Transfer operation FIFO queue typedef.

Public Attributes#

volatile uint16_t

An index of the next byte to send.

volatile uint16_t

An index of the location to enqueue the next message.

volatile uint16_t

A number of bytes queued.

const uint16_t

FIFO size.

FIFO of queued data. Actual size varies.

Public Attribute Documentation#


volatile uint16_t UARTDRV_Buffer_FifoQueue_t::head

An index of the next byte to send.

Definition at line 202 of file platform/emdrv/uartdrv/inc/uartdrv.h


volatile uint16_t UARTDRV_Buffer_FifoQueue_t::tail

An index of the location to enqueue the next message.

Definition at line 203 of file platform/emdrv/uartdrv/inc/uartdrv.h


volatile uint16_t UARTDRV_Buffer_FifoQueue_t::used

A number of bytes queued.

Definition at line 204 of file platform/emdrv/uartdrv/inc/uartdrv.h


const uint16_t UARTDRV_Buffer_FifoQueue_t::size

FIFO size.

Definition at line 205 of file platform/emdrv/uartdrv/inc/uartdrv.h


UARTDRV_Buffer_t UARTDRV_Buffer_FifoQueue_t::fifo[1]

FIFO of queued data. Actual size varies.

Definition at line 206 of file platform/emdrv/uartdrv/inc/uartdrv.h