MVP Math Library API#


Some of the Silicon Labs parts have included what is called the Matrix Vector Processor (MVP). The MVP is a hardware accelerator designed to execute certain operations faster than the CPU. In particular, vector and matrix operatons are usually good candidates for acceleration. The purpose with this math library is to offer functions that utilize the MVP to speed up the operations.

The MVP supports 8 bit integers and 16 bit floating point numbers, and this library contains only functions that can be accelerated on the MVP.

Similar or identical functions can be found in the ARM CMSIS-DSP library.

For more information on the MVP hardware, please refer to the reference manual for the actual part.

Memory alignment#

The MVP will read and write to the system memory without using the CPU. When using 16-bit floating point variables, there are certain rules to follow:

  • Scalar variables (single 16-bit values) must be aligned to an even address; 0, 2, 4, etc.

  • Complex variables (double 16-bit values) must be aligned to a 4-byte word address; 0, 4, 8, etc.


If functions that are working on scalar values get 4-byte word addresses for all of the function arguments, it will in many cases be able to process two values per cycle. That will nearly double the speed of the operation, and is highly recommended.

Using the library#

The library is delivered as source code. It can easily be used by including the math_mvp component to the project and just calling the functions.

The library requires that the MVP driver has been initialized by calling the sli_mvp_init() function. If the project has included the sl_system, this function will be called automatically, else it is to be called by the user application before any of the other mvp math functions are used.

The library is divided into a number of functions in one of the categories:

  • Matrix functions

  • Vector functions

Each of the library functions has a separate header file, but for convenience, the sl_math_mvp.h file contains everything the application needs to use the library.

#include "sl_math_mvp.h"

static float16_t input_a[256] SL_ATTRIBUTE_ALIGN(4);
static float16_t input_b[256] SL_ATTRIBUTE_ALIGN(4);
static float16_t output[256] SL_ATTRIBUTE_ALIGN(4);

void example()
  sl_status_t status;
  status = sl_math_mvp_vector_fill_f16(input_a, 1.0f, 6);
  status = sl_math_mvp_vector_add_f16(input_a, input_b, output, 6);
  sl_math_matrix_init_f16(&matrix_a, 3, 4, input_a);
  sl_math_matrix_init_f16(&matrix_b, 4, 3, input_b);
  sl_math_matrix_init_f16(&matrix_z, 3, 3, output);
  status = sl_math_mvp_matrix_mult_f16(&matrix_a, &matrix_b, &matrix_z);

Please take a look at the math_mvp_demo example in the Simplicity SDK. It shows various examples of how to use the functions.

Error handling#

In general all math functions in the library will return one of these codes defined in sl_status.h:

#define SL_STATUS_OK                 ((sl_status_t)0x0000)  // No error.
#define SL_STATUS_FAIL               ((sl_status_t)0x0001)  // Generic error.
#define SL_STATUS_INVALID_PARAMETER  ((sl_status_t)0x0021)  // Generic invalid argument or consequence of invalid argument.

SL_STATUS_INVALID_PARAMETER is returned when the call was made with invalid input parameters.

SL_STATUS_FAILis returned when execution on the MVP processor led to unrecoverable errors.

SL_STATUS_OK is returned when MVP program execution succeeded. In this case execution may have generated math exceptions such as overflow, underflow or inifinty etc.

An MVP program can produce these errors/exceptions:

#define SL_STATUS_COMPUTE_MATH_FAULT       ((sl_status_t)0x1511)   // MATH Critical fault
#define SL_STATUS_COMPUTE_MATH_NAN         ((sl_status_t)0x1512)   // MATH NaN encountered
#define SL_STATUS_COMPUTE_MATH_INFINITY    ((sl_status_t)0x1513)   // MATH Infinity encountered
#define SL_STATUS_COMPUTE_MATH_OVERFLOW    ((sl_status_t)0x1514)   // MATH numeric overflow
#define SL_STATUS_COMPUTE_MATH_UNDERFLOW   ((sl_status_t)0x1515)   // MATH numeric underflow

To investigate which (if any) math exceptions occured use:

sl_status_t sl_math_mvp_get_error(sl_status_t *error_code, char *error_message, uint32_t buffer_length);

As several exception may be present, you can call this function repeatedly to retrieve error codes. The function will return SL_STATUS_OK when a valid error code is returned via *error_code, until SL_STATUS_NOT_FOUND is returned.

void example()
  sl_status_t error_code;

  while (sl_math_mvp_get_error(&error_code, NULL, 0) == SL_STATUS_OK) {
    printf("Error code is: %X\n", error_code);

If you add the status_string component to your application, the error function will also return descriptive error strings for the different exceptions. This might be handy for debugging.

void example()
  char error_string[100];
  sl_status_t error_code;

  while (sl_math_mvp_get_error(&error_code, error_string, sizeof(error_string)) == SL_STATUS_OK) {
    printf("Error code / message is: %X / %s\n", error_code, error_string);


Errors and exceptions will accumulate across calls of MVP Math functions. This means that in many cases it will be sufficient to check for errors/exceptions after a sequence of MVP Math functions have been executed. The following function is handy to make sure all errors/exceptions are cleared before commencing on a long sequence of MVP Math function calls:

void sl_math_mvp_clear_errors(void);