MQTT Client Handle structure.

This structure represents the handle for an MQTT client. It holds the current state of the client, broker configuration, last will message configuration, client configuration, subscription list, and event handler.

Public Attributes#

Current state of the MQTT client.

Pointer to the broker configuration, provided at the time of the connect() API call.

Pointer to the last will message configuration, provided at the time of the connect() API call.

Pointer to the client configuration, provided at the time of the connect() API call.

Pointer to the head of the subscription linked list.

Function pointer to the event handler, provided at the time of sl_mqtt_client_init.

Public Attribute Documentation#


sl_mqtt_client_connection_state_t sl_mqtt_client_t::state

Current state of the MQTT client.

Definition at line 330 of file components/service/mqtt/inc/sl_mqtt_client_types.h


const sl_mqtt_broker_t* sl_mqtt_client_t::broker

Pointer to the broker configuration, provided at the time of the connect() API call.

Definition at line 332 of file components/service/mqtt/inc/sl_mqtt_client_types.h


const sl_mqtt_client_last_will_message_t* sl_mqtt_client_t::last_will_message

Pointer to the last will message configuration, provided at the time of the connect() API call.

Definition at line 334 of file components/service/mqtt/inc/sl_mqtt_client_types.h


const sl_mqtt_client_configuration_t* sl_mqtt_client_t::client_configuration

Pointer to the client configuration, provided at the time of the connect() API call.

Definition at line 336 of file components/service/mqtt/inc/sl_mqtt_client_types.h


sl_mqtt_client_topic_subscription_info_t* sl_mqtt_client_t::subscription_list_head

Pointer to the head of the subscription linked list.

Definition at line 338 of file components/service/mqtt/inc/sl_mqtt_client_types.h


sl_mqtt_client_event_handler_t sl_mqtt_client_t::client_event_handler

Function pointer to the event handler, provided at the time of sl_mqtt_client_init.

Definition at line 340 of file components/service/mqtt/inc/sl_mqtt_client_types.h