Matrix functions#
Multiply two matrices of complex 16 bit floats.
Scale each element in a float16 matrix by a float16 scale.
Multiply two matrices of 16 bit floats.
Transpose a matrix.
Transpose a complex f16 matrix.
Multiply a matrix with a vector, both of 16 bit floats.
Matrix initialization.
Add two matrices of 16 bit floats.
Subtract two matrices of 16 bit floats.
Function Documentation#
sl_status_t sl_math_mvp_complex_matrix_mult_f16 (const sl_math_matrix_f16_t * input_a, const sl_math_matrix_f16_t * input_b, sl_math_matrix_f16_t * output)
Multiply two matrices of complex 16 bit floats.
[in] | input_a | First input matrix, input A. |
[in] | input_b | Second input matrix, input B. |
[out] | output | Output matrix, output Z. |
The number of columns of the first matrix must be equal to the number of rows of the second matrix. Also the output matrix row count must match matrix A row count and output matrix column count must match matrix B column count. All input and output matrix data buffers must be 4-byte aligned (a complex f16 element occupies 4 bytes of storage). Maximum matrix size is 1024 x 1024 which is 1M (2^20) complex f16 elements. Maximum column and row size is 1024 elements.
SL_STATUS_OK on success. On failure, an appropriate sl_status_t errorcode is returned.
of file platform/compute/math/mvp/inc/sl_math_mvp_complex_matrix_mult.h
sl_status_t sl_math_mvp_matrix_scale_f16 (const sl_math_matrix_f16_t * input, float16_t scale, sl_math_matrix_f16_t * output)
Scale each element in a float16 matrix by a float16 scale.
[in] | input | Input matrix. |
[in] | scale | Scale value. |
[out] | output | Output matrix. |
This function will multiply each element in the input matrix by a scale, and write the result to the output matrix. The input and output matrices must be the same size. Returns
SL_STATUS_OK on success. On failure, an appropriate sl_status_t errorcode is returned.
of file platform/compute/math/mvp/inc/sl_math_mvp_matrix_scale.h
sl_status_t sl_math_mvp_matrix_mult_f16 (const sl_math_matrix_f16_t * input_a, const sl_math_matrix_f16_t * input_b, sl_math_matrix_f16_t * output)
Multiply two matrices of 16 bit floats.
[in] | input_a | First input matrix, input A. |
[in] | input_b | Second input matrix, input B. |
[out] | output | Output matrix, output Z. |
This function will perform the following operation: Z = A * B (matrix multiplication). The number of columns of the first matrix must be equal to the number of rows of the second matrix. If the input is 4 bytes aligned, and the number of columns in matrix B is divisible by 2, it will be 2x faster.
SL_STATUS_OK on success. On failure, an appropriate sl_status_t errorcode is returned.
of file platform/compute/math/mvp/inc/sl_math_mvp_matrix_mult.h
sl_status_t sl_math_mvp_matrix_transpose_f16 (const sl_math_matrix_f16_t * input, sl_math_matrix_f16_t * output)
Transpose a matrix.
[in] | input | Input matrix. |
[out] | output | output matrix. |
This function will fill the output matrix with the transposed version of the input matrix. The maximum value for the rows and cols argument is 1024.
SL_STATUS_OK on success. On failure, an appropriate sl_status_t errorcode is returned.
of file platform/compute/math/mvp/inc/sl_math_mvp_matrix_transpose.h
sl_status_t sl_math_mvp_complex_matrix_transpose_f16 (const sl_math_matrix_f16_t * input, sl_math_matrix_f16_t * output)
Transpose a complex f16 matrix.
[in] | input | Input matrix. |
[out] | output | output matrix. |
This function will fill the output matrix with the transposed version of the input matrix. The maximum value for the rows and cols argument is 1024. Matrix input and output data buffers must be 4-byte aligned.
SL_STATUS_OK on success. On failure, an appropriate sl_status_t errorcode is returned.
of file platform/compute/math/mvp/inc/sl_math_mvp_matrix_transpose.h
sl_status_t sl_math_mvp_matrix_vector_mult_f16 (const sl_math_matrix_f16_t * input_a, const float16_t * input_b, float16_t * output)
Multiply a matrix with a vector, both of 16 bit floats.
[in] | input_a | The input matrix. |
[in] | input_b | The input vector. |
[out] | output | The output vector. |
This function will perform the following operation: Z = A * b (matrix vector multiplication). The vector must be equal in length to the number of columns in matrix A. The output vector will be equal in length to the number of rows in matrix A.
SL_STATUS_OK on success. On failure, an appropriate sl_status_t errorcode is returned.
of file platform/compute/math/mvp/inc/sl_math_mvp_matrix_vector_mult.h
void sl_math_matrix_init_f16 (sl_math_matrix_f16_t * matrix, size_t num_rows, size_t num_cols, float16_t * data)
Matrix initialization.
[in] | matrix | Pointer to a matrix. |
[in] | num_rows | The number of rows in the matrix. |
[in] | num_cols | The number of cols in the matrix. |
[in] | data | A pointer to the matrix data. |
of file platform/compute/math/inc/sl_math_matrix.h
sl_status_t sl_math_mvp_matrix_add_f16 (const sl_math_matrix_f16_t * input_a, const sl_math_matrix_f16_t * input_b, sl_math_matrix_f16_t * output)
Add two matrices of 16 bit floats.
[in] | input_a | First input matrix, input A. |
[in] | input_b | Second input matrix, input B. |
[out] | output | Output matrix, output Z. |
This function will perform the following operation: Z = A + B. All matrices must have equal dimensions. If all matrice buffers are 4-byte aligned, the function will operate twice as fast using MVP parallel processing. Maximum matrices size is 1M (2^20) elements, and 2M elements in the 4-byte aligned case.
SL_STATUS_OK on success. On failure, an appropriate sl_status_t errorcode is returned.
of file platform/compute/math/mvp/inc/sl_math_mvp_matrix_add.h
sl_status_t sl_math_mvp_matrix_sub_f16 (const sl_math_matrix_f16_t * input_a, const sl_math_matrix_f16_t * input_b, sl_math_matrix_f16_t * output)
Subtract two matrices of 16 bit floats.
[in] | input_a | First input matrix, input A. |
[in] | input_b | Second input matrix, input B. |
[out] | output | Output matrix, output Z. |
This function will perform the following operation: Z = A - B. All matrices must have equal dimensions. If all matrice buffers are 4-byte aligned, the function will operate twice as fast using MVP parallel processing. Maximum matrices size is 1M (2^20) elements, and 2M elements in the 4-byte aligned case.
SL_STATUS_OK on success. On failure, an appropriate sl_status_t errorcode is returned.
of file platform/compute/math/mvp/inc/sl_math_mvp_matrix_sub.h