
Reports any scan request received in advertising mode if the scan request notification is enabled.

Data Structures

struct  sl_bt_evt_advertiser_scan_request_s
 Data structure of the scan_request event.


#define sl_bt_evt_advertiser_scan_request_id   0x020400a0
 Identifier of the scan_request event.

Detailed Description

Reports any scan request received in advertising mode if the scan request notification is enabled.

Do not confuse this event with the scan response.

Data Structure Documentation

◆ sl_bt_evt_advertiser_scan_request_s

struct sl_bt_evt_advertiser_scan_request_s

Data structure of the scan_request event.

Data Fields
uint8_t handle

Advertising set handle where scan request was received

bd_addr address

Bluetooth address of the scanning device

uint8_t address_type

Scanner address type. Values:

  • 0: Public address
  • 1: Random address
uint8_t bonding

Bonding handle if the remote scanning device has previously bonded with the local device. Values:

  • SL_BT_INVALID_BONDING_HANDLE (0xff): No bonding
  • Other: Bonding handle