// Bluetooth LE//Version 5.0 //General //Connections //Understanding the Bluetooth Connection Process ... Bluetooth ensures reliable data transfers for connected devices.
Bluetooth SDK v2.4 introduced a new bond replacement algorithm, which makes bonding process smarter. ... 2: new bonding will overwrite the existing bonding, which has not been in use the ...
// Bluetooth Mesh//Version 7.0.2 //Developer's Guide ... be programmed with an appropriate Gecko Bootloader configuration and additionally with any Bluetooth application that supports OTA.
// Bluetooth LE//Version 3.1 //General //Advertising and Scanning //Bluetooth Advertising Data Basics ... Bluetooth Core Specification - This is the golden reference, but not that easy to ...
// Bluetooth LE//Version 5.0 //General //General Security You are viewing documentation for version: ... use case has a different sequence of events and commands which has to be followed.
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