Testing and Debugging#

RTT Logs#

The UART interface is not always available to report traces from Sidewalk example applications. Instead, reporting leverages the J-Link RTT interface. To set up the communication between your PC and the EFR32, follow these instructions.

  1. Install the J-Link RTT Viewer.

  2. Open the J-Link RTT Viewer.

  3. In the Configuration panel, Connection to J-Link section, select USB.

  4. In the Specify Target Device list, select the connected part (for example EFR32BG21BxxxF1024 or EFR32MG24AxxxF1536).

  5. In the Target Interface & Speed panel, select SWD and 4000 kHz.

  6. In the RTT Control Block panel, select Auto Detection.

  7. Click OK.

Ⓘ INFO Ⓘ: For the KG100S module, select EFR32BG21BxxxF1024 as the target device.

A terminal opens and the Sidewalk application traces are output as shown below (Bluetooth application).

> [I] MFG NVM3 start info:
> OK
> [I] KV NVM3 start info:
> OK
> [I] MFG Store opened with 0 objects

⚠ WARNING ⚠: J-Link RTT and Simplicity Studio use the same channel to communicate with the board. If you do not see logs in J-Link RTT, try closing and re-opening Simplicity Studio to reset the connection.

Cloud Application Debugging#

To debug your cloud application, several AWS objects can be use to monitor the events in your account. See Amazon CloudWatch for more information.