USB Device stack initialization structure.

This structure is passed to USBD_Init() when starting up the device.

Public Attributes#

Pointer to a device descriptor.

const uint8_t *

Pointer to a configuration descriptor.

const void *const *

Pointer to an array of string descriptor pointers.

const uint8_t

Number of strings in string descriptor array.

const uint8_t *

Pointer to an array defining the size of the endpoint buffers.


Pointer to struct with callbacks (USBD_Callbacks_TypeDef).

const uint32_t

Reserved for future use.

Public Attribute Documentation#


const USB_DeviceDescriptor_TypeDef* USBD_Init_TypeDef::deviceDescriptor

Pointer to a device descriptor.

Definition at line 766 of file platform/middleware/usb_gecko/inc/em_usb.h


const uint8_t* USBD_Init_TypeDef::configDescriptor

Pointer to a configuration descriptor.

Definition at line 767 of file platform/middleware/usb_gecko/inc/em_usb.h


const void* const* USBD_Init_TypeDef::stringDescriptors

Pointer to an array of string descriptor pointers.

Definition at line 768 of file platform/middleware/usb_gecko/inc/em_usb.h


const uint8_t USBD_Init_TypeDef::numberOfStrings

Number of strings in string descriptor array.

Definition at line 769 of file platform/middleware/usb_gecko/inc/em_usb.h


const uint8_t* USBD_Init_TypeDef::bufferingMultiplier

Pointer to an array defining the size of the endpoint buffers.

The size is given in multiples of endpoint size. Generally a value of 1 (single) or 2 (double) buffering should be used.

Definition at line 770 of file platform/middleware/usb_gecko/inc/em_usb.h


USBD_Callbacks_TypeDef_Pointer USBD_Init_TypeDef::callbacks

Pointer to struct with callbacks (USBD_Callbacks_TypeDef).

These callbacks are used by the device stack to signal events to or query the application.

Definition at line 775 of file platform/middleware/usb_gecko/inc/em_usb.h


const uint32_t USBD_Init_TypeDef::reserved

Reserved for future use.

Definition at line 779 of file platform/middleware/usb_gecko/inc/em_usb.h