JLink RTT Environment Setup for a SiWx917 SoC Device#

  • For 917 SOC Common Flash Boards, Ozone debugging support is not enabled. To get the logs for 917 SOC, the JLink RTT tool will be used.

  • Auto detection of SiWx917 SoC device in JLink RTT is not enabled.

  • Follow the steps to configure the SiWx917 SoC with Latest JLink RTT Logging tool.

Steps to Configure the SiWx917 SoC on the JLink-RTT Logging#

  1. Update the JlinkDevices.xml and RS9117_SF_4MB_42bsp.elf files found on the Matter Artifacts Page.

    • Download the JLinkDevices.xml file and copy it in your JLink RTT installation path shown in this JlinkDevices Folder. If there is no JLinkDevices Folder, create a JLinkDevices folder and copy the JlinkDevices.xml file into it.

    • In the JLinkDevices folder, create a Devices folder and then create a sub-folder named SiliconLabs.

    • Download the RS9117_SF_4MB_42bsp.elf file (Flash driver) and copy it in the created SiliconLabs folder.

    Note:- RS9117_SF_4MB_42bsp.elf flash driver file is used to download the application using the Ozone debugger.

  2. Launch J-Link RTT Viewer. The SiWx917 Common Flash SoC device should be visible in the Device field’s selection list.

    Search SOCSearch SOC

  3. Select SI917COMMONFLASH and, click OK.

    Select SOCSelect SOC