BGX Commander Overview #
BGX commander is a mobile app that exercises the BLE link between mobile app and Bluetooth Xpress devices using the BGXpress framework. The app is available for iOS and Android here:
After starting the app, Bluetooth Xpress devices can be discovered by clicking the 'scan' button.
Scanning screen
Select a discovered Bluetooth Xpress module to connect. Note that for iOS, a pairing request pop-up will appear.
Pairing request
Once connected, the Xpress command interface can be exercised across the BLE link. The interface can function in stream mode, creating a raw data interface between mobile app and module.
Stream screen
The Xpress command interface also functions in a remote command mode. In this mode, all Xpress command API commands can be executed remotely, from the mobile app.
Command screen
Click on on the icon in the upper right of the screen opens a window that includes an option to update firmware on the Bluetooth Xpress module.
OTA screen
Tap the version of firmware you wish to which to update, then tap Install Firmware.
Firmware Update