WGM160P Wi-Fi / Ethernet Module

The WGM160P module is a low power Wi-Fi and ethernet networking module with full regulatory certification. For an evaluation board based on the WGM160P platform, see WGM160P-WSTK .

Getting Started

The fastest way to get started developing with Gecko OS on the WGM160P module is with a WGM160P radioboard and a Wireless Starter Kit.
  • Start here to learn how to use the WGM160P with the Gecko OS Command API.
  • Start here to learn how to develop a native 'C' application using the Gecko OS Application SDK.

GPIOs and Peripherals

Gecko OS provides access to the extensive peripherals of the WGM160P including GPIOs, PWMs, ADCs, an I2C master and a SPI master among others. The WGM160P peripheral connections are documented in the WGM160P Wireless STK Peripheral table