Network Performance#
Testing and Debugging Applications for the EFR32MG: Describes strategies for testing and debugging applications, including: hardware and application considerations, initial development testing, and lab testing. For additional information about later stages of programming and testing see Manufacturing Test Guidelines and Manufacturing Test Overview.
Manufacturing Test Overview: Provides a high-level description of the different options for integrating RF testing and characterization into standard test flows. It is intended for customers who are moving from the early prototype development stage to the manufacturing production environment and need assistance with manufacturing test.
Manufacturing Test Guidelines for the EFR32: Details the different options for integrating RF testing and characterization into standard test flows.
Using the Manufacturing Test Library for Zigbee EmberZNet: Describes how to use the manufacturing library and its associated plugins in Simplicity Studio to perform RF tests during the manufacturing phase.
Performance Results for Multi-PAN RCP for OpenThread and Zigbee: Summarizes the performance test effort and results for some testing scenarios of the CPCd interface using multi-PAN for both OpenThread and Zigbee protocols.
Mesh Network Performance Comparison: Reviews the Zigbee, Thread, and Bluetooth mesh networks to evaluate their differences in performance and behavior.
Zigbee Mesh Network Performance (requires login to the customer portal): Details methods for testing Zigbee mesh network performance; results are intended to provide guidance on design practices and principles as well as expected field performance results.
Large Network Performance with Dynamic Multiprotocol Bluetooth LE and Zigbee System-on-Chips: Summarizes the results of Zigbee/BLE dynamic multiprotocol (DMP) large network performance tests using Zigbee unicast and broadcast packets to measure the reliability, latency, and loss of a variety of scenarios.