RAIL Training Overview#

The training section provides a series of documentation that helps developers learn the basics of RAIL.

The contents here are intended for embedded C developers who are already somewhat familiar with the platform and development tools, e.g. the Getting Started section.

While the section is written for firmware developers, as proprietary wireless often requires knowledge on the physical layer, some knowledge on the topic is required, or at least highly recommended. The radio configurator, where the physical layer can be configured is documented in AN1253

Note that the pages here are not automatically updated with every SDK release. If there's a conflict between these articles and the RAIL API documentation, always trust the API documentation. If you find an issue, please let us know on our community.

Getting Started with RAIL#

You should start with these tutorials. All others are based on these, as these are the minimum to develop useful applications on RAIL.


These articles are common and basic features. While technically not required for basic functionality, it's highly recommended to read them before developing any production quality project.

Further Topics#

These articles document some specific features of RAIL that some applications need. It is recommended to read them if you think you will need that feature.


Multiprotocol is a complex topic, and it is recommended only if you have a good understanding of RAIL's basic functionality. This section describes both dynamic multiprotocol capabilities and MultiPHY capabilities.

  • Introduction: Explanation of Multiprotocol and MultiPHY, and recommendation what to use for given problem.

  • MultiPHY Usecases: Explanation of MultiPHY through the most typical usecases

  • DMP: A short introduction of Dynamic Multiprotocol, highlighting the differences between Singleprotocol and Multiprotocol usage of RAIL.