Known Issues#

Simplicity Studio® Version




499669, 499661

The EmberZNet SDK's dynamic multiprotocol (DMP) sample applications rely on the Micrium OS and Bluetooth SDKs also being installed. If those SDKs are not installed, the DMP sample applications are still presented as options. Attempting to create a DMP sample application may fail, or may appear to complete but subsequently fail to generate because of unresolved dependencies on those SDKs. Subsequently installing those SDKs may not resolve the issues in that existing DMP sample application project.

Install the Micrium OS and BLE SDKs before creating an EmberZNet DMP sample application project.


Pintool is showing errors for pin selections in modules you are not currently configuring, even if, by selecting a different module, you were expecting any pin assignments previously made to no longer matter.

Find the 'Selected Module' that has the pin conflict and set the field to 'None' to remove the conflict.


The project shows indexer (semantic) errors.

Try unchecking the following in Preferences > C/C++ > Indexer: 1) Index source files not included in the build; 2) index unused headers; and 3) Allow heuristic resolution of includes. Click Apply and Close.


When Radio Boards are used that contain both an EFR32 or EFM32 target as well as one of the Energy Friendly EFP parts, the Launcher perspective incorrectly shows the EFP as the target part and so the Preferred SDK is wrong and there are no software examples for the board.

Create a new project through File > Silicon Labs Project Wizard so that the Target, SDK, and Toolchain Selection dialog opens. In the Target Device drop down, select the other target part on the board. If it is not already displayed, select the correct Gecko SDK Suite in the SDK drop down list. from the list. Click Next. Now the correct software examples will be listed for the board.


From the Simplicity IDE perspective the File > Import... > More Import Options link does not work.

If one of these options is needed, then issue the command from the Launcher perspective.


When building projects with the IAR ARM toolchain, local variables are not always displayed correctly in the Simplicity Studio debugger.

Use the GDB debugger. Select Preferences > Simplicity Studio > Debuggers > GNU Debugger (GDB) and click Apply and Close. When a debug session is started it will use GDB.


Simplicity Studio 5 may not install or operate correctly if the Host OS language is not English (observed several times when the host OS language is Turkish).

Use English as the host OS language


Simplicity Studio 5 adapter packs and tools that use Python do not work correctly on MacOS Big Sur.

Follow the steps in the procedure at the end of this table.


Drag and Drop of the various windows in the Simplicity Studio IDE or the Debugger perspectives does not work with MacOS Big Sur. This is an issue with the underlying Eclipse and it will be fixed in a future release.



If an assignment is made in Pin Tool to a function that only has one dedicated pin, the selection cannot be undone or changed in Pin Tool.

Follow the steps in the procedure at the end of this table.


Slower project build times are seen on Windows compared to Linux.

Use an external 64-bit make.exe such as the one available from mingw. Once the make.exe is available, use a text editor on the studio.ini line in the Simplicity Studio installation directory and add a line like this to the end of the file: -Dstudio.makeLocation=C:/msys64/usr/bin/ This helps most noticeably on incremental builds. Note using an external make.exe may not work with the Keil 8051 toolchain.


If multiple instances of the PWM software component use the same timer module, the GPIO output pin for the PWM instance and the timer output channel to use cannot be set in Pin Tool.

Create the desired PWM instances and then use a text editor to manually set the PWM pin and channel in the corresponding sl_pwm...config.h header file.


Most EFR32xG22 and EFM32xG22 peripheral registers are not displayed correctly with the Simplicity Studio debugger.

Use the GDB debugger. Select Preferences > Simplicity Studio > Debuggers > GNU Debugger (GDB) and click Apply and Close. When a debug session is started it will use GDB.

To work around issue 648620, Simplicity Studio 5 adapter packs and tools that use Python do not work correctly on MacOS Big Sur:

  1. Download the Python 3.6.8 installer for macOS from Python 3.6 (64 bit, for OS X 10.9 and later).

  2. Then enter the following from a terminal window:

    sudo /usr/local/bin/python3 -m pip install jinja2 pyxb html2text
    cd "/Applications/Simplicity"
    mv python python.orig
    mv python3 python3.orig
    mv python3.6 python3.6.orig
    ln -s /usr/local/bin/python3 python
    ln -s /usr/local/bin/python3
    ln -s /usr/local/bin/python3.6

To work around issue 701971, If an assignment is made in Pin Tool to a function that only has one dedicated pin, the selection cannot be undone or changed in Pin Tool:

  1. Right-click the .pintool file and select Open With > Text Editor. In the two lines associated with the dedicated pin (SWV in this example), change 'Enabled' to 'Disabled':

    <property object="PORTIO" propertyId="portio.gpio.enable.swv" value="Enabled"/> <property object="PORTIO" propertyId="portio.gpio.enable.tdi" value="Enabled"/>

  2. Save the file.

  3. Right-click the project folder and select Close Project.

  4. Double-click the project folder to open the project.

  5. Right-click the .pintool file and select Open With > Pin Tool. The SWV and TDI definitions should no longer appear.

  6. (optional) To also update the config/pin_config.h file to remove the definitions, either:

    1. Open that file and manually delete the #define statements or

    2. Make any change in Pin Tool (set a pin to GPIO mode, for example), save the file and then change the value back to the original and save the file again.