Represents information about a router in Thread mesh discovered using otMeshDiagDiscoverTopology().

Public Attributes#

Extended MAC address.




Router ID.


Thread Version. OT_MESH_DIAG_VERSION_UNKNOWN if unknown.


Whether router is this device itself.


Whether router is parent of this device (when device is a child).


Whether router is leader.


Whether router acts as a border router providing ext connectivity.


Provides the link quality from this router to other routers, also indicating whether a link is established between the routers.

A pointer to an iterator to go through the list of IPv6 addresses of the router.

A pointer to an iterator to go through the list of children of the router.

Public Attribute Documentation#


otExtAddress otMeshDiagRouterInfo::mExtAddress

Extended MAC address.

Definition at line 93 of file include/openthread/mesh_diag.h


uint16_t otMeshDiagRouterInfo::mRloc16


Definition at line 94 of file include/openthread/mesh_diag.h


uint8_t otMeshDiagRouterInfo::mRouterId

Router ID.

Definition at line 95 of file include/openthread/mesh_diag.h


uint16_t otMeshDiagRouterInfo::mVersion

Thread Version. OT_MESH_DIAG_VERSION_UNKNOWN if unknown.

Definition at line 96 of file include/openthread/mesh_diag.h


bool otMeshDiagRouterInfo::mIsThisDevice

Whether router is this device itself.

Definition at line 97 of file include/openthread/mesh_diag.h


bool otMeshDiagRouterInfo::mIsThisDeviceParent

Whether router is parent of this device (when device is a child).

Definition at line 98 of file include/openthread/mesh_diag.h


bool otMeshDiagRouterInfo::mIsLeader

Whether router is leader.

Definition at line 99 of file include/openthread/mesh_diag.h


bool otMeshDiagRouterInfo::mIsBorderRouter

Whether router acts as a border router providing ext connectivity.

Definition at line 100 of file include/openthread/mesh_diag.h


uint8_t otMeshDiagRouterInfo::mLinkQualities[OT_NETWORK_MAX_ROUTER_ID+1]

Provides the link quality from this router to other routers, also indicating whether a link is established between the routers.

The array is indexed based on Router ID. mLinkQualities[routerId] indicates the incoming link quality, the router sees to the router with routerId. Link quality is a value in [0, 3]. Value zero indicates no link. Larger value indicate better link quality (as defined by Thread specification).

Definition at line 110 of file include/openthread/mesh_diag.h


otMeshDiagIp6AddrIterator* otMeshDiagRouterInfo::mIp6AddrIterator

A pointer to an iterator to go through the list of IPv6 addresses of the router.

The pointer is valid only while otMeshDiagRouterInfo is valid. It can be used in otMeshDiagGetNextIp6Address to iterate through the IPv6 addresses.

The pointer can be NULL when there was no request to discover IPv6 addresses (in otMeshDiagDiscoverConfig) or if the router did not provide the list.

Definition at line 121 of file include/openthread/mesh_diag.h


otMeshDiagChildIterator* otMeshDiagRouterInfo::mChildIterator

A pointer to an iterator to go through the list of children of the router.

The pointer is valid only while otMeshDiagRouterInfo is valid. It can be used in otMeshDiagGetNextChildInfo to iterate through the children of the router.

The pointer can be NULL when there was no request to discover children (in otMeshDiagDiscoverConfig) or if the router did not provide the list.

Definition at line 132 of file include/openthread/mesh_diag.h