Frequency Hopping has been enabled.

This setting will take effect on the next advertising enabling.

By default, maximum advertising TX power is limited by the global value.


Byte Type Name Description
0 0x20 hilen Message type: Command
1 0x03 lolen Minimum payload length
2 0x03 class Message class:Generic Access Profile
3 0x1b method Message ID
4 uint8 handle Advertising set handle
5-6 int16 power TX power in 0.1dBm steps, for example the value of 10 is 1dBm and 55 is 5.5dBm


Byte Type Name Description
0 0x20 hilen Message type: Response
1 0x02 lolen Minimum payload length
2 0x03 class Message class:Generic Access Profile
3 0x1b method Message ID
4-5 uint16 result Result code
  • 0: success
  • Non-zero: an error occurred
For other values refer to the Error codes


/* Function */
struct gecko_msg_le_gap_set_advertise_tx_power_rsp_t *gecko_cmd_le_gap_set_advertise_tx_power(uint8 handle, int16 power);

/* Response id */

/* Response structure */
struct gecko_msg_le_gap_set_advertise_tx_power_rsp_t
  uint16 result


This command can be used to set the default Bluetooth connection parameters. The configured values are valid for all subsequent connections that will be established. For changing the parameters of an already established connection use the command le_connection_set_parameters.


Byte Type Name Description
0 0x20 hilen Message type: Command
1 0x08 lolen Minimum payload length
2 0x03 class Message class:Generic Access Profile
3 0x05 method Message ID
4-5 uint16 min_interval Minimum value for the connection event interval. This must be set be less than or equal to max_interval.
  • Time = Value x 1.25 ms
  • Range: 0x0006 to 0x0c80
  • Time Range: 7.5 ms to 4 s
Default value: 20 ms
6-7 uint16 max_interval Maximum value for the connection event interval. This must be set greater than or equal to min_interval.
  • Time = Value x 1.25 ms
  • Range: 0x0006 to 0x0c80
  • Time Range: 7.5 ms to 4 s
Default value: 50 ms
8-9 uint16 latency Slave latency. This parameter defines how many connection intervals the slave can skip if it has no data to send
  • Range: 0x0000 to 0x01f4
Default value: 0
10-11 uint16 timeout Supervision timeout. The supervision timeout defines for how long the connection is maintained despite the devices being unable to communicate at the currently configured connection intervals.
  • Range: 0x000a to 0x0c80
  • Time = Value x 10 ms
  • Time Range: 100 ms to 32 s
  • The value in milliseconds must be larger than (1 + latency) * max_interval * 2, where max_interval is given in milliseconds
It is recommended that the supervision timeout is set at a value which allows communication attempts over at least a few connection intervals.

Default value: 1000 ms


Byte Type Name Description
0 0x20 hilen Message type: Response
1 0x02 lolen Minimum payload length
2 0x03 class Message class:Generic Access Profile
3 0x05 method Message ID
4-5 uint16 result Result code
  • 0: success
  • Non-zero: an error occurred
For other values refer to the Error codes


/* Function */
struct gecko_msg_le_gap_set_conn_parameters_rsp_t *gecko_cmd_le_gap_set_conn_parameters(uint16 min_interval, uint16 max_interval, uint16 latency, uint16 timeout);

/* Response id */

/* Response structure */
struct gecko_msg_le_gap_set_conn_parameters_rsp_t
  uint16 result


This command can be used to specify a channel classification for data channels. This classification persists until overwritten with a subsequent command or until the system is reset.


Byte Type Name Description
0 0x20 hilen Message type: Command
1 0x01 lolen Minimum payload length
2 0x03 class Message class:Generic Access Profile
3 0x19 method Message ID
4 uint8array channel_map This parameter is 5 bytes and contains 37 1-bit fields.
The nth such field (in the range 0 to 36) contains the value for the link layer channel index n.
  • 0: Channel n is bad.
  • 1: Channel n is unknown.
The most significant bits are reserved and shall be set to 0 for future use.
At least two channels shall be marked as unknown.


Byte Type Name Description
0 0x20 hilen Message type: Response
1 0x02 lolen Minimum payload length
2 0x03 class Message class:Generic Access Profile
3 0x19 method Message ID
4-5 uint16 result Result code
  • 0: success
  • Non-zero: an error occurred
For other values refer to the Error codes


/* Function */
struct gecko_msg_le_gap_set_data_channel_classification_rsp_t *gecko_cmd_le_gap_set_data_channel_classification(uint8 channel_map_len, const uint8 *channel_map_data);

/* Response id */

/* Response structure */
struct gecko_msg_le_gap_set_data_channel_classification_rsp_t
  uint16 result


This command can be used to enable and disable the extended scan response event. When the extended scan response event is enabled, it replaces le_gap_scan_response, that is, the stack will generate either le_gap_extended_scan_response or le_gap_scan_response, but not both at a time.


Byte Type Name Description
0 0x20 hilen Message type: Command
1 0x01 lolen Minimum payload length
2 0x03 class Message class:Generic Access Profile
3 0x1c method Message ID
4 uint8 enable Values:
  • 0: Disable extended scan response event
  • 1: Enable extended scan response event


Byte Type Name Description
0 0x20 hilen Message type: Response
1 0x02 lolen Minimum payload length
2 0x03 class Message class:Generic Access Profile
3 0x1c method Message ID
4-5 uint16 result Result code
  • 0: success
  • Non-zero: an error occurred
For other values refer to the Error codes


/* Function */
struct gecko_msg_le_gap_set_discovery_extended_scan_response_rsp_t *gecko_cmd_le_gap_set_discovery_extended_scan_response(uint8 enable);

/* Response id */

/* Response structure */
struct gecko_msg_le_gap_set_discovery_extended_scan_response_rsp_t
  uint16 result


This command can be used to set the timing parameters of the specified PHYs. If the device is currently scanning for advertising devices the PHYs, new parameters will take effect when the scanning is restarted.


Byte Type Name Description
0 0x20 hilen Message type: Command
1 0x05 lolen Minimum payload length
2 0x03 class Message class:Generic Access Profile
3 0x16 method Message ID
4 uint8 phys The PHYs for which the parameters are set.
  • 1: LE 1M PHY
  • 4: LE Coded PHY
  • 5: LE 1M PHY and LE Coded PHY
5-6 uint16 scan_interval Scan interval. This is defined as the time interval from when the device started its last scan until it begins the subsequent scan, that is how often to scan
  • Time = Value x 0.625 ms
  • Range: 0x0004 to 0xFFFF
  • Time Range: 2.5 ms to 40.96 s
Default value: 10 ms

There is a variable delay when switching channels at the end of each scanning interval which is included in the scanning interval time itself. During this switch time no advertising packets will be received by the device. The switch time variation is dependent on use case, for example in case of scanning while keeping active connections the channel switch time might be longer than when only scanning without any active connections. Increasing the scanning interval will reduce the amount of time in which the device cannot receive advertising packets as it will switch channels less often.

After every scan interval the scanner will change the frequency it operates at. It will cycle through all the three advertising channels in a round robin fashion. According to the specification all three channels must be used by a scanner.

7-8 uint16 scan_window Scan window. The duration of the scan. scan_window shall be less than or equal to scan_interval
  • Time = Value x 0.625 ms
  • Range: 0x0004 to 0xFFFF
  • Time Range: 2.5 ms to 40.96 s
Default value: 10 ms Note that packet reception is aborted if it has been started before scan window ends.


Byte Type Name Description
0 0x20 hilen Message type: Response
1 0x02 lolen Minimum payload length
2 0x03 class Message class:Generic Access Profile
3 0x16 method Message ID
4-5 uint16 result Result code
  • 0: success
  • Non-zero: an error occurred
For other values refer to the Error codes


/* Function */
struct gecko_msg_le_gap_set_discovery_timing_rsp_t *gecko_cmd_le_gap_set_discovery_timing(uint8 phys, uint16 scan_interval, uint16 scan_window);

/* Response id */

/* Response structure */
struct gecko_msg_le_gap_set_discovery_timing_rsp_t
  uint16 result


This command can be used to set the scan type of the specified PHYs. If the device is currently scanning for advertising devices on the PHYs, new parameters will take effect when the scanning is restarted


Byte Type Name Description
0 0x20 hilen Message type: Command
1 0x02 lolen Minimum payload length
2 0x03 class Message class:Generic Access Profile
3 0x17 method Message ID
4 uint8 phys The PHYs for which the parameters are set.
  • 1: LE 1M PHY
  • 4: LE Coded PHY
  • 5: LE 1M PHY and LE Coded PHY
5 uint8 scan_type Scan type indicated by a flag. Values:
  • 0: Passive scanning
  • 1: Active scanning
  • In passive scanning mode the device only listens to advertising packets and will not transmit any packet
  • In active scanning mode the device will send out a scan request packet upon receiving advertising packet from a remote device and then it will listen to the scan response packet from remote device
Default value: 0


Byte Type Name Description
0 0x20 hilen Message type: Response
1 0x02 lolen Minimum payload length
2 0x03 class Message class:Generic Access Profile
3 0x17 method Message ID
4-5 uint16 result Result code
  • 0: success
  • Non-zero: an error occurred
For other values refer to the Error codes


/* Function */
struct gecko_msg_le_gap_set_discovery_type_rsp_t *gecko_cmd_le_gap_set_discovery_type(uint8 phys, uint8 scan_type);

/* Response id */

/* Response structure */
struct gecko_msg_le_gap_set_discovery_type_rsp_t
  uint16 result


Deprecated. Use le_gap_start_advertising command for enabling the advertising, and le_gap_stop_advertising command for disabling the advertising.

This command is only effective on the first advertising set (handle value 0). Other advertising sets are not affected.


Byte Type Name Description
0 0x20 hilen Message type: Command
1 0x02 lolen Minimum payload length
2 0x03 class Message class:Generic Access Profile
3 0x01 method Message ID
4 uint8 discover Discoverable mode
5 uint8 connect Connectable mode


Byte Type Name Description
0 0x20 hilen Message type: Response
1 0x02 lolen Minimum payload length
2 0x03 class Message class:Generic Access Profile
3 0x01 method Message ID
4-5 uint16 result Result code
  • 0: success
  • Non-zero: an error occurred
For other values refer to the Error codes


/* Function */
struct gecko_msg_le_gap_set_mode_rsp_t *gecko_cmd_le_gap_set_mode(uint8 discover, uint8 connect);

/* Response id */

/* Response structure */
struct gecko_msg_le_gap_set_mode_rsp_t
  uint16 result

Events generated

Event Description
le_gap_adv_timeout Triggered when the number of advertising events has been done and advertising is stopped.
le_connection_opened Triggered when a remote device opened a connection to this advertising device.


This command can be used to enable or disable privacy feature on all GAP roles. The new privacy mode will take effect for advertising on the next advertising enabling, for scanning on the next scan enabling, and for initiating on the next open connection command. When privacy is enabled and the device is advertising or scanning, the stack will maintain a periodic timer with the specified time interval as timeout value. At each timeout the stack will generate a new private resolvable address and use it in advertising data packets and scanning requests.

By default, privacy feature is disabled.


Byte Type Name Description
0 0x20 hilen Message type: Command
1 0x02 lolen Minimum payload length
2 0x03 class Message class:Generic Access Profile
3 0x0d method Message ID
4 uint8 privacy Values:
  • 0: Disable privacy
  • 1: Enable privacy
5 uint8 interval The minimum time interval between private address change. This parameter is ignored if this command is issued for disabling privacy mode. Values:
  • 0: Use default interval, 15 minutes
  • others: The time interval in minutes


Byte Type Name Description
0 0x20 hilen Message type: Response
1 0x02 lolen Minimum payload length
2 0x03 class Message class:Generic Access Profile
3 0x0d method Message ID
4-5 uint16 result Result code
  • 0: success
  • Non-zero: an error occurred
For other values refer to the Error codes


/* Function */
struct gecko_msg_le_gap_set_privacy_mode_rsp_t *gecko_cmd_le_gap_set_privacy_mode(uint8 privacy, uint8 interval);

/* Response id */

/* Response structure */
struct gecko_msg_le_gap_set_privacy_mode_rsp_t
  uint16 result


Deprecated. Replacements are le_gap_set_discovery_timing command for setting timing parameters, and le_gap_set_discovery_type command for the scan type.

The parameters set by this command is only effective on the LE 1M PHY. For LE Coded PHY, above replacement command must be used.


Byte Type Name Description
0 0x20 hilen Message type: Command
1 0x05 lolen Minimum payload length
2 0x03 class Message class:Generic Access Profile
3 0x06 method Message ID
4-5 uint16 scan_interval Scanner interval. This is defined as the time interval from when the device started its last scan until it begins the subsequent scan, that is how often to scan
  • Time = Value x 0.625 ms
  • Range: 0x0004 to 0x4000
  • Time Range: 2.5 ms to 10.24 s
Default value: 10 ms

There is a variable delay when switching channels at the end of each scanning interval which is included in the scanning interval time itself. During this switch time no advertising packets will be received by the device. The switch time variation is dependent on use case, for example in case of scanning while keeping active connections the channel switch time might be longer than when only scanning without any active connections. Increasing the scanning interval will reduce the amount of time in which the device cannot receive advertising packets as it will switch channels less often.

After every scan interval the scanner will change the frequency it operates at. It will cycle through all the three advertising channels in a round robin fashion. According to the specification all three channels must be used by a scanner.

6-7 uint16 scan_window Scan window. The duration of the scan. scan_window shall be less than or equal to scan_interval
  • Time = Value x 0.625 ms
  • Range: 0x0004 to 0x4000
  • Time Range: 2.5 ms to 10.24 s
Default value: 10 ms Note that packet reception is aborted if it has been started before scan window ends.
8 uint8 active Scan type indicated by a flag. Values:
  • 0: Passive scanning
  • 1: Active scanning
  • In passive scanning mode the device only listens to advertising packets and will not transmit any packet
  • In active scanning mode the device will send out a scan request packet upon receiving advertising packet from a remote device and then it will listen to the scan response packet from remote device
Default value: 0


Byte Type Name Description
0 0x20 hilen Message type: Response
1 0x02 lolen Minimum payload length
2 0x03 class Message class:Generic Access Profile
3 0x06 method Message ID
4-5 uint16 result Result code
  • 0: success
  • Non-zero: an error occurred
For other values refer to the Error codes


/* Function */
struct gecko_msg_le_gap_set_scan_parameters_rsp_t *gecko_cmd_le_gap_set_scan_parameters(uint16 scan_interval, uint16 scan_window, uint8 active);

/* Response id */

/* Response structure */
struct gecko_msg_le_gap_set_scan_parameters_rsp_t
  uint16 result


This command can be used to start the advertising of the given advertising set with specified discoverable and connectable modes.

The number of concurrent connectable advertisings is also limited by MAX_CONNECTIONS configuration. For example, only one connectable advertising can be enabled if the device has (MAX_CONNECTIONS - 1) connections when this command is called. The limitation does not apply to non-connectable advertising.

The default advertising configuration in the stack is set to using legacy advertising PDUs on LE 1M PHY. The stack will automatically select extended advertising PDUs if either of the followings has occurred under the default configuration:

  1. The connectable mode is set to le_gap_connectable_non_scannable.
  2. The primary advertising PHY has been set to LE Coded PHY by command le_gap_set_advertise_phy.

If currently set parameters can't be used then an error will be returned. Specifically, this command fails with "Connection Limit Exceeded" error if it may cause the number of connections exceeding the configured MAX_CONNECTIONS value. It fails with "Invalid Parameter" error if one of the following cases occur:

  1. Non-resolvable random address is used but the connectable mode is le_gap_connectable_scannable or le_gap_connectable_non_scannable.
  2. The connectable mode is le_gap_connectable_non_scannable, but using legacy advertising PDUs has been explicitly enabled with command le_gap_set_advertise_configuration.
  3. The primary advertising PHY is LE Coded PHY but using legacy advertising PDUs has been explicitly enabled with command le_gap_set_advertise_configuration.
  4. The connectable mode is le_gap_connectable_scannable but using extended advertising PDUs has been explicitly enabled or the primary advertising PHY has been set to LE Coded PHY.

If advertising will be enabled in user_data mode, le_gap_bt5_set_adv_data should be used to set advertising and scan response data before issuing this command. When the advertising is enabled in other modes than user_data, the advertising and scan response data is generated by the stack using the following procedure:

  1. Add a Flags field to advertising data.
  2. Add a TX power level field to advertising data if TX power service exists in the local GATT database.
  3. Add a Slave Connection Interval Range field to advertising data if the GAP peripheral preferred connection parameters characteristic exists in the local GATT database.
  4. Add a list of 16-bit Service UUIDs to advertising data if there are one or more 16-bit service UUIDs to advertise. The list is complete if all advertised 16-bit UUIDs are in advertising data; otherwise the list is incomplete.
  5. Add a list of 128-bit service UUIDs to advertising data if there are one or more 128-bit service UUIDs to advertise and there is still free space for this field. The list is complete if all advertised 128-bit UUIDs are in advertising data; otherwise the list is incomplete. Note that an advertising data packet can contain at most one 128-bit service UUID.
  6. Try to add the full local name to advertising data if device is not in privacy mode. In case the full local name does not fit into the remaining free space, the advertised name is a shortened version by cutting off the end if the free space has at least 6 bytes; Otherwise, the local name is added to scan response data.

Event le_connection_opened will be received when a remote device opens a connection to the advertiser on this advertising set.


Byte Type Name Description
0 0x20 hilen Message type: Command
1 0x03 lolen Minimum payload length
2 0x03 class Message class:Generic Access Profile
3 0x14 method Message ID
4 uint8 handle Advertising set handle
5 uint8 discover Discoverable mode
6 uint8 connect Connectable mode


Byte Type Name Description
0 0x20 hilen Message type: Response
1 0x02 lolen Minimum payload length
2 0x03 class Message class:Generic Access Profile
3 0x14 method Message ID
4-5 uint16 result Result code
  • 0: success
  • Non-zero: an error occurred
For other values refer to the Error codes


/* Function */
struct gecko_msg_le_gap_start_advertising_rsp_t *gecko_cmd_le_gap_start_advertising(uint8 handle, uint8 discover, uint8 connect);

/* Response id */

/* Response structure */
struct gecko_msg_le_gap_start_advertising_rsp_t
  uint16 result

Events generated

Event Description
le_gap_adv_timeout Triggered when the number of advertising events set by this command has been done and advertising is stopped on the given advertising set.
le_connection_opened Triggered when a remote device opened a connection to the advertiser on the specified advertising set.


This command can be used to start the GAP discovery procedure to scan for advertising devices on the specified scanning PHY, that is to perform a device discovery. To cancel an ongoing discovery process use the le_gap_end_procedure command.

"Invalid Parameter" error will be returned if the scanning PHY value is invalid or the device does not support the PHY.


Byte Type Name Description
0 0x20 hilen Message type: Command
1 0x02 lolen Minimum payload length
2 0x03 class Message class:Generic Access Profile
3 0x18 method Message ID
4 uint8 scanning_phy The scanning PHY. Value:
  • 1: LE 1M PHY
  • 4: LE Coded PHY
5 uint8 mode Bluetooth discovery Mode. For values see link


Byte Type Name Description
0 0x20 hilen Message type: Response
1 0x02 lolen Minimum payload length
2 0x03 class Message class:Generic Access Profile
3 0x18 method Message ID
4-5 uint16 result Result code
  • 0: success
  • Non-zero: an error occurred
For other values refer to the Error codes


/* Function */
struct gecko_msg_le_gap_start_discovery_rsp_t *gecko_cmd_le_gap_start_discovery(uint8 scanning_phy, uint8 mode);

/* Response id */

/* Response structure */
struct gecko_msg_le_gap_start_discovery_rsp_t
  uint16 result

Events generated

Event Description
le_gap_scan_response Every time an advertising packet is received, this event is triggered. The packets are not filtered in any way, so multiple events will be received for every advertising device in range.


This command can be used to stop the advertising of the given advertising set.


Byte Type Name Description
0 0x20 hilen Message type: Command
1 0x01 lolen Minimum payload length
2 0x03 class Message class:Generic Access Profile
3 0x15 method Message ID
4 uint8 handle Advertising set handle


Byte Type Name Description
0 0x20 hilen Message type: Response
1 0x02 lolen Minimum payload length
2 0x03 class Message class:Generic Access Profile
3 0x15 method Message ID
4-5 uint16 result Result code
  • 0: success
  • Non-zero: an error occurred
For other values refer to the Error codes


/* Function */
struct gecko_msg_le_gap_stop_advertising_rsp_t *gecko_cmd_le_gap_stop_advertising(uint8 handle);

/* Response id */

/* Response structure */
struct gecko_msg_le_gap_stop_advertising_rsp_t
  uint16 result

le_gap events


This event reports any advertising or scan response packet that is received by the device's radio while in scanning mode.

Note that this event will be replaced by le_gap_extended_scan_response if extended scan response event has been enabled. The extended scan response event can be enabled or disabled using command le_gap_set_discovery_extended_scan_response command.


Byte Type Name Description
0 0xa0 hilen Message type: Event
1 0x0b lolen Minimum payload length
2 0x03 class Message class:Generic Access Profile
3 0x00 method Message ID
4 int8 rssi Signal strength indicator (RSSI) in the latest received packet. Units: dBm
  • Range: -127 to +20
5 uint8 packet_type

Bits 0..2: advertising packet type

  • 000: Connectable scannable undirected advertising
  • 001: Connectable undirected advertising
  • 010: Scannable undirected advertising
  • 011: Non-connectable non-scannable undirected advertising
  • 100: Scan Response. Note: this is received only if the device is in active scan mode.

Bits 3..4: Reserved for future

Bits 5..6: data completeness

  • 00: Complete
  • 10: Incomplete, data truncated, no more to come

Bit 7: legacy or extended advertising

  • 0: Legacy advertising PDUs used
  • 1: Extended advertising PDUs used

6-11 bd_addr address Bluetooth address of the remote device
12 uint8 address_type Advertiser address type. Values:
  • 0: Public address
  • 1: Random address
  • 255: No address provided (anonymous advertising)
13 uint8 bonding Bonding handle if the remote advertising device has previously bonded with the local device. Values:
  • 0xff: No bonding
  • Other: Bonding handle
14 uint8array data Advertising or scan response data


/* event id*/

/* event structure*/
struct gecko_msg_le_gap_scan_response_evt_t
  int8 rssi,
  uint8 packet_type,
  bd_addr address,
  uint8 address_type,
  uint8 bonding,
  uint8array data


This event indicates that the advertiser has completed the configured number of advertising events in the advertising set and advertising is stopped. The maximum number of advertising events can be configured by the maxevents parameter in command le_gap_set_advertise_timing.


Byte Type Name Description
0 0xa0 hilen Message type: Event
1 0x01 lolen Minimum payload length
2 0x03 class Message class:Generic Access Profile
3 0x01 method Message ID
4 uint8 handle The advertising set handle


/* event id*/

/* event structure*/
struct gecko_msg_le_gap_adv_timeout_evt_t
  uint8 handle


This event reports any scan request received in advertising mode if scan request notification is enabled


Byte Type Name Description
0 0xa0 hilen Message type: Event
1 0x09 lolen Minimum payload length
2 0x03 class Message class:Generic Access Profile
3 0x02 method Message ID
4 uint8 handle The advertising set handle where scan request was received
5-10 bd_addr address Bluetooth address of the scanning device
11 uint8 address_type Scanner address type. Values:
  • 0: Public address
  • 1: Random address
12 uint8 bonding Bonding handle if the remote scanning device has previously bonded with the local device. Values:
  • 0xff: No bonding
  • Other: Bonding handle


/* event id*/

/* event structure*/
struct gecko_msg_le_gap_scan_request_evt_t
  uint8 handle,
  bd_addr address,
  uint8 address_type,
  uint8 bonding


This event reports an advertising or scan response packet that is received by the device's radio while in scanning mode.

By default this event is disabled and the stack will not generate it. The application needs to enable it using le_gap_set_discovery_extended_scan_response command. When this event is enabled it replaces le_gap_scan_response, that is, the stack will generate either this event or le_gap_scan_response, but not both at a time.


Byte Type Name Description
0 0xa0 hilen Message type: Event
1 0x12 lolen Minimum payload length
2 0x03 class Message class:Generic Access Profile
3 0x04 method Message ID
4 uint8 packet_type

Bits 0..2: advertising packet type

  • 000: Connectable scannable undirected advertising
  • 001: Connectable undirected advertising
  • 010: Scannable undirected advertising
  • 011: Non-connectable non-scannable undirected advertising
  • 100: Scan Response. Note: this is received only if the device is in active scan mode.

Bits 3..4: Reserved for future

Bits 5..6: data completeness

  • 00: Complete
  • 10: Incomplete, data truncated, no more to come

Bit 7: legacy or extended advertising

  • 0: Legacy advertising PDUs used
  • 1: Extended advertising PDUs used

5-10 bd_addr address Bluetooth address of the remote device
11 uint8 address_type Advertiser address type. Values:
  • 0: Public address
  • 1: Random address
  • 255: No address provided (anonymous advertising)
12 uint8 bonding Bonding handle if the remote advertising device has previously bonded with the local device. Values:
  • 0xff: No bonding
  • Other: Bonding handle
13 uint8 primary_phy The PHY on which advertising packets are transmitted on the primary advertising channel.


  • 1: LE 1M PHY
  • 4: LE Coded PHY

14 uint8 secondary_phy The PHY on which advertising packets are transmitted on the secondary advertising channel.


  • 1: Advertising PHY is LE 1M
  • 2: Advertising PHY is LE 2M
  • 4: Advertising PHY is LE Coded

15 uint8 adv_sid Advertising set identifier
16 int8 tx_power TX power value in the received packet header. Units: dBm
  • Valid value range: -127 to 126
  • Value 127: information unavailable
17 int8 rssi Signal strength indicator (RSSI) in the last received packet. Units: dBm
  • Range: -127 to +20
18 uint8 channel The channel number on which the last packet was received
19-20 uint16 periodic_interval The periodic advertising interval
21 uint8array data Advertising or scan response data


/* event id*/

/* event structure*/
struct gecko_msg_le_gap_extended_scan_response_evt_t
  uint8 packet_type,
  bd_addr address,
  uint8 address_type,
  uint8 bonding,
  uint8 primary_phy,
  uint8 secondary_phy,
  uint8 adv_sid,
  int8 tx_power,
  int8 rssi,
  uint8 channel,
  uint16 periodic_interval,
  uint8array data

le_gap enumerations


These values define the Bluetooth Address types used by the stack.


Value Name Description
0 le_gap_address_type_public Public address
1 le_gap_address_type_random Random address
2 le_gap_address_type_public_identity Public identity address resolved by stack
3 le_gap_address_type_random_identity Random identity address resolved by stack


Types of PHYs used within le_gap class.


Value Name Description
1 le_gap_phy_1m LE 1M PHY
2 le_gap_phy_2m LE 2M PHY
4 le_gap_phy_coded LE Coded PHY


These values define the available connectable modes.


Value Name Description
0 le_gap_non_connectable Non-connectable non-scannable.
1 le_gap_directed_connectable Directed connectable (RESERVED, DO NOT USE)
2 le_gap_undirected_connectable

Undirected connectable scannable.

Deprecated, replaced by enum le_gap_connectable_scannable.

This mode can only be used in legacy advertising PDUs.
2 le_gap_connectable_scannable Undirected connectable scannable. This mode can only be used in legacy advertising PDUs.
3 le_gap_scannable_non_connectable Undirected scannable (Non-connectable but responds to scan requests)
4 le_gap_connectable_non_scannable Undirected connectable non-scannable. This mode can only be used in extended advertising PDUs.


These values define the available Discoverable Modes, which dictate how the device is visible to other devices.


Value Name Description
0 le_gap_non_discoverable Not discoverable
1 le_gap_limited_discoverable Discoverable using both limited and general discovery procedures
2 le_gap_general_discoverable Discoverable using general discovery procedure
3 le_gap_broadcast Device is not discoverable in either limited or generic discovery procedure, but may be discovered by using the Observation procedure
4 le_gap_user_data Send advertising and/or scan response data defined by the user using le_gap_bt5_set_adv_data. The limited/general discoverable flags are defined by the user.


These values indicate which Bluetooth discovery mode to use when scanning for advertising devices.


Value Name Description
0 le_gap_discover_limited Discover only limited discoverable devices
1 le_gap_discover_generic Discover limited and generic discoverable devices
2 le_gap_discover_observation Discover all devices


Address type to use for advertising


Value Name Description
0 le_gap_identity_address Use public or static device address, or identity address if privacy mode is enabled
1 le_gap_non_resolvable Use non resolvable address type, advertising mode must also be non-connectable