Polymorphic GATT#


Silicon Labs' Bluetooth stack implements a static GATT database structure, which means that services and characteristics are created at compile time, not at run time. As a result, software cannot change the database structure dynamically. To overcome this issue, Bluetooth SDK v2.4 introduces a new feature called Polymorphic GATT, which can be used to dynamically show or hide GATT services and characteristics. This new feature allows users to create a ‘superset’ GATT database with pre-defined hidden/visible services and characteristics and alter their visibility on the fly.

Note: Changing the visibility of services/characteristics should not be done during a connection because that can cause incorrect behavior if Service Change Indication is not enabled. The safest method is to change the visibilities when no devices are connected, or to change the visibilities after making sure that Service Change Indication was enabled on the connection.

How it Works#

The visibility of services and characteristics is controlled through the use of GATT capabilities. The usage of capabilities and their syntax in the GATT XML file is fully described in UG118: Blue Gecko Bluetooth Profile Toolkit Developer's Guide, specifically in sections 2.3, 2.4.1 and 2.5.1 with a usage example in section 2.6. Read through these sections to get a good grasp of the visibility and inheritance rules.

To summarize, each service/characteristic can declare a number of capabilities and the state of the capabilities (enable/disable) determines the visibility of those services/characteristics as a bit-wise OR operation e.g., the service/characteristic is visible when at least one of its capabilities is enabled and it is not visible when all of its capabilities are disabled.

Note: If certain services/characteristics are meant to be always visible, one good approach is to have one capability that is declared by those services/characteristics which is enabled by default and untouched by the application code.

Setting up Capabilities with GATT Configurator#

Bluetooth SDK's GATT Configurator supports the polymorphic GATT database and it allows declaring capabilities for the whole GATT database as well as subsets for each of the services and characteristics.

Always start by declaring the GATT-level capabilities and define their default value by selecting "Custom BLE GATT" and adding the capabilities in "Capability declaration". To add a capability, press the '+' on the right-hand side and then change the capability name and default value.

Declaring capabilitiesDeclaring capabilities

After those capabilities are added, they become available on each of the services and characteristics. They can be added through the drop-down list but this time you'll be shown the list of capabilities declared at the GATT-level where to pick from.

Applying Capabilities on Services/CharacteristicsApplying Capabilities on Services/Characteristics

Enabling/Disabling Capabilities#</