
BGAPI Payload#

The parameters of a BGAPI command, response, or event are passed between the application and firmware in a payload. For example, a parameter of uint32 type uses 4 bytes of the payload space. A byte array parameter uses one byte to describe the length of the array. Data in the array is copied into the remaining free payload space.

Maximum BGAPI Payload Size#

The maximum BGAPI payload size is 256 bytes for both NCP and SoC modes. When an application calls a BGAPI command, BGAPI checks the payload length and returns an error code 0x018a (command_too_long) if the payload causes an overflow.

Deprecation Notice#

Note that some commands, enumerations, and events are marked as deprecated. Avoid using those commands because they will be removed in future releases.

Sensitive Data Handling#

Certain commands in the Mesh classes read or write security-critical material. In Secure NCP applications, the BGAPI communication between the host and the target must be encrypted. Otherwise, the commands will return the error code 0x0a0e mismatched_or_insufficient_security. This feature does not affect SoC or non-secure NCP applications.