
* # License
* Copyright 2019 Silicon Laboratories Inc.
* The licensor of this software is Silicon Laboratories Inc. Your use of this
* software is governed by the terms of Silicon Labs Master Software License
* Agreement (MSLA) available at
* This
* software is distributed to you in Source Code format and is governed by the
* sections of the MSLA applicable to Source Code.
#include "gos.h"
#include "hurricane.h"
#include "maze.h"
#include "prng.h"
#include <math.h>
static uint8_t maze[MAZE_SIZE_X][MAZE_SIZE_Y];
static uint32_t start_x, start_y;
static uint32_t end_x, end_y;
static uint32_t end_point_color = 0x880000;
static int32_t end_point_delta = -0x010000;
// north-west is 0,0 on the grid
uint8_t get_cell_flags(int32_t x, int32_t y)
// bounds check
if((x < 0) || (x >= MAZE_SIZE_X) || (y < 0) || (y >= MAZE_SIZE_Y))
return maze[x][y];
uint8_t detect_collision(int32_t x, int32_t y, int32_t r, int32_t *depth_x, int32_t *depth_y)
uint8_t detection_flags = 0;
// x and y are center points of circular detection area
// r is radius
*depth_x = 0;
*depth_y = 0;
// get grid cell
int32_t grid_x = x / WALL_LEN_X;
int32_t grid_y = y / WALL_LEN_Y;
// get relative position to grid center
int32_t cell_x = x - (grid_x * WALL_LEN_X);
int32_t cell_y = y - (grid_y * WALL_LEN_Y);
uint8_t cell_flags = get_cell_flags(grid_x, grid_y);
uint8_t quadrant = 0;
int32_t corner_x, corner_y;
// get quadrant of grid cell
// northwest
if((cell_x <= WALL_LEN_X / 2) &&
(cell_y <= WALL_LEN_Y / 2))
quadrant = 0;
corner_x = grid_x * WALL_LEN_X;
corner_y = grid_y * WALL_LEN_Y;
// northeast
else if((cell_x > WALL_LEN_X / 2) &&
(cell_y <= WALL_LEN_Y / 2))
quadrant = 1;
corner_x = (grid_x + 1) * WALL_LEN_X;
corner_y = grid_y * WALL_LEN_Y;
// southeast
else if((cell_x > WALL_LEN_X / 2) &&
(cell_y > WALL_LEN_Y / 2))
quadrant = 2;
corner_x = (grid_x + 1) * WALL_LEN_X;
corner_y = (grid_y + 1) * WALL_LEN_Y;
// southwest
quadrant = 3;
corner_x = grid_x * WALL_LEN_X;
corner_y = (grid_y + 1) * WALL_LEN_Y;
int32_t x_dist = x - corner_x;
int32_t y_dist = y - corner_y;
int32_t corner_dist = sqrt((x_dist * x_dist) + (y_dist * y_dist));
// check collisions within cell
if((cell_y - (int32_t)r) <= 0)
if(cell_flags & MAZE_FLAG_N)
*depth_y = cell_y - (int32_t)r;
detection_flags |= MAZE_FLAG_N;
if((cell_x + (int32_t)r) >= WALL_LEN_X)
if(cell_flags & MAZE_FLAG_E)
*depth_x = (cell_x + (int32_t)r) - WALL_LEN_X;
detection_flags |= MAZE_FLAG_E;
if((cell_y + (int32_t)r) >= WALL_LEN_Y)
if(cell_flags & MAZE_FLAG_S)
*depth_y = (cell_y + (int32_t)r) - WALL_LEN_Y;
detection_flags |= MAZE_FLAG_S;
if((cell_x - (int32_t)r) <= 0)
if(cell_flags & MAZE_FLAG_W)
*depth_x = cell_x - (int32_t)r;
detection_flags |= MAZE_FLAG_W;
// check if the marble is colliding with the cell's corner:
uint8_t corner_flags = 0;
if((detection_flags == 0) && (corner_dist < r))
// need to check adjacent cells
int32_t temp_x, temp_y;
if(quadrant == 0)
temp_x = grid_x - 1;
temp_y = grid_y - 1;
else if(quadrant == 1)
temp_x = grid_x + 1;
temp_y = grid_y - 1;
else if(quadrant == 2)
temp_x = grid_x + 1;
temp_y = grid_y + 1;
temp_x = grid_x - 1;
temp_y = grid_y + 1;
// get diagonal cell and check for walls that hit our corner point.
// only do this if the cell is not out of bounds
if((temp_x >= 0) && (temp_x < (MAZE_SIZE_X - 1)) && (temp_y >= 0) && (temp_y < (MAZE_SIZE_Y - 1)))
corner_flags = get_cell_flags(temp_x, temp_y);
// filter out invalid walls
if(quadrant == 0)
corner_flags &= ~(MAZE_FLAG_N|MAZE_FLAG_W);
if((corner_flags & MAZE_FLAG_S) || (corner_flags & MAZE_FLAG_E))
corner_flags |= MAZE_FLAG_S|MAZE_FLAG_E;
else if(quadrant == 1)
corner_flags &= ~(MAZE_FLAG_N|MAZE_FLAG_E);
if((corner_flags & MAZE_FLAG_S) || (corner_flags & MAZE_FLAG_W))
corner_flags |= MAZE_FLAG_S|MAZE_FLAG_W;
else if(quadrant == 2)
corner_flags &= ~(MAZE_FLAG_S|MAZE_FLAG_E);
if((corner_flags & MAZE_FLAG_N) || (corner_flags & MAZE_FLAG_W))
corner_flags |= MAZE_FLAG_N|MAZE_FLAG_W;
corner_flags &= ~(MAZE_FLAG_S|MAZE_FLAG_W);
if((corner_flags & MAZE_FLAG_N) || (corner_flags & MAZE_FLAG_E))
corner_flags |= MAZE_FLAG_N|MAZE_FLAG_E;
if(corner_flags != 0)
// indicate corner collision
detection_flags |= MAZE_FLAG_C;
// detection is inverted, since the corner detection came from an adjacent cell.
if(corner_flags & MAZE_FLAG_N)
detection_flags |= MAZE_FLAG_S;
else if(corner_flags & MAZE_FLAG_S)
detection_flags |= MAZE_FLAG_N;
if(corner_flags & MAZE_FLAG_E)
detection_flags |= MAZE_FLAG_W;
else if(corner_flags & MAZE_FLAG_W)
detection_flags |= MAZE_FLAG_E;
// process depth, if not already
if(*depth_x == 0)
if(detection_flags & MAZE_FLAG_E)
*depth_x = (x + r) - corner_x;
else if(detection_flags & MAZE_FLAG_W)
*depth_x = (x - r) - corner_x;
if(*depth_y == 0)
if(detection_flags & MAZE_FLAG_N)
*depth_y = (y - r) - corner_y;
else if(detection_flags & MAZE_FLAG_S)
*depth_y = (y + r) - corner_y;
// GOS_LOG("grid (%d,%d) cell (%d,%d) quad %d corner dist %d (%d,%d) flags %x/%x d(%d,%d)", grid_x, grid_y, cell_x, cell_y, quadrant, corner_dist, corner_x, corner_y, (int32_t)corner_flags, (int32_t)detection_flags, *depth_x, *depth_y);
return detection_flags;
uint8_t flip_wall(uint8_t flags)
uint8_t new_flags = 0;
if(flags & MAZE_FLAG_N)
new_flags |= MAZE_FLAG_S;
if(flags & MAZE_FLAG_E)
new_flags |= MAZE_FLAG_W;
if(flags & MAZE_FLAG_S)
new_flags |= MAZE_FLAG_N;
if(flags & MAZE_FLAG_W)
new_flags |= MAZE_FLAG_E;
return new_flags;
void remove_wall(uint32_t x, uint32_t y, uint8_t wall_flags)
int32_t adj_x = x;
int32_t adj_y = y;
// compute neighbor position
if(wall_flags & MAZE_FLAG_N)
// check bounds
if(y == 0)
adj_y = -1;
adj_y = y - 1;
if(wall_flags & MAZE_FLAG_S)
// check bounds
if(y >= (MAZE_SIZE_Y - 1))
adj_y = -1;
adj_y = y + 1;
if(wall_flags & MAZE_FLAG_E)
// check bounds
if(x >= (MAZE_SIZE_X - 1))
adj_x = -1;
adj_x = x + 1;
if(wall_flags & MAZE_FLAG_W)
// check bounds
if(x == 0)
adj_x = -1;
adj_x = x - 1;
// check if adjacent cell exists
if((adj_x >= 0) && (adj_y >= 0))
// check if adjacent cell is within bounds
if((maze[adj_x][adj_y] & MAZE_FLAG_B) == 0)
// delete wall on current cell
maze[x][y] &= ~wall_flags;
// delete wall on adjacent cell
maze[adj_x][adj_y] &= ~flip_wall(wall_flags);
// GOS_LOG("attempted to open out of bounds: %d,%d", adj_x, adj_y);
uint32_t count_unvisited_neighbors(uint32_t x, uint32_t y)
uint32_t count = 0;
int32_t nei_x, nei_y;
// north
nei_x = x;
nei_y = y - 1;
if(nei_y >= 0)
if((maze[nei_x][nei_y] & MAZE_FLAG_V) == 0)
// south
nei_x = x;
nei_y = y + 1;
if(nei_y <= (MAZE_SIZE_Y - 1))
if((maze[nei_x][nei_y] & MAZE_FLAG_V) == 0)
// west
nei_x = x - 1;
nei_y = y;
if(nei_x >= 0)
if((maze[nei_x][nei_y] & MAZE_FLAG_V) == 0)
// east
nei_x = x + 1;
nei_y = y;
if(nei_x <= (MAZE_SIZE_X - 1))
if((maze[nei_x][nei_y] & MAZE_FLAG_V) == 0)
return count;
uint8_t get_visited_neighbors(uint32_t x, uint32_t y)
uint8_t flags = 0;
int32_t nei_x, nei_y;
// north
nei_x = x;
nei_y = y - 1;
if(nei_y >= 0)
if(((maze[nei_x][nei_y] & MAZE_FLAG_V) != 0) &&
((maze[nei_x][nei_y] & MAZE_FLAG_B) == 0))
flags |= MAZE_FLAG_N;
// south
nei_x = x;
nei_y = y + 1;
if(nei_y <= (MAZE_SIZE_Y - 1))
if(((maze[nei_x][nei_y] & MAZE_FLAG_V) != 0) &&
((maze[nei_x][nei_y] & MAZE_FLAG_B) == 0))
flags |= MAZE_FLAG_S;
// west
nei_x = x - 1;
nei_y = y;
if(nei_x >= 0)
if(((maze[nei_x][nei_y] & MAZE_FLAG_V) != 0) &&
((maze[nei_x][nei_y] & MAZE_FLAG_B) == 0))
flags |= MAZE_FLAG_W;
// east
nei_x = x + 1;
nei_y = y;
if(nei_x <= (MAZE_SIZE_X - 1))
if(((maze[nei_x][nei_y] & MAZE_FLAG_V) != 0) &&
((maze[nei_x][nei_y] & MAZE_FLAG_B) == 0))
flags |= MAZE_FLAG_E;
return flags;
uint32_t count_unvisited_cells(void)
uint32_t count = 0;
for(uint32_t x = 0; x < MAZE_SIZE_X; x++)
for(uint32_t y = 0; y < MAZE_SIZE_Y; y++)
if((maze[x][y] & MAZE_FLAG_V) == 0)
return count;
void reset_maze_grid(void)
for(uint32_t x = 0; x < MAZE_SIZE_X; x++)
for(uint32_t y = 0; y < MAZE_SIZE_Y; y++)
if(maze[x][y] & MAZE_FLAG_B)
// set out of bounds to visited
maze[x][y] |= MAZE_FLAG_V;
void clear_visitors(void)
for(uint32_t x = 0; x < MAZE_SIZE_X; x++)
for(uint32_t y = 0; y < MAZE_SIZE_Y; y++)
maze[x][y] &= ~MAZE_FLAG_V;
void render_maze(void)
// draw maze
for(uint32_t x = 0; x < MAZE_SIZE_X; x++)
for(uint32_t y = 0; y < MAZE_SIZE_Y; y++)
uint32_t x_coord = x * WALL_LEN_X;
uint32_t y_coord = y * WALL_LEN_Y;
// GUI_SetColor(0x444444);
// // north
// GUI_DrawHLine(y_coord, x_coord, x_coord + WALL_LEN_X);
// // south
// GUI_DrawHLine(y_coord + WALL_LEN_Y, x_coord, x_coord + WALL_LEN_X);
// // west
// GUI_DrawVLine(x_coord, y_coord, y_coord + WALL_LEN_Y);
// // east
// GUI_DrawVLine(x_coord + WALL_LEN_X, y_coord, y_coord + WALL_LEN_Y);
if(maze[x][y] & MAZE_FLAG_B)
// GUI_SetColor(0x666600);
// out of bounds
// GUI_FillRect(x_coord + 1, y_coord + 1, x_coord + WALL_LEN_X - 1, y_coord + WALL_LEN_Y - 1);
else if(maze[x][y] & MAZE_FLAG_V)
// visited
GUI_FillRect(x_coord + 1, y_coord + 1, x_coord + WALL_LEN_X - 1, y_coord + WALL_LEN_Y - 1);
// GUI_DrawCircle(x_coord + WALL_LEN_X / 2, y_coord + WALL_LEN_Y / 2, 4);
else if((x == end_x) && (y == end_y))
end_point_color += end_point_delta;
if((end_point_color < 0x330000) || (end_point_color > 0xcc0000))
end_point_delta *= -1;
GUI_FillRect(x_coord + 4, y_coord + 4, x_coord + WALL_LEN_X - 4, y_coord + WALL_LEN_Y - 4);
if(maze[x][y] & MAZE_FLAG_N)
// north
GUI_DrawHLine(y_coord, x_coord, x_coord + WALL_LEN_X);
if(maze[x][y] & MAZE_FLAG_S)
// south
GUI_DrawHLine(y_coord + WALL_LEN_Y, x_coord, x_coord + WALL_LEN_X);
if(maze[x][y] & MAZE_FLAG_W)
// west
GUI_DrawVLine(x_coord, y_coord, y_coord + WALL_LEN_Y);
if(maze[x][y] & MAZE_FLAG_E)
// east
GUI_DrawVLine(x_coord + WALL_LEN_X, y_coord, y_coord + WALL_LEN_Y);
GUI_DrawRect(0, 0, LCD_GetXSize() - 1, LCD_GetYSize() - 1);
void get_maze_starting_point(uint32_t *x, uint32_t *y)
*x = start_x * WALL_LEN_X + WALL_LEN_X / 2;
*y = start_y * WALL_LEN_Y + WALL_LEN_Y / 2;
// *y -= 10;
// *y -= 30;
// *x -= 5;
// *x -= 10;
void get_maze_end_point(uint32_t *x, uint32_t *y)
*x = end_x * WALL_LEN_X + WALL_LEN_X / 2;
*y = end_y * WALL_LEN_Y + WALL_LEN_Y / 2;
// Hunt and Kill algorithm
static void hunt_and_kill(void)
// uint32_t seed = 130;
// uint32_t seed = 129;
uint32_t seed = rand();
uint32_t x;
uint32_t y;
// select starting location, avoid out of bounds cells
x = (uint32_t)pseudo_rand(&seed) % MAZE_SIZE_X;
y = (uint32_t)pseudo_rand(&seed) % MAZE_SIZE_Y;
while((maze[x][y] & MAZE_FLAG_B) != 0);
start_x = x;
start_y = y;
// mark current cell as visited
maze[x][y] |= MAZE_FLAG_V;
int32_t nei_x, nei_y;
uint8_t flags;
uint32_t path_limit = 0;
uint32_t path_length = 0;
while(count_unvisited_cells() > 0)
path_limit = ((uint32_t)pseudo_rand(&seed) % (MAZE_PATH_LIMIT_MAX - MAZE_PATH_LIMIT_MIN)) + MAZE_PATH_LIMIT_MIN;
path_length = 0;
while(count_unvisited_neighbors(x, y) > 0)
// get some entropy
uint32_t random = pseudo_rand(&seed);
nei_x = x;
nei_y = y;
// select neighbor for random walk
if(random & 1)
if(random & 2)
nei_x = x + 1;
flags = MAZE_FLAG_E;
nei_x = x - 1;
flags = MAZE_FLAG_W;
if(random & 4)
nei_y = y + 1;
flags = MAZE_FLAG_S;
nei_y = y - 1;
flags = MAZE_FLAG_N;
while((get_cell_flags(nei_x, nei_y) & MAZE_FLAG_INVALID) ||
(get_cell_flags(nei_x, nei_y) & MAZE_FLAG_V));
// GOS_LOG("open %d, %d to %d, %d flags: 0x%x", x, y, nei_x, nei_y, flags);
// open passage way
remove_wall(x, y, flags);
// advance cell
x = nei_x;
y = nei_y;
// mark current cell as visited
maze[x][y] |= MAZE_FLAG_V;
// render current position
uint32_t x_coord = x * WALL_LEN_X;
uint32_t y_coord = y * WALL_LEN_Y;
GUI_FillRect(x_coord + 1, y_coord + 1, x_coord + WALL_LEN_X - 1, y_coord + WALL_LEN_Y - 1);
// render starting position
x_coord = start_x * WALL_LEN_X;
y_coord = start_y * WALL_LEN_Y;
GUI_FillRect(x_coord + 1, y_coord + 1, x_coord + WALL_LEN_X - 1, y_coord + WALL_LEN_Y - 1);
if(path_length >= path_limit)
// hunt
// GOS_LOG("hunt");
bool target_found = false;
uint32_t new_x, new_y;
// start at a random location, avoiding bounds
new_x = (uint32_t)pseudo_rand(&seed) % MAZE_SIZE_X;
new_y = (uint32_t)pseudo_rand(&seed) % MAZE_SIZE_Y;
while((maze[x][y] & MAZE_FLAG_B) != 0);
// look for unvisited cell that is adjacent to at least one visited cell
for(uint32_t i = 0; i < (MAZE_SIZE_X * MAZE_SIZE_Y); i++)
uint8_t visited_neighbors = get_visited_neighbors(new_x, new_y);
if((new_x != x) &&
(new_y != y) &&
((maze[new_x][new_y] & MAZE_FLAG_V) == 0) &&
(visited_neighbors > 0))
x = new_x;
y = new_y;
// GOS_LOG("new target %d, %d", x, y);
// mark current cell as visited
maze[x][y] |= MAZE_FLAG_V;
// get some entropy
uint32_t random = pseudo_rand(&seed);
// get visited neighbor (but ensure only one)
if((random & 1) && (visited_neighbors & MAZE_FLAG_N))
visited_neighbors = MAZE_FLAG_N;
else if((random & 2) && (visited_neighbors & MAZE_FLAG_S))
visited_neighbors = MAZE_FLAG_S;
else if((random & 4) && (visited_neighbors & MAZE_FLAG_E))
visited_neighbors = MAZE_FLAG_E;
else if((random & 8) && (visited_neighbors & MAZE_FLAG_W))
visited_neighbors = MAZE_FLAG_W;
remove_wall(x, y, visited_neighbors);
// GOS_LOG("opening %d, %d flags 0x%x", x, y, visited_neighbors);
end_x = x;
end_y = y;
target_found = true;
// render current position
uint32_t x_coord = x * WALL_LEN_X;
uint32_t y_coord = y * WALL_LEN_Y;
GUI_FillRect(x_coord + 1, y_coord + 1, x_coord + WALL_LEN_X - 1, y_coord + WALL_LEN_Y - 1);
// render starting position
x_coord = start_x * WALL_LEN_X;
y_coord = start_y * WALL_LEN_Y;
GUI_FillRect(x_coord + 1, y_coord + 1, x_coord + WALL_LEN_X - 1, y_coord + WALL_LEN_Y - 1);
// goto target_found_break;
new_x = (new_x + 1) % MAZE_SIZE_X;
if((i % MAZE_SIZE_X) == 0)
new_y = (new_y + 1) % MAZE_SIZE_Y;
// target_found_break:
void generate_maze(void)
// clear the grid
memset(maze, 0, sizeof(maze));
// maze[4][2] = MAZE_FLAG_E;
// maze[4][3] = MAZE_FLAG_E;
// maze[4][4] = MAZE_FLAG_E;
// maze[4][5] = MAZE_FLAG_E;
// // maze[4][6] = MAZE_FLAG_E;
// maze[5][2] = MAZE_FLAG_W;
// maze[5][3] = MAZE_FLAG_W;
// maze[5][4] = MAZE_FLAG_W;
// maze[5][5] = MAZE_FLAG_W;
// // maze[5][6] = MAZE_FLAG_W;
// start_x = 5;
// start_y = 2;
// set out of bounds area (for game timer)
maze[0][0] = MAZE_FLAG_B;
maze[1][0] = MAZE_FLAG_B;
bool is_coord_at_end_point(uint32_t x, uint32_t y)
// get grid cell
uint32_t grid_x = x / WALL_LEN_X;
uint32_t grid_y = y / WALL_LEN_Y;
return (grid_x == end_x) && (grid_y == end_y);