Appendix A: Sample Flows#

Sample Flow Of BLE APIs#

Figure 1 - Configure BLE Device in Central Mode{"style":"max-width:500px"}Figure 1 - Configure BLE Device in Central Mode{"style":"max-width:500px"}

  1. This flow diagram explains the command sequence of BLE SCAN, Central Role connection, and disconnection.

  2. If the host/application gets any error code in the Connection Status Event the host/Application can re-initiate the scan and connect procedure.

Figure 2 - Configure BLE Device in Peripheral Mode{"style":"max-width:500px"}Figure 2 - Configure BLE Device in Peripheral Mode{"style":"max-width:500px"}

  1. This flow diagram explains the command sequence of BLE Advertising, Peripheral Role connection, and disconnection.

  2. If the host/application gets any error code in the Connection Status Event the host/application can re-initiate the advertising procedure.

Figure 3 - Configure BLE Device in Central Mode to Connect to Multiple Slaves{"style":"max-width:500px"}Figure 3 - Configure BLE Device in Central Mode to Connect to Multiple Slaves{"style":"max-width:500px"}

  1. This flow diagram explains the command sequence of BLE Scanning, Central Role connection, and disconnection procedure for multiple Peripheral/Slave connections

  2. If the host/application gets any error code in the Connection Status Event the host/application can re-initiate the scanning and connect procedures

Figure 4 - Configure BLE Device to Act as Both Central and Peripheral Simultaneously (Dual Role){"style":"max-width:500px"}Figure 4 - Configure BLE Device to Act as Both Central and Peripheral Simultaneously (Dual Role){"style":"max-width:500px"}

  1. This flow diagram explains the command sequence of BLE Scanning, Advertising, Peripheral and Central Role connection, and disconnection procedure.

  2. If the host/application gets any error code in the Connection Status Event the host/application can re-initiate the advertising and scanning/connect procedures

Figure 5 - Security Management Protocol (SMP) in Slave Mode{"style":"max-width:500px"}Figure 5 - Security Management Protocol (SMP) in Slave Mode{"style":"max-width:500px"}

  1. This flow diagram explains the command sequence of the Security exchanges that happen in the Slave Mode.

  2. The user needs to respond with the respective reply for the request received.

Figure 6 - Security Management Protocol(SMP) in Master Mode{"style":"max-width:500px"}Figure 6 - Security Management Protocol(SMP) in Master Mode{"style":"max-width:500px"}

  1. This flow diagram explains the command sequence of the Security exchanges that happen in the Master Mode.

  2. The user needs to respond with the respective reply for the request received.

Figure 7 - Sample Flow of DLE and PHY with GATT Notify (Data Transfer) 1{"style":"max-width:500px"}Figure 7 - Sample Flow of DLE and PHY with GATT Notify (Data Transfer) 1{"style":"max-width:500px"}

Figure 8 - Sample Flow of DLE and PHY with GATT Notify (Data Transfer) 2{"style":"max-width:500px"}Figure 8 - Sample Flow of DLE and PHY with GATT Notify (Data Transfer) 2{"style":"max-width:500px"}

  1. This flow diagram explains the feature exchanges related to the Data length and PHY rate changes

  2. In the above flow, the Data transfer using the notifies explained. User/App needs wait whenever receives the buffer full indication and can resume the data transfer after receiving the more data request.

Sample Flow Of APIs For WiFi+BT LE Co-Ex Mode#

In order to run the Wi-Fi client and BT-LE coexistence mode, user has to issue the operating mode as first command with coex parameters.

After operating mode command module will operate in both Wi-Fi STA mode and BT LE mode. So, user can issue Wi-Fi commands as well as BT LE commands in parallel on host interface.

Common Command#

  1. Set the operating mode command with below parameters to run in Wi-Fi + BT-LE Coex Mode.

Oper_mode = ((wifi_oper_mode) | (coex_mode << 16)) Wifi_oper_mode = 0 ( to operate wifi in STA mode) Coex_mode=13(to operate in WiFi+BT LE coex mode) Feature_bit_map = 1( to operate WiFi in open security mode) Tcp_ip_feature_bit_map = 1 ( TCP/IP Bypass mode) Custom_feature_bit_map=(1<<31) ext**_**custom_feature_bit_map=(1<<31) bt_custom_feature_bit_map

To configure the number of GATT Records the following parameter is required; bt_custom_feature_bit_map i.e, 6th parameter.

Bt_custom_feature_bit_map is valid when the 31st bit of ext**_**custom_feature_bit_map is set.

Wi-Fi Command Sequence to Associate with Access Point#

  • Band :- This command sets the operating mode of the module

  • Init :- This command initializes the module

  • Scan :- This command scans for Aps and reports the Aps found

  • Join :- This command associates the module to the AP

Refer to the RS9116-Wiseconnect-Software-PRM-vx.x.x.pdf for Wi-Fi commands description.

BT LE Command Sequence#

  • Scan :- This command scans for BT LE devices and reports the devices found

  • Connect :- This command associates the module to the remote device

After a successful Wi-Fi and BT LE connection, the user can send Wi-Fi raw data packets into air and also can issue GATT commands.

Wi-Fi+BT LE CoEx Rx Flow#

Upon reception of response from module to host, host has to check whether it is Wi-Fi or BT-Le response based on word0[15:12] in frame descriptor.

Figure 9 - Sample Flow For WiFi + BT LE Response{"style":"max-width:500px"}Figure 9 - Sample Flow For WiFi + BT LE Response{"style":"max-width:500px"}