Running the Matter Demo over Wi-Fi#

Flashing Images/Binaries#


The following applies to either the EFR32MG12 or EFR32MG24 platforms using Ozone, Simplicity Studio, or Simplicity Commander.

Note: If you are coming from Simplicity Studio, you may have already installed the demo image in Simplicity Studio, in which case you can skip to the next step.

  1. Connect the laptop to the WSTK main board via USB.

  2. Based on the Application being built, make sure to flash proper bootloader internal or external binaries.

  3. Launch Ozone, Simplicity Studio or Simplicity Commander Standalone - this will display a GUI. If you are not using Ozone, you can follow the instructions to Flash a Silicon Labs Device

  4. In 'New Project Wizard':

    1. Click the three-dots on the 'Device' tab and select 'Manufacturer' as 'Silicon Labs'

    2. Select 'Device' as 'EFR32MG12PxxxF1024' or EFR32MG24Bxxx1536 depending on the device you are using.

    3. Click 'OK'

    4. The 'Register set' tab will get filled automatically

    5. 'Peripherals' tab need not be changed as it is optional

  5. Click 'Next' - the window that is displayed will contain:

    • Serial Number: Read from device

    • Target Interface: JTAG

    • Speed: 4MHz

    • Host Interface: USB

    • There will be one product in the 'Emulators connected via USB' tab - select this and click 'Next'

  6. Click on the 'Silicon Labs device' detected, and then click 'Next'

  7. You will be asked to select the image/binary to be loaded: click the three-dots on that tab and navigate to 'out/rs911x_lighting/BRD41xxx' through 'Browse', select the file named chip-efr32-lighting-example.out and click 'Next'. This is the image built in previous step.

    Note that you may be using a different board like the BRD4163A, BRD4164A, BRD4186C, or BRD4187C in which case your image will be in a directory corresponding to that board identifier.

  8. Make sure the next screen has 'Initial PC' selected as 'ELF Entry Point' - click 'Finish'

    Ignore Diagnostics warning about 'FreeRTOS' detected - click 'Continue'

  9. Select 'Download and Reset Program' in the dropdown next to the Power button on the top left of the page

    The Silabs chip, EFR32MG12 or EFR32MG24 will be erased and programmed

  10. Run the image by clicking the 'Play' button on the top left (or press the F5 key)

The output of the EFR32 can be viewed in the console of the Ozone GUI

  1. [Optional] This step is for when the device has already been flashed and is being used for testing/debug purposes:

    If you are restarting the device and do not need to re-flash the EFR firmware, then you can use these commands (JLinkExe & JLinRTTClient). The following commands will provide you with a serial console of the EFR32

    $ konsole -e JLinkExe -device EFR32MGXXPXXXF1024 -if JTAG -speed 4000 -autoconnect 1 &

    (Put it in the background)

    $ sleep 3
    $ konsole -e JLinkRTTClient &

    You may need to press [ENTER] in the JLinkExe console first

Demo Execution#


This section describes commissioning a Wi-Fi Device using chip-tool for Linux.

Commissioning can be done using chip-tool running either on Linux or Raspberry Pi

  1. Get the SSID and PSK of the Wi-Fi network (WPA2 - Security) you are connected to.

  2. Run the following:

    $ cd $MATTER_WORKDIR/matter

    Commissioning Command:#

    $ out/standalone/chip-tool pairing ble-wifi 1122 $SSID $PSK 20202021 3840

    The node ID used here is 1122. This will be used in future commands. '$SSID' is a placeholder for your Wi-Fi SSID and '$PSK' is a placeholder for the password of your Wi-Fi network.

  3. (If using the lighting app) To turn on the LED on the EFR32MG12 or EFR32MG24:

    $ out/standalone/chip-tool onoff on 1122 1
  4. (If using the lighting app) To turn off the LED on the EFR32MG12 or EFR32MG24:

    $ out/standalone/chip-tool onoff off 1122 1

If there are any failures, run the following command and then re-run the chip-tool command:

$ rm -rf /tmp/chip_*

If you are having difficulty getting the chip-tool to commission the device successfully, it may be because you have more than one network interface available to the chip-tool. The device on which you are running the chip-tool must be on the same Wi-Fi network as your RS9116 or WF200 and there cannot be another network interface on the device that is running the chip-tool. For instance, if you have an Ethernet connection as well as a Wi-Fi connection, you need to unplug the Ethernet connection and try running the chip-tool as in step #2 above.

As the device remembers the Access Point credentials given for commissioning, if you want to run the demo multiple times, do a factory reset by pressing the BTN0 on EFR32MG12 or EFR32MG24 for about 6-7 seconds. The LED0 will flash 3 times and the QR code will appear again on the LCD screen. After a factory reset, BTN0 needs to be pressed again to view the QR Code.

The commissioning command mentioned above does the following:

  • chip-tool scans BLE and locates the Silicon Labs device that uses the specified discriminator

  • Sends the Wi-Fi SSID and Passkey

  • The Silicon Labs device will join the Wi-Fi network and get an IPv4 address. It then starts providing mDNS records on IPv4 and IPv6

  • chip-tool then locates the device over Wi-Fi and establishes operational certificates

  • Future communications (tests) will then happen over Wi-Fi