Indicates that a remote GATT client is attempting to write a value of an attribute into the local GATT database, where the attribute was defined in the GATT database XML file to have the type="user".
The parameter att_opcode
informs which attribute procedure was used to write the value. If the att_opcode
is sl_bt_gatt_write_request (see sl_bt_gatt_att_opcode_t), the application needs to respond to this request by using the sl_bt_gatt_server_send_user_write_response command within 30 seconds, otherwise further GATT transactions are not allowed by the remote side. If the att_opcode
is sl_bt_gatt_prepare_write_request, the application needs to respond to this request by using the sl_bt_gatt_server_send_user_prepare_write_response command within 30 seconds, otherwise further GATT transactions are not allowed by the remote side. If the value of att_opcode
is sl_bt_gatt_execute_write_request, it indicates that there was one or more prepare writes earlier and now the GATT server is processing the execute write, the value of characteristic
is set to 0 and should be ignored. The event sl_bt_evt_gatt_server_execute_write_completed will be emitted after responding to sl_bt_gatt_execute_write_request by using sl_bt_gatt_server_send_user_write_response.
Identifier of the user_write_request event.
Typedef Documentation#
typedef struct sl_bt_evt_gatt_server_user_write_request_s sl_bt_evt_gatt_server_user_write_request_t
of file /mnt/raid/workspaces/ws.CkeUHbuKC/overlay/gsdk/protocol/bluetooth/build_release/bt_api/sw/bgapi/inc/sl_bt_api.h
Macro Definition Documentation#
#define sl_bt_evt_gatt_server_user_write_request_idValue:
Identifier of the user_write_request event.
of file /mnt/raid/workspaces/ws.CkeUHbuKC/overlay/gsdk/protocol/bluetooth/build_release/bt_api/sw/bgapi/inc/sl_bt_api.h