Bluetooth Mesh Developers Guide#

The Developer's Guide content is organized in the following groups:

  • Developing and Debugging: Describes development resources as well as detailed information on a variety of topics.

  • Bluetooth Mesh Models: Provides links to documents regarding Bluetooth Mesh models and demos.

  • Co-Processors (NCP/RCP): Discusses the two co-processor models and how they are used.

  • Bootloading: Includes information on using the Gecko Bootloader with Bluetooth Mesh applications.

  • Provisioning: Provides information remote and certificate-based provisioning.

  • Performance: Provides performance testing and measurement tools and techniques as well as results.

  • Non-Volatile Data Storage: Provides background on managing device memory.

  • Security: Describes Silicon Labs security resources and how to manage Bluetooth Mesh security.

  • Coexistence: Contains background on coexistence issues and strategies for improving performance in the presence of other protocol traffic.

  • iOS and Android ADK: Provides a link to a document on how to get started with Bluetooth Mesh application development for iOS and Android smart phones and tablets using the Silicon Labs Bluetooth Mesh for iOS and Android Application Development Kit (ADK).