Bluetooth Connection Flowcharts#


Bluetooth Low Energy (BLE) defines a framework for a wide variety of communication types. It allows devices to discover each other, broadcast data, establish connections, and many other fundamental operations.

These procedures are described comprehensively in a series of sequence diagrams, which focus on the following items:

  • BGAPI function calls.

  • Messages exchanged over the air.

  • Events raised by the BLE stack.

This page does not expose the Bluetooth stack packet management nor does it describe the host controller interface (HCI).

The document assumes that the necessary Bluetooth hardware is used, such as an EFR32 SoC or a BGM module.

Generic Access Profile (GAP)#

To establish a BLE connection between the two devices A and B, a device A has to advertise while the device B has to scan for connectable devices. As a result, only the scanning device B can initiate the connection. The scanning device B is then the central and the advertising device A is the peripheral.

Advertising and Scanning#

BLE implements a time division duplex scheme, which means that on a given frequency channel, duplex communication (i.e., sending and receiving data) is taking place on one physical link. This differs, for example, from a wired serial link, where TX and RX wires are used respectively for transmission and reception.

As a result, a defined set of tunable timing parameters are available, such as the advertising interval, scanning interval, and scanning window. For more information, see the BLE core specification.

The advertiser periodically sends advertising packets to any listening device. The scanner starts listening and a "scan report" event is raised each time an advertising packets is received. The advertising packets convey some useful information, such as the advertiser Bluetooth address for example. This information can eventually be used to establish a connection.

Advertising and scanningAdvertising and scanning

Passive and active are the two available scanning methods. In passive scanning, the scanner only receives advertising packets. In active scanning, the scanner sends "scan request" messages to the advertiser, containing the scanner Bluetooth address and its address type.

Note: This article does not cover extended advertising (

Connection Success#

After the scanner collects all necessary information from an advertiser, it can connect to it. The following sequence diagram illustrates the steps to successfully establish a connection:

Steps to establish a connectionSteps to establish a connection

Note that the scanner is initiating the connection, which makes it the central device upon connection.

Connection Initia