PRS - Peripheral Reflex System#
Peripheral Reflex System (PRS) Peripheral API.
This module contains functions to control the PRS peripheral of Silicon Labs 32-bit MCUs and SoCs. The PRS allows configurable, fast, and autonomous communication between peripherals on the MCU or SoC.
Logic functions that can be used when combining two PRS channels.
PRS Signal.
PRS Consumers.
Set level control bit for one or more channels.
Get level control bit for all channels.
Get the PRS channel values for all channels.
Get the PRS channel value for a single channel.
Trigger a high pulse (one HFPERCLK) for one or more channels.
Set the PRS channel level for one asynchronous PRS channel.
Trigger a pulse on one PRS channel.
Set a source and signal for a channel.
Set the source and asynchronous signal for a channel.
Search for the first free PRS channel.
Reset all PRS channels.
Connect a PRS signal to a channel.
Convert an async PRS source to a sync source.
Convert an async PRS signal to a sync signal.
Connect a peripheral consumer to a PRS channel.
Send the output of a PRS channel to a GPIO pin.
Combine two PRS channels using a logic function.
PRS Synchronous channel count.
PRS Asynchronous channel count.
PRS asynchronous support.
Enumeration Documentation#
PRS Channel type.
Enumerator | |
prsTypeAsync | Asynchronous channel type. |
prsTypeSync | Synchronous channel type. |
of file platform/emlib/inc/em_prs.h
Edge detection type.
Enumerator | |
prsEdgeOff | Leave signal as is. |
prsEdgePos | Generate pulses on positive edge. |
prsEdgeNeg | Generate pulses on negative edge. |
prsEdgeBoth | Generate pulses on both edges. |
of file platform/emlib/inc/em_prs.h
Logic functions that can be used when combining two PRS channels.
Enumerator | |
prsLogic_Zero | Logical 0. |
prsLogic_A_NOR_B | A NOR B. |
prsLogic_NOT_A_AND_B | (!A) NOR B. |
prsLogic_NOT_A | !A. |
prsLogic_A_AND_NOT_B | A AND (!B). |
prsLogic_NOT_B | !B. |
prsLogic_A_XOR_B | A XOR B. |
prsLogic_A_NAND_B | A NAND B. |
prsLogic_A_AND_B | A AND B. |
prsLogic_A_XNOR_B | A XNOR B. |
prsLogic_B | B. |
prsLogic_NOT_A_OR_B | (!A) OR B. |
prsLogic_A | A. |
prsLogic_A_OR_NOT_B | A OR (!B). |
prsLogic_A_OR_B | A OR B. |
prsLogic_One | Logical 1. |
of file platform/emlib/inc/em_prs.h
PRS Signal.
Enumerator | |
prsSignalNone | No Signal. |
prsSignalSW | Software-reserved Signal. |
prsSignalTIMER0_UF | TIMER0 underflow Signal. |
prsSignalTIMER0_OF | TIMER0 overflow Signal. |
prsSignalTIMER0_CC0 | TIMER0 capture/compare channel 0 Signal. |
prsSignalTIMER0_CC1 | TIMER0 capture/compare channel 1 Signal. |
prsSignalTIMER0_CC2 | TIMER0 capture/compare channel 2 Signal. |
prsSignalTIMER1_UF | TIMER1 underflow Signal. |
prsSignalTIMER1_OF | TIMER1 overflow Signal. |
prsSignalTIMER1_CC0 | TIMER1 capture/compare channel 0 Signal. |
prsSignalTIMER1_CC1 | TIMER1 capture/compare channel 1 Signal. |
prsSignalTIMER1_CC2 | TIMER1 capture/compare channel 2 Signal. |
prsSignalTIMER2_UF | TIMER2 underflow Signal. |
prsSignalTIMER2_OF | TIMER2 overflow Signal. |
prsSignalTIMER2_CC0 | TIMER2 capture/compare channel 0 Signal. |
prsSignalTIMER2_CC1 | TIMER2 capture/compare channel 1 Signal. |
prsSignalTIMER2_CC2 | TIMER2 capture/compare channel 2 Signal. |
prsSignalTIMER3_UF | TIMER3 underflow Signal. |
prsSignalTIMER3_OF | TIMER3 overflow Signal. |
prsSignalTIMER3_CC0 | TIMER3 capture/compare channel 0 Signal. |
prsSignalTIMER3_CC1 | TIMER3 capture/compare channel 1 Signal. |
prsSignalTIMER3_CC2 | TIMER3 capture/compare channel 2 Signal. |
prsSignalTIMER4_UF | TIMER4 underflow Signal. |
prsSignalTIMER4_OF | TIMER4 overflow Signal. |
prsSignalTIMER4_CC0 | TIMER4 capture/compare channel 0 Signal. |
prsSignalTIMER4_CC1 | TIMER4 capture/compare channel 1 Signal. |
prsSignalTIMER4_CC2 | TIMER4 capture/compare channel 2 Signal. |
prsSignalLETIMER0_CH0 | LETIMER0 channel 0 Signal. |
prsSignalLETIMER0_CH1 | LETIMER0 channel 1 Signal. |
prsSignalCORE_CTIOUT0 | CORE CTIOUT0 Signal. |
prsSignalCORE_CTIOUT1 | CORE CTIOUT1 Signal. |
prsSignalCORE_CTIOUT2 | CORE CTIOUT2 Signal. |
prsSignalCORE_CTIOUT3 | CORE CTIOUT3 Signal. |
prsSignalCMUL_CLKOUT0 | CMU CLKOUT0 Signal. |
prsSignalCMUL_CLKOUT1 | CMU CLKOUT1 Signal. |
prsSignalCMUL_CLKOUT2 | CMU CLKOUT2 Signal. |
prsSignalPRSL_ASYNCH0 | PRS channel 0 Signal. |
prsSignalPRSL_ASYNCH1 | PRS channel 1 Signal. |
prsSignalPRSL_ASYNCH2 | PRS channel 2 Signal. |
prsSignalPRSL_ASYNCH3 | PRS channel 3 Signal. |
prsSignalPRSL_ASYNCH4 | PRS channel 4 Signal. |
prsSignalPRSL_ASYNCH5 | PRS channel 5 Signal. |
prsSignalPRSL_ASYNCH6 | PRS channel 6 Signal. |
prsSignalPRSL_ASYNCH7 | PRS channel 7 Signal. |
prsSignalPRS_ASYNCH8 | PRS channel 8 Signal. |
prsSignalPRS_ASYNCH9 | PRS channel 9 Signal. |
prsSignalPRS_ASYNCH10 | PRS channel 10 Signal. |
prsSignalPRS_ASYNCH11 | PRS channel 11 Signal. |
prsSignalRTCC_CCV0 | RTCC capture/compare channel 0 Signal. |
prsSignalRTCC_CCV1 | RTCC capture/compare channel 1 Signal. |
prsSignalRTCC_CCV2 | RTCC capture/compare channel 2 Signal. |
prsSignalBURTC_COMP | BURTC compare Signal. |
prsSignalBURTC_OF | BURTC overflow Signal. |
prsSignalUSART0_TXC | USART0 TX complete Signal. |
prsSignalUSART0_RXDATA | USART0 RX data available Signal. |
prsSignalUSART0_IRTX | USART0 IR TX Signal. |
prsSignalUSART0_RTS | USART0 RTS Signal. |
prsSignalUSART0_TX | USART0 TX Signal. |
prsSignalUSART0_CS | USART0 chip select Signal. |
prsSignalUSART1_TXC | USART1 TX complete Signal. |
prsSignalUSART1_RXDATA | USART1 RX data available Signal. |
prsSignalUSART1_IRTX | USART1 IR TX Signal. |
prsSignalUSART1_RTS | USART1 RTS Signal. |
prsSignalUSART1_TX | USART1 TX Signal. |
prsSignalUSART1_CS | USART1 chip select Signal. |
prsSignalIADC0_SCANENTRY | IADC0 scan entry Signal. |
prsSignalIADC0_SCANTABLE | IADC0 scan table Signal. |
prsSignalIADC0_SINGLE | IADC0 single Signal. |
prsSignalGPIO_PIN0 | GPIO Pin 0 Signal. |
prsSignalGPIO_PIN1 | GPIO Pin 1 Signal. |
prsSignalGPIO_PIN2 | GPIO Pin 2 Signal. |
prsSignalGPIO_PIN3 | GPIO Pin 3 Signal. |
prsSignalGPIO_PIN4 | GPIO Pin 4 Signal. |
prsSignalGPIO_PIN5 | GPIO Pin 5 Signal. |
prsSignalGPIO_PIN6 | GPIO Pin 6 Signal. |
prsSignalGPIO_PIN7 | GPIO Pin 7 Signal. |
prsSignalLFRCO_CALMEAS | |
prsSignalLFRCO_SDM | LFRCO Calibration Measure Signal. |
prsSignalLFRCO_TCMEAS | LFRCO Sigma Delta Modulator output Signal. |
of file platform/emlib/inc/em_prs.h
PRS Consumers.
Enumerator | |
prsConsumerNone | No PRS consumer. |
prsConsumerCMU_CALDN | CMU calibration down consumer. |
prsConsumerCMU_CALUP | CMU calibration up consumer. |
prsConsumerIADC0_SCANTRIGGER | IADC0 scan trigger consumer. |
prsConsumerIADC0_SINGLETRIGGER | IADC0 single trigger consumer. |
prsConsumerLDMA_REQUEST0 | LDMA Request 0 consumer. |
prsConsumerLDMA_REQUEST1 | LDMA Request 1 consumer. |
prsConsumerLETIMER0_CLEAR | LETIMER0 clear consumer. |
prsConsumerLETIMER0_START | LETIMER0 start consumer. |
prsConsumerLETIMER0_STOP | LETIMER0 stop consumer. |
prsConsumerTIMER0_CC0 | TIMER0 capture/compare channel 0 consumer. |
prsConsumerTIMER0_CC1 | TIMER0 capture/compare channel 1 consumer. |
prsConsumerTIMER0_CC2 | TIMER0 capture/compare channel 2 consumer. |
prsConsumerTIMER1_CC0 | TIMER1 capture/compare channel 0 consumer. |
prsConsumerTIMER1_CC1 | TIMER1 capture/compare channel 1 consumer. |
prsConsumerTIMER1_CC2 | TIMER1 capture/compare channel 2 consumer. |
prsConsumerTIMER2_CC0 | TIMER2 capture/compare channel 0 consumer. |
prsConsumerTIMER2_CC1 | TIMER2 capture/compare channel 1 consumer. |
prsConsumerTIMER2_CC2 | TIMER2 capture/compare channel 2 consumer. |
prsConsumerTIMER3_CC0 | TIMER3 capture/compare channel 0 consumer. |
prsConsumerTIMER3_CC1 | TIMER3 capture/compare channel 1 consumer. |
prsConsumerTIMER3_CC2 | TIMER3 capture/compare channel 2 consumer. |
prsConsumerTIMER4_CC0 | TIMER4 capture/compare channel 0 consumer. |
prsConsumerTIMER4_CC1 | TIMER4 capture/compare channel 1 consumer. |
prsConsumerTIMER4_CC2 | TIMER4 capture/compare channel 2 consumer. |
prsConsumerUSART0_CLK | USART0 clock consumer. |
prsConsumerUSART0_IR | USART0 IR consumer. |
prsConsumerUSART0_RX | USART0 RX consumer. |
prsConsumerUSART0_TRIGGER | USART0 trigger consumer. |
prsConsumerUSART1_CLK | USART1 clock consumer. |
prsConsumerUSART1_IR | USART1 IR consumer. |
prsConsumerUSART1_RX | USART1 TX consumer. |
prsConsumerUSART1_TRIGGER | USART1 trigger consumer. |
prsConsumerEUART0_RX | EUART0 RX consumer. |
prsConsumerEUART0_TRIGGER | EUART0 TRIGGER Consumer. |
prsConsumerWDOG0_SRC0 | WDOG0 source 0 consumer. |
prsConsumerWDOG0_SRC1 | WDOG0 source 1 consumer. |
prsConsumerRTCC_CC0 | RTCC capture/compare channel 0 consumer. |
prsConsumerRTCC_CC1 | RTCC capture/compare channel 1 consumer. |
prsConsumerRTCC_CC2 | RTCC capture/compare channel 2 consumer. |
of file platform/emlib/inc/em_prs.h
Function Documentation#
void PRS_LevelSet (uint32_t level, uint32_t mask)
Set level control bit for one or more channels.
[in] | level | Level to use for channels indicated by |
[in] | mask | Mask indicating which channels to set level for. Use logical OR combination of PRS_SWLEVEL_CHnLEVEL defines. |
The level value for a channel is XORed with both the pulse possibly issued by PRS_PulseTrigger() and the PRS input signal selected for the channel(s).
Note that software level control is only available for asynchronous channels on Series 2 devices.
of file platform/emlib/inc/em_prs.h
uint32_t PRS_LevelGet (void )
Get level control bit for all channels.
N/A |
The current software level configuration.
of file platform/emlib/inc/em_prs.h
uint32_t PRS_Values (PRS_ChType_t type)
Get the PRS channel values for all channels.
[in] | type | PRS channel type. This can be either prsTypeAsync or prsTypeSync. |
The current PRS channel output values for all channels as a bitset.
of file platform/emlib/inc/em_prs.h
bool PRS_ChannelValue (unsigned int ch, PRS_ChType_t type)
Get the PRS channel value for a single channel.
[in] | ch | PRS channel number. |
[in] | type | PRS channel type. This can be either prsTypeAsync or prsTypeSync. |
The current PRS channel output value. This is either 0 or 1.
of file platform/emlib/inc/em_prs.h
void PRS_PulseTrigger (uint32_t channels)
Trigger a high pulse (one HFPERCLK) for one or more channels.
[in] | channels | Logical ORed combination of channels to trigger a pulse for. Use PRS_SWPULSE_CHnPULSE defines. |
Setting a bit for a channel causes the bit in the register to remain high for one HFPERCLK cycle. Pulse is XORed with both the corresponding bit in PRS SWLEVEL register and the PRS input signal selected for the channel(s).
of file platform/emlib/inc/em_prs.h
void PRS_ChannelLevelSet (unsigned int ch, bool level)
Set the PRS channel level for one asynchronous PRS channel.
[in] | ch | PRS channel number. |
[in] | level | true to set the level high (1) and false to set the level low (0). |
of file platform/emlib/inc/em_prs.h
void PRS_ChannelPulse (unsigned int ch)
Trigger a pulse on one PRS channel.
[in] | ch | PRS channel number. |
of file platform/emlib/inc/em_prs.h
void PRS_SourceSignalSet (unsigned int ch, uint32_t source, uint32_t signal, PRS_Edge_TypeDef edge)
Set a source and signal for a channel.
[in] | ch | A channel to define the signal and source for. |
[in] | source | A source to select for the channel. Use one of PRS_CH_CTRL_SOURCESEL_x defines. |
[in] | signal | A signal (for selected |
[in] | edge | An edge (for selected source/signal) to generate the pulse for. |
of file platform/emlib/src/em_prs.c
void PRS_SourceAsyncSignalSet (unsigned int ch, uint32_t source, uint32_t signal)
Set the source and asynchronous signal for a channel.
[in] | ch | A channel to define the source and asynchronous signal for. |
[in] | source | A source to select for the channel. Use one of PRS_CH_CTRL_SOURCESEL_x defines. |
[in] | signal | An asynchronous signal (for selected |
Asynchronous reflexes are not clocked on HFPERCLK and can be used even in EM2/EM3. There is a limitation to reflexes operating in asynchronous mode in that they can only be used by a subset of the reflex consumers. See the PRS chapter in the reference manual for the complete list of supported asynchronous signals and consumers.
This function is not supported on EFM32GxxxFyyy parts. In asynchronous mode, the edge detector only works in EM0 and should not be used. The EDSEL parameter in PRS_CHx_CTRL register is set to 0 (OFF) by default.
of file platform/emlib/src/em_prs.c
int PRS_GetFreeChannel (PRS_ChType_t type)
Search for the first free PRS channel.
[in] | type | PRS channel type. This can be either prsTypeAsync or prsTypeSync. |
Channel number >= 0 if an unused PRS channel was found. If no free PRS channel was found then -1 is returned.
of file platform/emlib/src/em_prs.c
void PRS_Reset (void )
Reset all PRS channels.
N/A |
This function will reset all the PRS channel configuration.
of file platform/emlib/src/em_prs.c
void PRS_ConnectSignal (unsigned int ch, PRS_ChType_t type, PRS_Signal_t signal)
Connect a PRS signal to a channel.
[in] | ch | PRS channel number. |
[in] | type | PRS channel type. This can be either prsTypeAsync or prsTypeSync. |
[in] | signal | This is the PRS signal that should be placed on the channel. |
This function will make the PRS signal available on the specific channel. Only a single PRS signal can be connected to any given channel.
of file platform/emlib/src/em_prs.c
uint32_t PRS_ConvertToSyncSource (uint32_t asyncSource)
Convert an async PRS source to a sync source.
[in] | asyncSource | The id of the asynchronous PRS source. |
This conversion must be done because the id's of the same peripheral source is different depending on if it's used as an asynchronous PRS source or a synchronous PRS source.
The id of the corresponding synchronous PRS source.
of file platform/emlib/src/em_prs.c
uint32_t PRS_ConvertToSyncSignal (uint32_t asyncSource, uint32_t asyncSignal)
Convert an async PRS signal to a sync signal.
[in] | asyncSource | The id of the asynchronous PRS source. |
[in] | asyncSignal | The id of the asynchronous PRS signal. |
PRS values for some peripherals signals differ between asynchronous and synchronous PRS channels. This function must be used to handle the conversion.
The id of the corresponding synchronous PRS signal.
of file platform/emlib/src/em_prs.c
void PRS_ConnectConsumer (unsigned int ch, PRS_ChType_t type, PRS_Consumer_t consumer)
Connect a peripheral consumer to a PRS channel.
[in] | ch | PRS channel number. |
[in] | type | PRS channel type. This can be either prsTypeAsync or prsTypeSync. |
[in] | consumer | This is the PRS consumer. |
Different peripherals can use PRS channels as their input. This function can be used to connect a peripheral consumer to a PRS channel. Multiple consumers can be connected to a single PRS channel.
of file platform/emlib/src/em_prs.c
void PRS_PinOutput (unsigned int ch, PRS_ChType_t type, GPIO_Port_TypeDef port, uint8_t pin)
Send the output of a PRS channel to a GPIO pin.
[in] | ch | PRS channel number. |
[in] | type | PRS channel type. This can be either prsTypeAsync or prsTypeSync. |
[in] | port | GPIO port |
[in] | pin | GPIO pin |
This function is used to send the output of a PRS channel to a GPIO pin. Note that there are certain restrictions to where a PRS channel can be routed. Consult the datasheet of the device to see if a channel can be routed to the requested GPIO pin. Some devices for instance can only route the async channels 0-5 on GPIO pins PAx and PBx while async channels 6-11 can only be routed to GPIO pins PCx and PDx
of file platform/emlib/src/em_prs.c
void PRS_Combine (unsigned int chA, unsigned int chB, PRS_Logic_t logic)
Combine two PRS channels using a logic function.
[in] | chA | PRS Channel for the A input. |
[in] | chB | PRS Channel for the B input. |
[in] | logic | The logic function to use when combining the Channel A and Channel B. The output of the logic function is the output of Channel A. Function like AND, OR, XOR, NOT and more are available. |
This function allows you to combine the output of one PRS channel with the the signal of another PRS channel using various logic functions. Note that for series 2, config 1 devices, the hardware only allows a PRS channel to be combined with the previous channel. So for instance channel 5 can be combined only with channel 4.
The logic function operates on two PRS channels called A and B. The output of PRS channel B is combined with the PRS source configured for channel A to produce an output. This output is used as the output of channel A.
of file platform/emlib/src/em_prs.c
Macro Definition Documentation#
PRS Synchronous channel count.
of file platform/emlib/inc/em_prs.h
PRS Asynchronous channel count.
of file platform/emlib/inc/em_prs.h
PRS asynchronous support.
of file platform/emlib/inc/em_prs.h