Public Attributes#


Remote device Bluetooth Address.


TX PHY Rate 0x01 The transmitter PHY for the connection is LE 1M 0x02 The transmitter PHY for the connection is LE 2M 0x03 The transmitter PHY for the connection is LE Coded All other values Reserved for future use.


RX PHY Rate 0x01 The receiver PHY for the connection is LE 1M 0x02 The receiver PHY for the connection is LE 2M 0x03 The receiver PHY for the connection is LE Coded All other values Reserved for future use.

Public Attribute Documentation#


uint8_t rsi_ble_resp_read_phy_s::dev_addr[RSI_DEV_ADDR_LEN]

Remote device Bluetooth Address.

Definition at line 872 of file components/si91x/ble/inc/rsi_ble_apis.h


uint8_t rsi_ble_resp_read_phy_s::tx_phy

TX PHY Rate 0x01 The transmitter PHY for the connection is LE 1M 0x02 The transmitter PHY for the connection is LE 2M 0x03 The transmitter PHY for the connection is LE Coded All other values Reserved for future use.

Definition at line 878 of file components/si91x/ble/inc/rsi_ble_apis.h


uint8_t rsi_ble_resp_read_phy_s::rx_phy

RX PHY Rate 0x01 The receiver PHY for the connection is LE 1M 0x02 The receiver PHY for the connection is LE 2M 0x03 The receiver PHY for the connection is LE Coded All other values Reserved for future use.

Definition at line 884 of file components/si91x/ble/inc/rsi_ble_apis.h