
Copyright 2018 Silicon Laboratories Inc.

SPDX-License-Identifier: Zlib

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#include "mailbox/mailbox-protocol.h"
#include "mailbox/mailbox-types.h"

EmberAfMailboxStatus emberAfPluginMailboxServerAddMessage(EmberNodeId destination,
                                                          uint8_t *message,
                                                          EmberMessageLength messageLength,
                                                          uint8_t tag,
                                                          bool useSecurity);
// ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
// Callbacks

void emberAfPluginMailboxServerMessageDeliveredCallback(EmberAfMailboxStatus status,
                                                        EmberNodeId messageDestination,
                                                        uint8_t tag);



emberAfPluginMailboxServerMessageDeliveredCallback(EmberAfMailboxStatus status, EmberNodeId messageDestination, uint8_t tag)

Mailbox Server Message Delivered Callback.


emberAfPluginMailboxServerAddMessage(EmberNodeId destination, uint8_t *message, EmberMessageLength messageLength, uint8_t tag, bool useSecurity)

Add a message to the mailbox server queue. The message is stored in the internal queue until the destination node queries the mailbox server node for messages or upon timeout.

Callbacks Documentation#


void emberAfPluginMailboxServerMessageDeliveredCallback (EmberAfMailboxStatus status, EmberNodeId messageDestination, uint8_t tag)

Mailbox Server Message Delivered Callback.


An EmberAfMailboxStatus value of:


The node ID of the destination.


The tag value passed in the emberAfPluginMailboxServerAddMessage() API.

This callback is invoked at the server when a message submitted locally by the server was successfully delivered or when it timed-out.

See Also

Definition at line 110 of file /mnt/raid/workspaces/ws.tfWcRzYcf/overlay/gsdk/protocol/flex/mailbox/mailbox-server/mailbox-server.h

Function Documentation#


EmberAfMailboxStatus emberAfPluginMailboxServerAddMessage (EmberNodeId destination, uint8_t * message, EmberMessageLength messageLength, uint8_t tag, bool useSecurity)

Add a message to the mailbox server queue. The message is stored in the internal queue until the destination node queries the mailbox server node for messages or upon timeout.


The node ID of the destination for this data message.


A pointer to the message to be enqueued.


The length in bytes of the message to be enqueued.


A tag value which will be returned in the corresponding emberAfPluginMailboxServerMessageDeliveredCallback() callback. The application can use to match the callbacks with the call.


Set it true if the data message should be sent to the server using security.


See Also

Definition at line 79 of file /mnt/raid/workspaces/ws.tfWcRzYcf/overlay/gsdk/protocol/flex/mailbox/mailbox-server/mailbox-server.h