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Zentri AMW007 Spectre

The AMW007 ‘Spectre’ module is an ultra-low power Wi-Fi networking module with full regulatory certification.

The AMW037 'Spectre 037' has an additional built-in PCB antenna, and is otherwise identical to the AMW007. The AMW037 works only with the built-in antenna, and does not support antenna diversity.

For an evaluation board based on the AMW007 platform, see AMW007-E03 Medusa .

For an evaluation board based on the AMW037 platform, see AMW037-E01 Blowfish .

RAM (kB) Max. CPU Speed (MHz) Serial Flash GPIOs and Peripherals
30Kb Up to 160Mhz 2MByte See AMW007 GPIOs and Peripheral Devices , AMW037 GPIOs and Peripheral Devices

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