Configuration structure for a channel.

Public Attributes#


Select if channel priority is in the high or default priority group with respect to arbitration.


Select if interrupt will be enabled for channel (triggering interrupt handler when dma_done signal is asserted).


Channel control specifying the source of DMA signals.

User definable callback handling configuration.

Public Attribute Documentation#


bool DMA_CfgChannel_TypeDef::highPri

Select if channel priority is in the high or default priority group with respect to arbitration.

Within a priority group, lower numbered channels have higher priority than higher numbered channels.

Definition at line 158 of file platform/emlib/inc/em_dma.h


bool DMA_CfgChannel_TypeDef::enableInt

Select if interrupt will be enabled for channel (triggering interrupt handler when dma_done signal is asserted).

It should normally be enabled if using the callback feature for a channel, and disabled if not using the callback feature.

Definition at line 166 of file platform/emlib/inc/em_dma.h


uint32_t DMA_CfgChannel_TypeDef::select

Channel control specifying the source of DMA signals.

If accessing peripherals, use one of the DMAREQ_nnn defines available for the peripheral. Set to 0 for memory-to-memory DMA cycles.

Definition at line 173 of file platform/emlib/inc/em_dma.h


DMA_CB_TypeDef* DMA_CfgChannel_TypeDef::cb

User definable callback handling configuration.

Refer to structure definition for details. The callback is invoked when specified DMA cycle is complete (when dma_done signal asserted). Callback is invoked in interrupt context, and should be efficient and non-blocking. Set to NULL to not use the callback feature. Note

  • Referenced structure is used by the interrupt handler, and must be available until no longer used. Thus, in most cases it should not be located on the stack.

Definition at line 189 of file platform/emlib/inc/em_dma.h