WGM160P WSTK Platform

See Gecko OS Peripherals for commands, variables and procedures available to manage WGM160P GPIOs and peripherals.

WGM160P Peripheral Connections

The complete set of peripheral connections available are shown in the following table.

WGM160P PAD Default Function Gecko OS (GOS_GPIO_x) UART (GOS_UART_x) SPI (GOS_SPI_x) I2C (GOS_I2C_x) ADC (GOS_ADC_x) PWM (GOS_PWM_x) Ethernet (RMII) EFM32GG11 Port WSTK + BRD4321 WSTK EXP Header
14 GPIO 0 0 0 TXD1 PE14 EXP12
15 GPIO 1 - 1 TXD0 PE15 EXP14
16 SPI Master MOSI 2 SPI0 MOSI 6 2 TXEN PA0 EXP4
17 SPI Master MISO 3 SPI0 MISO - 3 RXD1 PA1 EXP6
18 SPI Master CLK 4 SPI0 CLK 10 4 RXD0 PA2 EXP8
19 GPIO 5 - 5 REFCLK PA3 EXP10
20 GPIO 6 11 6 CRSDV PA4 LED0 EXP7
21 GPIO 7 - 7 RXER PA5 LED1 EXP9
22 Bulk serial flash MOSI OR UART TX (Logging) 8 UART1 TX SPI1 MOSI - 8 PB3 DISP_SI EXP3
24 Bulk serial flash MISO OR UART RX (Logging) 9 UART1 RX SPI1 MISO 12 9 PB4 SD_DAT0_MISO (SD card) EXP5
25 UART RTS (Commands) 10 UART0 RTS - 10 PB5 VCOM_RTS
26 UART CTS (Commands) 11 UART0 CTS 1 11 PB6 VCOM_CTS
28 GPIO 12 - - PB13
29 GPIO 13 2 - PB14
31 I2C Master SDA 14 I2C0 SDA - 12 PB11 SENSOR_SDA EXP15
32 I2C Master SCL 15 I2C0 SCL 3 13 PB12 SENSOR_SCL EXP16
35 Factory Reset 16 UART1 CTS 4 14 PD6 BUTTON0
37 GPIO 18 5 16 PF2 DBG_TDO_SWO
38 GPIO 19 - 17 PF5 DBG_TDI / SD_CD (SD Card)
39 GPIO 20 - 18 PC5 SD_CS(SD Card)
41 USB DM 21 7 - PF10
42 USB DP 22 - - PF11
46 UART TX (Commands) 23 UART0 TX - 19 PE7 VCOM_TX
47 UART RX (Commands) 24 UART0 RX 8 20 PE6 VCOM_RX
49 Bulk sflash SCLK 26 SPI1 CLK - 22 PC4 SD_CLK(SD Card)
50 GPIO 27 9 23 MDC PA6 DISP_CS EXP11
51 GPIO 28 - 24 MDIO PA15 DISP_COM EXP13


The following GPIOs are assigned to the Command API data UART. It is not possible to configure them for output with the gpio_dir command.

WSTK Buttons and LEDs

On the Wireless Starter Kit, the following Gecko OS GPIOs are hardwired to the pushbuttons and LEDs:

WSTK Expansion header power pins

PWM Limits