
# The name of the project component
NAME := app_demo_secure_element
# Enable/disable automatic generation of static function prototypes in project source code
# List of files to include in the project build. Paths relative to the project's directory
main.c \
commands.c \
se_utils.c \
cert_templates/cert_def_1_signer.c \
cert_templates/cert_def_2_device.c \
# Build for the Hurricane, version1 development baord
$(NAME)_REQUIRED_COMPONENTS += hardware.boards.gecko_os.hurricane
# Include the webapp resource files
$(NAME)_REQUIRED_COMPONENTS += resources.gecko_os.webapp
# Include the SE's library
$(NAME)_REQUIRED_COMPONENTS += components.gecko_os.secure_element.microchip.cryptoauthlib
# Path to resource manifest .cfg file (path is relative to project directory)
$(NAME)_RESOURCE_MANIFEST_PATH := resources/manifest.cfg