Simulated EEPROM system for wear leveling token storage across flash. See Simulated EEPROM 2 for documentation.


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#ifndef __PLAT_SIM_EEPROM_H__
#define __PLAT_SIM_EEPROM_H__

#include "hal/micro/cortexm3/memmap.h"
#include "hal/micro/cortexm3/flash.h"


// See the sim-eeprom-size.h file for the logic used to determine the ultimate
// size of the simeeprom.
#include "hal/plugin/sim-eeprom/sim-eeprom-size.h"

//This is confusing, so pay attention...  :-)
//The actual SimEE storage lives inside of simulatedEepromStorage and begins
//at the very bottom of simulatedEepromStorage and fills the entirety of
//this storage array.  The SimEE code, though, uses 16bit addresses for
//everything since it was originally written for the XAP2b.  On a 250,
//the base address was 0xF000 since this corresponded to the actual absolute
//address that was used in flash.  On a non-250, though, the base address
//is largely irrelevant since there is a translation shim layer that converts
//SimEE 16bit addresses into the real 32bit addresses needed to access flash.
//If you look at the translation shim layer in
//sim-eeprom-internal.c you'll see that the address used by the SimEE is
//subtracted by VPA_BASE (which is the same as SIMEE_BASE_ADDR_HW) to
//return back to the bottom of the simulatedEepromStorage area.
//[BugzId:14448 fix removes need for this to be anything but 0x0000]
#define SIMEE_BASE_ADDR_HW  0x0000

//Define a variable that holds the actual SimEE storage the linker will
//place at the proper location in flash.
extern uint8_t simulatedEepromStorage[SIMEE_SIZE_B];
//Define a pointer to the actual SimEE storage in flash.
extern uint8_t *simulatedEepromAddress;

//these parameters frame the sim-eeprom and are derived from the location
//of the sim-eeprom as defined in memmap.h

extern const uint16_t REAL_PAGE_SIZE;

extern const uint16_t VIRTUAL_PAGE_SIZE;

extern const uint8_t REAL_PAGES_PER_VIRTUAL;

extern const uint16_t LEFT_BASE;

extern const uint16_t LEFT_TOP;

extern const uint16_t RIGHT_BASE;

extern const uint16_t RIGHT_TOP;

extern const uint16_t VPA_BASE;

extern const uint16_t VPA_TOP;

extern const uint16_t VPB_BASE;

extern const uint16_t VPB_TOP;

extern const uint16_t VPC_BASE;

extern const uint16_t VPC_TOP;

extern const uint16_t ERASE_CRITICAL_THRESHOLD;

void halInternalSimEeGetPtr(void *ptr, uint8_t compileId, uint8_t index, uint8_t len);

#endif //__PLAT_SIM_EEPROM_H__