
Si91x-Platform's service layer provides APIs for efficient power management, input-output (I/O) operations, memory handling, timers, and more.

The service layer APIs can be used to easily integrate these features into any application, abstracting the complexity of the underlying layers.

Note: For more details about API status codes, see the Status Code Documentation.

Overview of Sleep Modes#

  • Standby Mode: The system enters a lower power state but retains memory. Some peripherals remain active to allow the system to wake up through interrupts, typically maintaining more functionality than in sleep mode.

  • Sleep Mode: The CPU enters a low-power state with limited peripheral activity. This mode offers quicker wake ups than deeper sleep modes but consumes more power than deep sleep. External events or timers typically trigger wake ups.

  • Deep Sleep Mode: The system achieves the maximum power saving by shutting down most of its components, including the CPU and peripherals, while preserving the system state in memory. Limited wake up sources are available, including critical peripherals and timers. This mode saves more power than Standby or Sleep Mode, but the wake up time is longer due to the deeper sleep state.

Peripheral Availability Across Sleep Modes#

For information on the peripherals available in different sleep modes, see the Wakeup Sources section in the SiWx91x Reference Manual.