CPU Programming Guide#

This section contains the following topics:

Using CPU Core Features#

Before using the other functions, the CPU module needs to be initialized using CPU_Init() (see the example below).

Listing - Example of call to CPU_Init()#
void  main (void)
    CPU_Init();  /* Initialize the CPU Module.                                          */

CPU Name#

For debugging (or other) purposes, an application can set a name for the CPU currently executing the code. An application can clear the CPU name with CPU_NameClr(), set it with CPU_NameSet() and read it with CPU_NameGet(). See the example below for a usage sample.

Listing - Example of call to CPU_NameClr(), CPU_NameSet() and CPU_NameGet()#
const CPU_CHAR  App_CoreName[] = "MMIX";
void  App_SomeTask (void  *p_arg)
    RTOS_ERR  err;
    CPU_NameClr();                 /* Clear previously used CPU name.                   */

                                   /* Set CPU Name.                                     */
    CPU_NameSet(&App_CoreName[0],  /*   Set name to 'MMIX'.                             */
    if (err.Code != RTOS_ERR_NONE) {
        /* Handle error on CPU name set. */

void  App_SomeOtherTask (void  *p_arg)
    RTOS_ERR  err;
    CPU_CHAR  cpu_name[CPU_CFG_NAME_SIZE];
                               /* Get CPU Name.                                         */
    CPU_NameGet(&cpu_name[0],  /*   Pointer to user allocated character buffer.         */
    if (err.Code != RTOS_ERR_NONE) {
        /* Handle error on CPU name get. */

Optimized Operations#

The CPU module offers a series of functions frequently used by real-time kernels, and the CPU port can implement these functions to optimize their usage. An application can use CPU_CntLeadZeros() to count the number of most-significant bits set to zero. Conversely, CPU_CntTrailZeros() obtains the number of least-significant bits set to zero.

Listing - Example of call to CPU_CntLeadZeros() and CPU_CntTrailZeros()#
void  App_SomeTask (void  *p_arg)
    CPU_DATA    value;
    CPU_DATA    zeroes;
    zeroes = 0x1FFFFFFF;                /* Count number of leading zeros.               */
    value  = CPU_CntLeadZeros(zeros);  /*   Should be 3.                               */
    zeroes = 0xFFFFFFF8;                /* Count number of trailing zeros.              */
    value  = CPU_CntTrailZeros(zeros); /*   Should be 3.                               */


The CPU module offers services that use a built-in timestamp counter (if available), which feature a number of time value types. Therefore, the CPU module has 32-bit and 64-bit width operations.

  • The CPU_TS_Get32() function returns the current value of the timestamp counter, in timestamp ticks.

  • The CPU_TS_Get64() function can be used instead if the counter is more than 32-bits wide.

An application can convert the value read in timestamp ticks to microseconds using CPU_TS32_to_uSec() or CPU_TS64_to_uSec(), depending on the type of the timestamp counter. An application can use CPU_TS_TmrFreqGet() to obtain the frequency at which the timestamp counter is currently ticking.

The following example shows how to use the 32-bit width functions. However, the same method can be applied to 64-bit functions.

Listing - Example of call to CPU_TS_Get32(), CPU_TS32_to_uSec() and CPU_TS_TmrFreqGet().#
void  App_SomeTask (void  *p_arg)
    CPU_TS32         timestamp;
    CPU_INT64U       usecs;
    CPU_TS_TMR_FREQ  freq;
    RTOS_ERR         err;
    timestamp = CPU_TS_Get32();           /* Read current timestamp counter value.      */
    usecs = CPU_TS32_to_uSec(timestamp);  /* Convert timestamp counter to microseconds. */
    freq = CPU_TS_TmrFreqGet(&err);       /* Get the timestamp counter's frequency.     */
    if (err.Code != RTOS_ERR_NONE) {
        /* Handle error on timestamp frequency get. */


The CPU module uses abstractions to insert a break instruction and to trap software exceptions.

  • CPU_BREAK() function inserts a break.

  • CPU_SW_EXCEPTION() traps software exceptions.

Listing - Example of call to CPU_BREAK() and CPU_SW_EXCEPTION().#
void  App_SomeTask (void  *p_arg)
    if (/* Some debug event*/) {

void  App_SomeOtherTask (void  *p_arg)
    if (/* Some unrecoverable error */) {