Hurricane and Leaderboard

Leaderboard is a companion cloud application for the Hurricane board. A select set of Hurricane demos are designed to work with Leaderboard. On the Leaderboard you can view demo specific cloud data, claim a Hurricane board to your Leaderboard account, and change the Leaderboard demo running on your device. The following sections describe how to initially load a Leaderboard demo on your Hurricane, and then how to use Leaderboard to manage your Hurricane and view the data on Leaderboard.

Leaderboard uses the Zentri DMS to exclusively manage demo applications running on Hurricane boards, and to receive sensor data from, and communicate with, Hurricane boards located all around the world.

Install a Leaderboard Product Onto Your Device

If your Hurricane board is already running a Leaderboard demo then you can skip this section. See: How to Determine if your Hurricane Board is Running a Leaderboard Demo

The following steps will activate your Hurricane board to one of the Leaderboard products and perform a firmware update to install the product. Once this step is completed, your Hurricane board will be in the Leaderboard ecosystem and you can then use Leaderboard to manage the demo running on your Hurricane board.

STEP 1. Connect the Hurricane to a Wi-Fi network. There are a variety of methods available to perform this action, with two common options shown below; pick an option that suits you. For both options, simply open a device console and type the commands in yellow.

> Option 1 : Use Network Up and Scan, network credentials are automatically saved.

LOCAL> network_up -s

! 41 networks found
!  # Ch RSSI MAC (BSSID)       Network (SSID)
#  0  1  -79 82:2A:A8:87:82:40 SiliconLabs
#  1  1  -71 80:2A:A8:87:C2:8D <YOUR_NETWORK_NAME>
#  2  2  -66 2C:30:33:51:36:57 NETGEAR61
#  3  6  -85 92:2A:A8:87:A3:39 <ssid hidden>
Type the number # that matches your Network: 1
Type the password for your Network         : <YOUR_NETWORK_PASSWORD>
[Associating to <YOUR_NETWORK_NAME>]
In progress
LOCAL> Security type from probe: WPA2-AES
Obtaining IPv4 address via DHCP
IPv4 address:

> Option 2 : Explicitly set network credentials and save them to NVM afterwards; don't forget to replace <YOUR_NETWORK_NAME> and <YOUR_NETWORK_PASSWORD> with your network credentials!

LOCAL> set wlan.ssid     <YOUR_NETWORK_NAME>
LOCAL> set wlan.password <YOUR_NETWORK_PASSWORD>
LOCAL> save
LOCAL> nup
[Associating to <YOUR_NETWORK_NAME>]
In progress
LOCAL> Security type from probe: WPA2-AES
Obtaining IPv4 address via DHCP
IPv4 address:

STEP 2. Activate your device to any one of the Leaderboard products.

LOCAL> dms_activate LEADER-MAZE

STEP 3. Perform a firmware update

LOCAL> dfuu --multi

Note! If the above steps are not successful, your Hurricane board may not be setup properly with Gecko OS. To setup the board ready to accept Leaderboard demos, follow the Getting Started instructions at Flash Gecko OS to Your Hurricane Board. You may also need to perform the steps prior to configure the Hurricane board with a programmer.

Claim Your Device on Leaderboard

STEP 1.. Log into using your Silicon Labs account; create an account first if you don't already have one.

STEP 2. Select Add Device at the bottom of the page

STEP 3. On the Hurricane board, navigate to the setup menu and select Claim Device

STEP 4. A claim code appears on the LCD. Enter the Claim code in Leaderboard to claim your device.

STEP 5. Your Hurricane is now listed on the Devices page of Leaderboard. The last three octets of the Wi-Fi MAC address of the board are shown for identification purposes.

Install a Different Leaderboard Demo on your Hurricane Board

Use the following procedure to change the demo that is installed on your Hurricane Board.

STEP 1. On the Leaderboard Devices page, select your device.

STEP 2. Using the drop down under Install, select the Demo you would like to install on your device.

STEP 3. Select the Install Button

The LCD on the Hurricane board indicates that a firmware update is in progress, detailed progress can be seen by viewing the device console output. After the firmware update completes, the Hurricane board automatically reboots and the new demo runs. Leaderboard also indicates that the board is running the new demo.

View the Leaderboard Dashboard

Each Leaderboard demo has an associated Dashboard on Leaderboard. The Dashboard is demo specific and contains data from all Hurricane boards running the specific demo. For example, the 'Weather World' Dashboard displays a map of the world showing all Hurricane devices running the Weather World demo.

To view the Dashboards, select the Demos link at the bottom of Leaderboard.

Select a specific Demo to view the Dashboard. Any Leaderboard Demo Dashboard can be viewed at any time, it is not necessary to install a demo on your Hurricane to view the Dashboard, although data from your Hurricane will only appear on the Dashboard of the demo that is currently installed. Example dashboards for the Weather World and Maze Escape demos are shown below:

Weather World Dashboard

Maze Escape Dashboard