Deprecated Functions#

Deprecated Functions.


SE_readPubkey(uint32_t key_type, void *pubkey, uint32_t numBytes, bool signature)

Function Documentation#


SE_Response_t SE_readPubkey (uint32_t key_type, void * pubkey, uint32_t numBytes, bool signature)

ID of key type to read.


Pointer to a buffer to contain the returned public key. Must be word aligned and have a length of 64 bytes.


Length of pubkey buffer (64 bytes).


If true, the function will return the signature programmed for the specified public key instead of the public key itself.

Read pubkey or pubkey signature.

Read out a public key stored in the SE, or its signature. The command can be used to read:




  • One of the SE_RESPONSE return codes.

Return values

  • SE_RESPONSE_OK: when the command was executed successfully

  • SE_RESPONSE_TEST_FAILED: when the pubkey is not set

  • SE_RESPONSE_INVALID_PARAMETER: when an invalid type is passed

Definition at line 807 of file platform/emlib/src/em_se.c