See Crash and Watchdog Diagnostics for detailed documentation.


Copyright 2018 Silicon Laboratories Inc.

The licensor of this software is Silicon Laboratories Inc. Your use of this software is governed by the terms of Silicon Labs Master Software License Agreement (MSLA) available at This software is distributed to you in Source Code format and is governed by the sections of the MSLA applicable to Source Code.

#ifndef __EM3XX_DIAGNOSTIC_H__
#define __EM3XX_DIAGNOSTIC_H__


// Define the reset reasons that should print out detailed crash data.
                                 | (1 << RESET_WATCHDOG) \
                                 | (1 << RESET_CRASH)    \
                                 | (1 << RESET_FLASH)    \
                                 | (1 << RESET_FAULT)    \
                                 | (1 << RESET_FATAL))

typedef struct {
  // first two fields must be the same as HalCrashInfoType
  uint16_t resetReason;       // reason written out just before forcing a reset
  uint16_t resetSignature;
  uint16_t panId;         // PanId that the bootloader will use
  uint8_t radioChannel;   // emberGetRadioChannel() - 11
  uint8_t radioPower;     // emberGetRadioPower()
  uint8_t radioLnaCal;    // Low Noise Amplifier calibration
  uint8_t reserved[22];  // (reserved for future use)
} HalBootParamType;

typedef struct {
  PGM_P file;
  uint32_t line;
} HalAssertInfoType;

// note that assertInfo and dmaProt are written just before a forced reboot
typedef union {
  HalAssertInfoType assertInfo;
  struct { uint32_t channel; uint32_t address; } dmaProt;
} HalCrashSpecificDataType;

// Define crash registers as structs so a debugger can display their bit fields
typedef union {
  struct {
    uint32_t EXCPT          : 9;  // B0-8
    uint32_t ICIIT_LOW      : 7;  // B9-15
    uint32_t                : 8;  // B16-23
    uint32_t T              : 1;  // B24
    uint32_t ICIIT_HIGH     : 2;  // B25-26
    uint32_t Q              : 1;  // B27
    uint32_t V              : 1;  // B28
    uint32_t C              : 1;  // B29
    uint32_t Z              : 1;  // B30
    uint32_t N              : 1;  // B31
  } bits;

  uint32_t word;
} HalCrashxPsrType;

typedef union {
  struct {
    uint32_t VECTACTIVE     : 9;  // B0-8
    uint32_t                : 2;  // B9-10
    uint32_t RETTOBASE      : 1;  // B11
    uint32_t VECTPENDING    : 9;  // B12-20
    uint32_t                : 1;  // B21
    uint32_t ISRPENDING     : 1;  // B22
    uint32_t ISRPREEMPT     : 1;  // B23
    uint32_t                : 1;  // B24
    uint32_t PENDSTCLR      : 1;  // B25
    uint32_t PENDSTSET      : 1;  // B26
    uint32_t PENDSVCLR      : 1;  // B27
    uint32_t PENDSVSET      : 1;  // B28
    uint32_t                : 2;  // B29-30
    uint32_t NMIPENDSET     : 1;  // B31
  } bits;

  uint32_t word;
} HalCrashIcsrType;

typedef union {
  struct {
#if defined (_SILICON_LABS_32B_SERIES_1_CONFIG_1)
    uint32_t EMU_IRQn         : 1;  // B0
    uint32_t FRC_PRI_IRQn     : 1;  // B1
    uint32_t WDOG0_IRQn       : 1;  // B2
    uint32_t FRC_IRQn         : 1;  // B3
    uint32_t MODEM_IRQn       : 1;  // B4
    uint32_t RAC_SEQ_IRQn     : 1;  // B5
    uint32_t RAC_RSM_IRQn     : 1;  // B6
    uint32_t BUFC_IRQn        : 1;  // B7
    uint32_t LDMA_IRQn        : 1;  // B8
    uint32_t GPIO_EVEN_IRQn   : 1;  // B9
    uint32_t TIMER0_IRQn      : 1;  // B10
    uint32_t USART0_RX_IRQn   : 1;  // B11
    uint32_t USART0_TX_IRQn   : 1;  // B12
    uint32_t ACMP0_IRQn       : 1;  // B13
    uint32_t ADC0_IRQn        : 1;  // B14
    uint32_t IDAC0_IRQn       : 1;  // B15
    uint32_t I2C0_IRQn        : 1;  // B16
    uint32_t GPIO_ODD_IRQn    : 1;  // B17
    uint32_t TIMER1_IRQn      : 1;  // B18
    uint32_t USART1_RX_IRQn   : 1;  // B19
    uint32_t USART1_TX_IRQn   : 1;  // B20
    uint32_t LEUART0_IRQn     : 1;  // B21
    uint32_t PCNT0_IRQn       : 1;  // B22
    uint32_t CMU_IRQn         : 1;  // B23
    uint32_t MSC_IRQn         : 1;  // B24
    uint32_t CRYPTO_IRQn      : 1;  // B25
    uint32_t LETIMER0_IRQn    : 1;  // B26
    uint32_t AGC_IRQn         : 1;  // B27
    uint32_t PROTIMER_IRQn    : 1;  // B28
    uint32_t RTCC_IRQn        : 1;  // B29
    uint32_t SYNTH_IRQn       : 1;  // B30
    uint32_t CRYOTIMER_IRQn   : 1;  // B31
    uint32_t RFSENSE_IRQn     : 1;  // B32
    uint32_t FPUEH_IRQn       : 1;  // B33
    uint32_t                : 30; // B34-63
  } bits;
  uint32_t word[2];
#elif defined (_SILICON_LABS_32B_SERIES_1_CONFIG_2)
    uint32_t EMU_IRQn         : 1;  // B0
    uint32_t FRC_PRI_IRQn     : 1;  // B1
    uint32_t WDOG0_IRQn       : 1;  // B2
    uint32_t WDOG1_IRQn       : 1;  // B3
    uint32_t FRC_IRQn         : 1;  // B4
    uint32_t MODEM_IRQn       : 1;  // B5
    uint32_t RAC_SEQ_IRQn     : 1;  // B6
    uint32_t RAC_RSM_IRQn     : 1;  // B7
    uint32_t BUFC_IRQn        : 1;  // B8
    uint32_t LDMA_IRQn        : 1;  // B9
    uint32_t GPIO_EVEN_IRQn   : 1;  // B10
    uint32_t TIMER0_IRQn      : 1;  // B11
    uint32_t USART0_RX_IRQn   : 1;  // B12
    uint32_t USART0_TX_IRQn   : 1;  // B13
    uint32_t ACMP0_IRQn       : 1;  // B14
    uint32_t ADC0_IRQn        : 1;  // B15
    uint32_t IDAC0_IRQn       : 1;  // B16
    uint32_t I2C0_IRQn        : 1;  // B17
    uint32_t GPIO_ODD_IRQn    : 1;  // B18
    uint32_t TIMER1_IRQn      : 1;  // B19
    uint32_t USART1_RX_IRQn   : 1;  // B20
    uint32_t USART1_TX_IRQn   : 1;  // B21
    uint32_t LEUART0_IRQn     : 1;  // B22
    uint32_t PCNT0_IRQn       : 1;  // B23
    uint32_t CMU_IRQn         : 1;  // B24
    uint32_t MSC_IRQn         : 1;  // B25
    uint32_t CRYPTO0_IRQn     : 1;  // B26
    uint32_t LETIMER0_IRQn    : 1;  // B27
    uint32_t AGC_IRQn         : 1;  // B28
    uint32_t PROTIMER_IRQn    : 1;  // B29
    uint32_t RTCC_IRQn        : 1;  // B30
    uint32_t SYNTH_IRQn       : 1;  // B31
    uint32_t CRYOTIMER_IRQn   : 1;  // B32
    uint32_t RFSENSE_IRQn     : 1;  // B33
    uint32_t FPUEH_IRQn       : 1;  // B34
    uint32_t SMU_IRQn         : 1;  // B35
    uint32_t WTIMER0_IRQn     : 1;  // B36
    uint32_t WTIMER1_IRQn     : 1;  // B37
    uint32_t PCNT1_IRQn       : 1;  // B38
    uint32_t PCNT2_IRQn       : 1;  // B39
    uint32_t USART2_RX_IRQn   : 1;  // B40
    uint32_t USART2_TX_IRQn   : 1;  // B41
    uint32_t I2C1_IRQn        : 1;  // B42
    uint32_t USART3_RX_IRQn   : 1;  // B43
    uint32_t USART3_TX_IRQn   : 1;  // B44
    uint32_t VDAC0_IRQn       : 1;  // B45
    uint32_t CSEN_IRQn        : 1;  // B46
    uint32_t LESENSE_IRQn     : 1;  // B47
    uint32_t CRYPTO1_IRQn     : 1;  // B48
    uint32_t TRNG0_IRQn       : 1;  // B49
    uint32_t                : 14; // B50-63
  } bits;
  uint32_t word[2];
#elif defined (_SILICON_LABS_32B_SERIES_1_CONFIG_3)
    uint32_t EMU_IRQn         : 1;  // B0
    uint32_t FRC_PRI_IRQn     : 1;  // B1
    uint32_t WDOG0_IRQn       : 1;  // B2
    uint32_t WDOG1_IRQn       : 1;  // B3
    uint32_t FRC_IRQn         : 1;  // B4
    uint32_t MODEM_IRQn       : 1;  // B5
    uint32_t RAC_SEQ_IRQn     : 1;  // B6
    uint32_t RAC_RSM_IRQn     : 1;  // B7
    uint32_t BUFC_IRQn        : 1;  // B8
    uint32_t LDMA_IRQn        : 1;  // B9
    uint32_t GPIO_EVEN_IRQn   : 1;  // B10
    uint32_t TIMER0_IRQn      : 1;  // B11
    uint32_t USART0_RX_IRQn   : 1;  // B12
    uint32_t USART0_TX_IRQn   : 1;  // B13
    uint32_t ACMP0_IRQn       : 1;  // B14
    uint32_t ADC0_IRQn        : 1;  // B15
    uint32_t IDAC0_IRQn       : 1;  // B16
    uint32_t I2C0_IRQn        : 1;  // B17
    uint32_t GPIO_ODD_IRQn    : 1;  // B18
    uint32_t TIMER1_IRQn      : 1;  // B19
    uint32_t USART1_RX_IRQn   : 1;  // B20
    uint32_t USART1_TX_IRQn   : 1;  // B21
    uint32_t LEUART0_IRQn     : 1;  // B22
    uint32_t PCNT0_IRQn       : 1;  // B23
    uint32_t CMU_IRQn         : 1;  // B24
    uint32_t MSC_IRQn         : 1;  // B25
    uint32_t CRYPTO0_IRQn     : 1;  // B26
    uint32_t LETIMER0_IRQn    : 1;  // B27
    uint32_t AGC_IRQn         : 1;  // B28
    uint32_t PROTIMER_IRQn    : 1;  // B29
    uint32_t PRORTC_IRQn      : 1;  // B30
    uint32_t RTCC_IRQn        : 1;  // B31
    uint32_t SYNTH_IRQn       : 1;  // B32
    uint32_t CRYOTIMER_IRQn   : 1;  // B33
    uint32_t RFSENSE_IRQn     : 1;  // B34
    uint32_t FPUEH_IRQn       : 1;  // B35
    uint32_t SMU_IRQn         : 1;  // B36
    uint32_t WTIMER0_IRQn     : 1;  // B37
    uint32_t USART2_RX_IRQn   : 1;  // B38
    uint32_t USART2_TX_IRQn   : 1;  // B39
    uint32_t I2C1_IRQn        : 1;  // B40
    uint32_t VDAC0_IRQn       : 1;  // B41
    uint32_t CSEN_IRQn        : 1;  // B42
    uint32_t LESENSE_IRQn     : 1;  // B43
    uint32_t CRYPTO1_IRQn     : 1;  // B44
    uint32_t TRNG0_IRQn       : 1;  // B45
    uint32_t                : 18; // B46-63
  } bits;
  uint32_t word[2];
#elif defined (_SILICON_LABS_32B_SERIES_1_CONFIG_4)
    uint32_t EMU_IRQn         : 1;  // B0
    uint32_t FRC_PRI_IRQn     : 1;  // B1
    uint32_t WDOG0_IRQn       : 1;  // B2
    uint32_t WDOG1_IRQn       : 1;  // B3
    uint32_t FRC_IRQn         : 1;  // B4
    uint32_t MODEM_IRQn       : 1;  // B5
    uint32_t RAC_SEQ_IRQn     : 1;  // B6
    uint32_t RAC_RSM_IRQn     : 1;  // B7
    uint32_t BUFC_IRQn        : 1;  // B8
    uint32_t LDMA_IRQn        : 1;  // B9
    uint32_t GPIO_EVEN_IRQn   : 1;  // B10
    uint32_t TIMER0_IRQn      : 1;  // B11
    uint32_t USART0_RX_IRQn   : 1;  // B12
    uint32_t USART0_TX_IRQn   : 1;  // B13
    uint32_t ACMP0_IRQn       : 1;  // B14
    uint32_t ADC0_IRQn        : 1;  // B15
    uint32_t IDAC0_IRQn       : 1;  // B16
    uint32_t I2C0_IRQn        : 1;  // B17
    uint32_t GPIO_ODD_IRQn    : 1;  // B18
    uint32_t TIMER1_IRQn      : 1;  // B19
    uint32_t USART1_RX_IRQn   : 1;  // B20
    uint32_t USART1_TX_IRQn   : 1;  // B21
    uint32_t LEUART0_IRQn     : 1;  // B22
    uint32_t PCNT0_IRQn       : 1;  // B23
    uint32_t CMU_IRQn         : 1;  // B24
    uint32_t MSC_IRQn         : 1;  // B25
    uint32_t CRYPTO0_IRQn     : 1;  // B26
    uint32_t LETIMER0_IRQn    : 1;  // B27
    uint32_t AGC_IRQn         : 1;  // B28
    uint32_t PROTIMER_IRQn    : 1;  // B29
    uint32_t PRORTC_IRQn      : 1;  // B30
    uint32_t RTCC_IRQn        : 1;  // B31
    uint32_t SYNTH_IRQn       : 1;  // B32
    uint32_t CRYOTIMER_IRQn   : 1;  // B33
    uint32_t RFSENSE_IRQn     : 1;  // B34
    uint32_t FPUEH_IRQn       : 1;  // B35
    uint32_t SMU_IRQn         : 1;  // B36
    uint32_t WTIMER0_IRQn     : 1;  // B37
    uint32_t VDAC0_IRQn       : 1;  // B38
    uint32_t LESENSE_IRQn     : 1;  // B39
    uint32_t TRNG0_IRQn       : 1;  // B40
    uint32_t SYSCFG_IRQn      : 1;  // B41
    uint32_t                : 22; // B42-63
  } bits;
  uint32_t word[2];
#elif defined (_SILICON_LABS_32B_SERIES_2_CONFIG_1)
    uint32_t SETAMPERHOST_IRQn     : 1;  // B0
    uint32_t SEMBRX_IRQn           : 1;  // B1
    uint32_t SEMBTX_IRQn           : 1;  // B2
    uint32_t SMU_SECURE_IRQn       : 1;  // B3
    uint32_t SMU_PRIVILEGED_IRQn   : 1;  // B4
    uint32_t EMU_IRQn              : 1;  // B5
    uint32_t TIMER0_IRQn           : 1;  // B6
    uint32_t TIMER1_IRQn           : 1;  // B7
    uint32_t TIMER2_IRQn           : 1;  // B8
    uint32_t TIMER3_IRQn           : 1;  // B9
    uint32_t RTCC_IRQn             : 1;  // B10
    uint32_t USART0_RX_IRQn        : 1;  // B11
    uint32_t USART0_TX_IRQn        : 1;  // B12
    uint32_t USART1_RX_IRQn        : 1;  // B13
    uint32_t USART1_TX_IRQn        : 1;  // B14
    uint32_t USART2_RX_IRQn        : 1;  // B15
    uint32_t USART2_TX_IRQn        : 1;  // B16
    uint32_t ICACHE0_IRQn          : 1;  // B17
    uint32_t BURTC_IRQn            : 1;  // B18
    uint32_t LETIMER0_IRQn         : 1;  // B19
    uint32_t SYSCFG_IRQn           : 1;  // B20
    uint32_t LDMA_IRQn             : 1;  // B21
    uint32_t LFXO_IRQn             : 1;  // B22
    uint32_t LFRCO_IRQn            : 1;  // B23
    uint32_t ULFRCO_IRQn           : 1;  // B24
    uint32_t GPIO_ODD_IRQn         : 1;  // B25
    uint32_t GPIO_EVEN_IRQn        : 1;  // B26
    uint32_t I2C0_IRQn             : 1;  // B27
    uint32_t I2C1_IRQn             : 1;  // B28
    uint32_t EMUDG_IRQn            : 1;  // B29
    uint32_t EMUSE_IRQn            : 1;  // B30
    uint32_t AGC_IRQn              : 1;  // B31
    uint32_t BUFC_IRQn             : 1;  // B32
    uint32_t FRC_PRI_IRQn          : 1;  // B33
    uint32_t FRC_IRQn              : 1;  // B34
    uint32_t MODEM_IRQn            : 1;  // B35
    uint32_t PROTIMER_IRQn         : 1;  // B36
    uint32_t RAC_RSM_IRQn          : 1;  // B37
    uint32_t RAC_SEQ_IRQn          : 1;  // B38
    uint32_t PRORTC_IRQn           : 1;  // B39
    uint32_t SYNTH_IRQn            : 1;  // B40
    uint32_t ACMP0_IRQn            : 1;  // B41
    uint32_t ACMP1_IRQn            : 1;  // B42
    uint32_t WDOG0_IRQn            : 1;  // B43
    uint32_t WDOG1_IRQn            : 1;  // B44
    uint32_t HFXO00_IRQn           : 1;  // B45
    uint32_t HFRCO0_IRQn           : 1;  // B46
    uint32_t HFRCOEM23_IRQn        : 1;  // B47
    uint32_t CMU_IRQn              : 1;  // B48
    uint32_t AES_IRQn              : 1;  // B49
    uint32_t IADC_IRQn             : 1;  // B50
    uint32_t MSC_IRQn              : 1;  // B51
    uint32_t DPLL0_IRQn            : 1;  // B52
    uint32_t SW0_IRQn              : 1;  // B53
    uint32_t SW1_IRQn              : 1;  // B54
    uint32_t SW2_IRQn              : 1;  // B55
    uint32_t SW3_IRQn              : 1;  // B56
    uint32_t KERNEL0_IRQn          : 1;  // B57
    uint32_t KERNEL1_IRQn          : 1;  // B58
    uint32_t M33CTI0_IRQn          : 1;  // B59
    uint32_t M33CTI1_IRQn          : 1;  // B60
    uint32_t                       : 3;  // B61-63
  } bits;
  uint32_t word[2];
#elif defined (_SILICON_LABS_32B_SERIES_2_CONFIG_2)
    uint32_t CRYPTOACC_IRQn         : 1;  // B0
    uint32_t TRNG_IRQn              : 1;  // B1
    uint32_t PKE_IRQn               : 1;  // B2
    uint32_t SMU_SECURE_IRQn        : 1;  // B3
    uint32_t SMU_PRIVILEGED_IRQn    : 1;  // B4
    uint32_t SMU_NS_PRIVILEGED_IRQn : 1;  // B5
    uint32_t EMU_IRQn               : 1;  // B6
    uint32_t TIMER0_IRQn            : 1;  // B7
    uint32_t TIMER1_IRQn            : 1;  // B8
    uint32_t TIMER2_IRQn            : 1;  // B9
    uint32_t TIMER3_IRQn            : 1;  // B10
    uint32_t TIMER4_IRQn            : 1;  // B11
    uint32_t RTCC_IRQn              : 1;  // B12
    uint32_t USART0_RX_IRQn         : 1;  // B13
    uint32_t USART0_TX_IRQn         : 1;  // B14
    uint32_t USART1_RX_IRQn         : 1;  // B15
    uint32_t USART1_TX_IRQn         : 1;  // B16
    uint32_t ICACHE0_IRQn           : 1;  // B17
    uint32_t BURTC_IRQn             : 1;  // B18
    uint32_t LETIMER0_IRQn          : 1;  // B19
    uint32_t SYSCFG_IRQn            : 1;  // B20
    uint32_t LDMA_IRQn              : 1;  // B21
    uint32_t LFXO_IRQn              : 1;  // B22
    uint32_t LFRCO_IRQn             : 1;  // B23
    uint32_t ULFRCO_IRQn            : 1;  // B24
    uint32_t GPIO_ODD_IRQn          : 1;  // B25
    uint32_t GPIO_EVEN_IRQn         : 1;  // B26
    uint32_t I2C0_IRQn              : 1;  // B27
    uint32_t I2C1_IRQn              : 1;  // B28
    uint32_t EMUDG_IRQn             : 1;  // B29
    uint32_t EMUSE_IRQn             : 1;  // B30
    uint32_t AGC_IRQn               : 1;  // B31
    uint32_t BUFC_IRQn              : 1;  // B32
    uint32_t FRC_PRI_IRQn           : 1;  // B33
    uint32_t FRC_IRQn               : 1;  // B34
    uint32_t MODEM_IRQn             : 1;  // B35
    uint32_t PROTIMER_IRQn          : 1;  // B36
    uint32_t RAC_RSM_IRQn           : 1;  // B37
    uint32_t RAC_SEQ_IRQn           : 1;  // B38
    uint32_t RDMAILBOX_IRQn         : 1;  // B39
    uint32_t RFSENSE_IRQn           : 1;  // B40
    uint32_t PRORTC_IRQn            : 1;  // B41
    uint32_t SYNTH_IRQn             : 1;  // B42
    uint32_t WDOG0_IRQn             : 1;  // B43
    uint32_t SYXO0_IRQn             : 1;  // B44
    uint32_t HFRCO0_IRQn            : 1;  // B45
    uint32_t CMU_IRQn               : 1;  // B46
    uint32_t AES_IRQn               : 1;  // B47
    uint32_t IADC_IRQn              : 1;  // B48
    uint32_t MSC_IRQn               : 1;  // B49
    uint32_t DPLL0_IRQn             : 1;  // B50
    uint32_t PDM_IRQn               : 1;  // B51
    uint32_t SW0_IRQn               : 1;  // B52
    uint32_t SW1_IRQn               : 1;  // B53
    uint32_t SW2_IRQn               : 1;  // B54
    uint32_t SW3_IRQn               : 1;  // B55
    uint32_t KERNEL0_IRQn           : 1;  // B56
    uint32_t KERNEL1_IRQn           : 1;  // B57
    uint32_t M33CTI0_IRQn           : 1;  // B58
    uint32_t M33CTI1_IRQn           : 1;  // B59
    uint32_t EMUEFP_IRQn            : 1;  // B60
    uint32_t DCDC_IRQn              : 1;  // B61
    uint32_t EUART0_RX_IRQn         : 1;  // B62
    uint32_t EUART0_TX_IRQn         : 1;  // B63
  } bits;
  uint32_t word[2];
    uint32_t TIM1_IRQn      : 1;  // B0
    uint32_t TIM2_IRQn      : 1;  // B1
    uint32_t MGMT_IRQn      : 1;  // B2
    uint32_t BB_IRQn        : 1;  // B3
    uint32_t SLEEPTMR_IRQn  : 1;  // B4
    uint32_t SC1_IRQn       : 1;  // B5
    uint32_t SC2_IRQn       : 1;  // B6
    uint32_t AESCCM_IRQn    : 1;  // B7
    uint32_t MACTMR_IRQn    : 1;  // B8
    uint32_t MACTX_IRQn     : 1;  // B9
    uint32_t MACRX_IRQn     : 1;  // B10
    uint32_t ADC_IRQn       : 1;  // B11
    uint32_t IRQA_IRQn      : 1;  // B12
    uint32_t IRQB_IRQn      : 1;  // B13
    uint32_t IRQC_IRQn      : 1;  // B14
    uint32_t IRQD_IRQn      : 1;  // B15
    uint32_t DEBUG_IRQn     : 1;  // B16
    uint32_t                : 15; // B17-31
  } bits;
  uint32_t word;
  #error micro not recognized
} HalCrashIntActiveType;

typedef union {
  struct {
    uint32_t MEMFAULTACT    : 1;  // B0
    uint32_t BUSFAULTACT    : 1;  // B1
    uint32_t                : 1;  // B2
    uint32_t USGFAULTACT    : 1;  // B3
    uint32_t                : 3;  // B4-6
    uint32_t SVCALLACT      : 1;  // B7
    uint32_t MONITORACT     : 1;  // B8
    uint32_t                : 1;  // B9
    uint32_t PENDSVACT      : 1;  // B10
    uint32_t SYSTICKACT     : 1;  // B11
    uint32_t USGFAULTPENDED : 1;  // B12
    uint32_t MEMFAULTPENDED : 1;  // B13
    uint32_t BUSFAULTPENDED : 1;  // B14
    uint32_t SVCALLPENDED   : 1;  // B15
    uint32_t MEMFAULTENA    : 1;  // B16
    uint32_t BUSFAULTENA    : 1;  // B17
    uint32_t USGFAULTENA    : 1;  // B18
    uint32_t                : 13; // B19-31
  } bits;

  uint32_t word;
} HalCrashShcsrType;

typedef union {
  struct {
    uint32_t IACCVIOL       : 1;  // B0
    uint32_t DACCVIOL       : 1;  // B1
    uint32_t                : 1;  // B2
    uint32_t MUNSTKERR      : 1;  // B3
    uint32_t MSTKERR        : 1;  // B4
    uint32_t                : 2;  // B5-6
    uint32_t MMARVALID      : 1;  // B7
    uint32_t IBUSERR        : 1;  // B8
    uint32_t PRECISERR      : 1;  // B9
    uint32_t IMPRECISERR    : 1;  // B10
    uint32_t UNSTKERR       : 1;  // B11
    uint32_t STKERR         : 1;  // B12
    uint32_t                : 2;  // B13-14
    uint32_t BFARVALID      : 1;  // B15
    uint32_t UNDEFINSTR     : 1;  // B16
    uint32_t INVSTATE       : 1;  // B17
    uint32_t INVPC          : 1;  // B18
    uint32_t NOCP           : 1;  // B19
    uint32_t                : 4;  // B20-23
    uint32_t UNALIGNED      : 1;  // B24
    uint32_t DIVBYZERO      : 1;  // B25
    uint32_t                : 6;  // B26-31
  } bits;

  uint32_t word;
} HalCrashCfsrType;

typedef union {
  struct {
    uint32_t                : 1;  // B0
    uint32_t VECTTBL        : 1;  // B1
    uint32_t                : 28; // B2-29
    uint32_t FORCED         : 1;  // B30
    uint32_t DEBUGEVT       : 1;  // B31
  } bits;

  uint32_t word;
} HalCrashHfsrType;

typedef union {
  struct {
    uint32_t HALTED         : 1;  // B0
    uint32_t BKPT           : 1;  // B1
    uint32_t DWTTRAP        : 1;  // B2
    uint32_t VCATCH         : 1;  // B3
    uint32_t EXTERNAL       : 1;  // B4
    uint32_t                : 27; // B5-31
  } bits;

  uint32_t word;
} HalCrashDfsrType;

typedef union {
  struct {
    uint32_t MISSED         : 1;  // B0
    uint32_t RESERVED       : 1;  // B1
    uint32_t PROTECTED      : 1;  // B2
    uint32_t WRONGSIZE      : 1;  // B3
    uint32_t                : 28; // B4-31
  } bits;

  uint32_t word;
} HalCrashAfsrType;

#define NUM_RETURNS     6U

// Define the crash data structure
typedef struct {
  // ***************************************************************************
  // The components within this first block are written by the assembly
  // language common fault handler, and position and order is critical.
  // cstartup-iar-boot-entry.s79 also relies on the position/order here.
  // Do not edit without also modifying that code.
  // ***************************************************************************
  uint16_t resetReason;    // reason written out just before forcing a reset
  uint16_t resetSignature;
  uint32_t R0;            // processor registers
  uint32_t R1;
  uint32_t R2;
  uint32_t R3;
  uint32_t R4;
  uint32_t R5;
  uint32_t R6;
  uint32_t R7;
  uint32_t R8;
  uint32_t R9;
  uint32_t R10;
  uint32_t R11;
  uint32_t R12;
  uint32_t LR;
  uint32_t mainSP;        // main and process stack pointers
  uint32_t processSP;
  // ***************************************************************************
  // End of the block written by the common fault handler.
  // ***************************************************************************

  uint32_t PC;              // stacked return value (if it could be read)
  HalCrashxPsrType xPSR;  // stacked processor status reg (if it could be read)
  uint32_t mainSPUsed;      // bytes used in main stack
  uint32_t processSPUsed;   // bytes used in process stack
  uint32_t mainStackBottom; // address of the bottom of the stack
  HalCrashIcsrType icsr;  // interrupt control state register
  HalCrashShcsrType shcsr;// system handlers control and state register
  HalCrashIntActiveType intActive;  // irq active bit register
  HalCrashCfsrType cfsr;  // configurable fault status register
  HalCrashHfsrType hfsr;  // hard fault status register
  HalCrashDfsrType dfsr;  // debug fault status register
  uint32_t faultAddress;    // fault address register (MMAR or BFAR)
  HalCrashAfsrType afsr;  // auxiliary fault status register
  uint32_t returns[NUM_RETURNS];  // probable return addresses found on the stack
  HalCrashSpecificDataType data;  // additional data specific to the crash type
} HalCrashInfoType;

typedef union {
  HalCrashInfoType crash;
  HalBootParamType boot;
} HalResetInfoType;

#define RESETINFO_WORDS  ((sizeof(HalResetInfoType) + 3) / 4)

extern HalResetInfoType halResetInfo;

void halInternalSaveAssertInfo(void);


#define halResetWasCrash() \
  (((1 << halGetResetInfo()) & RESET_CRASH_REASON_MASK) != 0U)

uint32_t halGetMainStackBytesUsed(void);

void halPrintCrashSummary(uint8_t port);

void halPrintCrashDetails(uint8_t port);

void halPrintCrashData(uint8_t port);

const HalAssertInfoType *halGetAssertInfo(void);

#endif  //__EM3XX_DIAGNOSTIC_H__



Macro evaluating to true if the last reset was a crash, false otherwise.



Returns the number of bytes used in the main stack.

halPrintCrashSummary(uint8_t port)

Print a summary of crash details.

halPrintCrashDetails(uint8_t port)

Print the complete, decoded crash details.

halPrintCrashData(uint8_t port)

Print the complete crash data.

const HalAssertInfoType *

If last reset was from an assert, return saved assert information.

Macro Definition Documentation#


#define halResetWasCrash

Macro evaluating to true if the last reset was a crash, false otherwise.

Definition at line 602 of file /Users/vihuszar/Git/EmbeddedSoftware/super/platform/base/hal/micro/cortexm3/diagnostic.h

Function Documentation#


uint32_t halGetMainStackBytesUsed (void )

Returns the number of bytes used in the main stack.



  • The number of bytes used in the main stack.

Definition at line 609 of file /Users/vihuszar/Git/EmbeddedSoftware/super/platform/base/hal/micro/cortexm3/diagnostic.h


void halPrintCrashSummary (uint8_t port)

Print a summary of crash details.


Serial port number (0 or 1).

Definition at line 615 of file /Users/vihuszar/Git/EmbeddedSoftware/super/platform/base/hal/micro/cortexm3/diagnostic.h


void halPrintCrashDetails (uint8_t port)

Print the complete, decoded crash details.


Serial port number (0 or 1).

Definition at line 621 of file /Users/vihuszar/Git/EmbeddedSoftware/super/platform/base/hal/micro/cortexm3/diagnostic.h


void halPrintCrashData (uint8_t port)

Print the complete crash data.


Serial port number (0 or 1).

Definition at line 627 of file /Users/vihuszar/Git/EmbeddedSoftware/super/platform/base/hal/micro/cortexm3/diagnostic.h


const HalAssertInfoType* halGetAssertInfo (void )

If last reset was from an assert, return saved assert information.



  • Pointer to struct containing assert filename and line.

Definition at line 633 of file /Users/vihuszar/Git/EmbeddedSoftware/super/platform/base/hal/micro/cortexm3/diagnostic.h