Application bootloader See Application for detailed documentation.


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#ifndef __APP_BOOTLOADER_H__
#define __APP_BOOTLOADER_H__

void bootloaderInit();
void bootloaderInitCustom();

void bootloaderAction(bool runRecovery);

BL_Status recoveryMode(void);

BL_Status processImage(bool install);

#endif //__APP_BOOTLOADER_H__

Required Custom Functions#


Drives the app bootloader. If the ::runRecovery parameter is ::true, the recovery mode should be activated, otherwise it should attempt to install an image. This function should not return. It should always exit by resetting the the bootloader.


Drives the app bootloader. If the ::runRecovery parameter is ::true, the recovery mode should be activated, otherwise it should attempt to install an image. This function should not return. It should always exit by resetting the the bootloader.

bootloaderAction(bool runRecovery)

Drives the app bootloader. If the ::runRecovery parameter is ::true, the recovery mode should be activated, otherwise it should attempt to install an image. This function should not return. It should always exit by resetting the the bootloader.

Available Bootloader Library Functions#

Functions implemented by the bootloader library that may be used by custom functions.

Activates recoveryMode to receive a new image over xmodem.

processImage(bool install)

Processes an image in the external eeprom.

Required Custom Functions Documentation#


void bootloaderInit ( runRecovery)

Drives the app bootloader. If the ::runRecovery parameter is ::true, the recovery mode should be activated, otherwise it should attempt to install an image. This function should not return. It should always exit by resetting the the bootloader.


If ::true, recover mode is activated. Otherwise, normal image installation is activated.

Definition at line 33 of file /Users/vihuszar/Git/EmbeddedSoftware/super/platform/base/hal/micro/cortexm3/common/app-bootloader.h


void bootloaderInitCustom ( runRecovery)

Drives the app bootloader. If the ::runRecovery parameter is ::true, the recovery mode should be activated, otherwise it should attempt to install an image. This function should not return. It should always exit by resetting the the bootloader.


If ::true, recover mode is activated. Otherwise, normal image installation is activated.

Definition at line 34 of file /Users/vihuszar/Git/EmbeddedSoftware/super/platform/base/hal/micro/cortexm3/common/app-bootloader.h


void bootloaderAction (bool runRecovery)

Drives the app bootloader. If the ::runRecovery parameter is ::true, the recovery mode should be activated, otherwise it should attempt to install an image. This function should not return. It should always exit by resetting the the bootloader.


If ::true, recover mode is activated. Otherwise, normal image installation is activated.

Definition at line 44 of file /Users/vihuszar/Git/EmbeddedSoftware/super/platform/base/hal/micro/cortexm3/common/app-bootloader.h

Available Bootloader Library Functions Documentation#


BL_Status recoveryMode (void )

Activates recoveryMode to receive a new image over xmodem.



  • BL_SUCCESS if an image was successfully received.

Definition at line 59 of file /Users/vihuszar/Git/EmbeddedSoftware/super/platform/base/hal/micro/cortexm3/common/app-bootloader.h


BL_Status processImage (bool install)

Processes an image in the external eeprom.


If ::false, it will simply validate the image without touching main flash. If ::true, the image will be programmed to main flash.


  • BL_SUCCESS if an image was successfully installed/validated

Definition at line 66 of file /Users/vihuszar/Git/EmbeddedSoftware/super/platform/base/hal/micro/cortexm3/common/app-bootloader.h