Changes/Enhancements In BLE AT Commands, Configurations And Mechanisms#

BLE AT CMD Configuration Changes/Enhancements#

S. No

Configuration/ Parameter

Existing Configuration

New/Modified Configuration



384k mode is mandatory from 2.X.X release for any BT use-case.

256K mode was supported.

256K mode is no longer supported. Only 384K mode is supported from 2.X.X.

Set BIT[20] and BIT[21] in 'ext_ custom_feature_bit_map' parameter in 'at+rsi_opermode' command.


Maximum packet length PER TRANSMIT is changed to 240.

Maximum packet length was 255

Maximum packet length supported in 240 from 2.X.X release

Set 'pkt_len' parameter to 240 in 'at+rsibt_bletransmit'


In at+rsibt_addattribut e config_bitmap position is changed

at+rsibt_addattribute =<ServiceHndlerPtr>,< Hndl>,<AttUUIDsize>, <AttUUID>,<prop>,<Da taLen>,<Data>, <ConfigBitmap>

at+rsibt_addattribute=< ServiceHndlerPtr>,<Hnd l>,<AttUUIDsize>,<AttUU ID>,<prop>,<DataLen>,< ConfigBitmap>,<Data>

Position of configbitmap got changed NOTE: This change is applicable from revision Versi on 2.0.x onwards


Gatt Write Event handle+packet_type are clubbed

AT+RSIBT_WRITE,<bd _addr>,<handle >,<length>,<value> Packet type was not there.

AT+RSIBT_WRITE,<bd_a ddr>,<handle + Pkt_type>,<length>,<val ue>

handle+pkt_type are clubbed (Ex: C01, MSB: C is the handle and 01 is the packet type) NOTE: This change is applicable from revision Versi on 2.1.x onwards


Gatt Notify Event handle+packet_type are clubbed

AT+RSIBT_NOTIFY,<b d_addr>,<handle >,<length>,<value> Packet type was not there.

AT+RSIBT_NOTIFY,<bd_ addr>,<handle + Pkt_type>,<length>,<val ue>

handle+pkt_type are clubbed (Ex: 3303, MSB: 33 is the handle and 03 is the packet type) NOTE: This change is applicable from revision Versi on 2.1.x onwards


Gatt Indicate Event handle+packet_type are clubbed

AT+RSIBT_INDICATIO N,<bd_addr>,<handle >,<length>,<value> Packet type was not there.

AT+RSIBT_INDICATION, <bd_addr>,<handle + Pkt_type>,<length>,<val ue>

handle+pkt_type are clubbed (Ex: 3304, MSB: 33 is the handle and 04 is the packet type) NOTE: This change is applicable from revision Versi on 2.1.x onwards