API Reference Guide#
This is a guide to the application programming interface (API) of the WiSeConnectâ„¢ SDK v3.x.
The following sections cover the various categories of APIs provided by the WiSeConnect SDK v3.x along with details of the functions, data types, constants, and callback frameworks within each category:
BLE APIs provide Bluetooth Low Energy (BLE) connectivity and protocol features.
Wi-Fi APIs provide Wi-Fi connectivity and protocol features, including client (station) mode, Access Point (AP) mode, Monitor mode, Wi-Fi Direct, Wi-Fi Protected Setup (WPS), and others.
Network Management APIs provide Wi-Fi network interface and configuration management.
Si91x Driver APIs provide device management features including calibration, low-power settings, firmware upgrades, and others.
Si91x Peripheral APIs provide access to device peripherals such as flash, clock, timers, general-purpose input-output (GPIO), and others.
HTTP APIs provide HyperText Transfer Protocol (HTTP) client features such as sending GET or POST requests to an HTTP server.
MQTT APIs provide Message Queue Telemetry Transport (MQTT) protocol client features such as subscribing or publishing to topics on an MQTT broker.
SNTP APIs provide Simple Network Time Protocol (SNTP) client features such as time and date synchronization.
Ping APIs provide the ability to ping other Wi-Fi devices using the Internet Control Message Protocol (ICMP).
Firmware Upgrade APIs provide the ability to download firmware from a server.
Error Codes section provide the list of error codes returned by APIs.