Persistent Store (flash)

Persistent Store (PS) commands manage user data in PS keys in the flash memory of the Bluetooth device. User data stored within the flash memory is persistent across reset and power cycling of the device. The persistent store size is 2048 bytes. Because Bluetooth bondings are also stored in this area, the space available for user data additionally depends on the number of bondings the device has at the time. The size of a Bluetooth bonding is around 150 bytes.

The maximum user data size associated to a PS key is 56 bytes.

flash commands


Delete a single PS key and its value from the persistent store.


/* Function */
struct gecko_msg_flash_ps_erase_rsp_t *gecko_cmd_flash_ps_erase(uint16 key);

/* Response id */

/* Response structure */
struct gecko_msg_flash_ps_erase_rsp_t
  uint16 result;

Command Parameters (for BGAPI headers refer to link)

Type Name Description
uint16 key PS key to delete

Response Parameters (for BGAPI headers refer to link)

Type Name Description
uint16 result Result code
  • 0: success
  • Non-zero: an error has occurred
For other values see Error codes


Delete all PS keys and their corresponding values.


/* Function */
struct gecko_msg_flash_ps_erase_all_rsp_t *gecko_cmd_flash_ps_erase_all();

/* Response id */

/* Response structure */
struct gecko_msg_flash_ps_erase_all_rsp_t
  uint16 result;

Command does not have parameters (for BGAPI headers refer to link)

Response Parameters (for BGAPI headers refer to link)

Type Name Description
uint16 result Result code
  • 0: success
  • Non-zero: an error has occurred
For other values see Error codes


Retrieve the value of the specified PS key.


/* Function */
struct gecko_msg_flash_ps_load_rsp_t *gecko_cmd_flash_ps_load(uint16 key);

/* Response id */

/* Response structure */
struct gecko_msg_flash_ps_load_rsp_t
  uint16 result;
  uint8array value;

Command Parameters (for BGAPI headers refer to link)

Type Name Description
uint16 key PS key of the value to be retrieved

Response Parameters (for BGAPI headers refer to link)

Type Name Description
uint16 result Result code
  • 0: success
  • Non-zero: an error has occurred
For other values see Error codes
uint8array value The returned value of the specified PS key


Store a value into the specified PS key. Allowed PS keys are in range from 0x4000 to 0x407F. At most, 56 bytes user data can be stored in one PS key. Error code 0x018a (command_too_long) is returned if the value data is more than 56 bytes.


/* Function */
struct gecko_msg_flash_ps_save_rsp_t *gecko_cmd_flash_ps_save(uint16 key, uint8 value_len, const uint8 *value_data);

/* Response id */

/* Response structure */
struct gecko_msg_flash_ps_save_rsp_t
  uint16 result;

Command Parameters (for BGAPI headers refer to link)

Type Name Description
uint16 key PS key
uint8 value_len Array length.
uint8array value_data Value to store into the specified PS key

Response Parameters (for BGAPI headers refer to link)

Type Name Description
uint16 result Result code
  • 0: success
  • Non-zero: an error has occurred
For other values see Error codes

flash defines


Define keys


Value Name Description
44 flash_ps_key_local_bd_addr If defined override address stored during firmware update
49 flash_ps_key_tx_power Maximum allowed transmitting power
50 flash_ps_key_ctune Crystal tuning value override
51 flash_ps_key_application_gsn Application Global State Number value
53 flash_ps_key_ota_flags OTA configuration flags
54 flash_ps_key_ota_device_name Device name to be used for OTA
55 flash_ps_key_device_irk Identity Resolving Key
56 flash_ps_key_bonding_priority_list Bonding priority list
57 flash_ps_key_ota_advertisement_packet OTA advertising packet
58 flash_ps_key_ota_scan_response_packet OTA scan response packet
59 flash_ps_key_application_ai Application Advertising Identifier value
60 flash_ps_key_identity_addr_type Identity address type. 0: public (default), 1: static
61 flash_ps_key_gatt_db_hash GATT DB hash
62 flash_ps_key_ota_rf_path RF Path used in OTA
16383 flash_ps_key_bonding_db_config Bonding database configuration