
Wi-SUN API events

Wi-SUN API type definitions

Wi-SUN Stack API#


sl_wisun_on_event(sl_wisun_evt_t *evt)

Callback handler for a single event.


sl_wisun_set_network_size(sl_wisun_network_size_t size)

Set the size of the Wi-SUN network.

sl_wisun_connect(const uint8_t *name, sl_wisun_regulatory_domain_t reg_domain, sl_wisun_operating_class_t op_class, sl_wisun_operating_mode_t op_mode)

Initiate connection to a Wi-SUN network.

sl_wisun_get_ip_address(sl_wisun_ip_address_type_t address_type, sl_wisun_ip_address_t *address)

Read an IP address.

sl_wisun_open_socket(sl_wisun_socket_protocol_t protocol, sl_wisun_socket_id_t *socket_id)

Open a socket.

sl_wisun_close_socket(sl_wisun_socket_id_t socket_id)

Close a socket.

sl_wisun_sendto_on_socket(sl_wisun_socket_id_t socket_id, const sl_wisun_ip_address_t *remote_address, uint16_t remote_port, uint16_t data_length, const uint8_t *data)

Write data to an unconnected socket.

sl_wisun_listen_on_socket(sl_wisun_socket_id_t socket_id)

Set a TCP socket to listening state.

sl_wisun_accept_on_socket(sl_wisun_socket_id_t socket_id, sl_wisun_socket_id_t *remote_socket_id, sl_wisun_ip_address_t *remote_address, uint16_t *remote_port)

Accept a pending connection request on a TCP socket.

sl_wisun_connect_socket(sl_wisun_socket_id_t socket_id, const sl_wisun_ip_address_t *remote_address, uint16_t remote_port)

Initiate a connection from a socket to a remote peer socket.

sl_wisun_bind_socket(sl_wisun_socket_id_t socket_id, const sl_wisun_ip_address_t *local_address, uint16_t local_port)

Bind a socket to a specific local address and/or a port number.

sl_wisun_send_on_socket(sl_wisun_socket_id_t socket_id, uint16_t data_length, const uint8_t *data)

Write data to a connected socket.

sl_wisun_receive_on_socket(sl_wisun_socket_id_t socket_id, sl_wisun_ip_address_t *remote_address, uint16_t *remote_port, uint16_t *data_length, uint8_t *data)

Read data from a socket.


Disconnect from the Wi-SUN network.

sl_wisun_set_trusted_certificate(uint16_t certificate_options, uint16_t certificate_length, const uint8_t *certificate)

Set a trusted certificate used to verify the authentication server certificate.

sl_wisun_set_device_certificate(uint16_t certificate_options, uint16_t certificate_length, const uint8_t *certificate)

Set the device certificate used to authenticate to the authentication server.

sl_wisun_set_device_private_key(uint16_t key_options, uint16_t key_length, const uint8_t *key)

Set the private key of the device certificate.

sl_wisun_get_statistics(sl_wisun_statistics_type_t statistics_type, sl_wisun_statistics_t *statistics)

Read a set of statistics.

sl_wisun_set_socket_option(sl_wisun_socket_id_t socket_id, sl_wisun_socket_option_t option, const sl_wisun_socket_option_data_t *option_data)

Set a socket option.

sl_wisun_set_tx_power(int8_t tx_power)

Set the maximum TX power.

sl_wisun_set_channel_plan(uint32_t ch0_frequency, uint16_t number_of_channels, sl_wisun_channel_spacing_t channel_spacing)

Set a channel plan.

sl_wisun_set_channel_mask(const sl_wisun_channel_mask_t *channel_mask)

Set a mask of operating channels.

sl_wisun_allow_mac_address(const sl_wisun_mac_address_t *address)

Add a MAC address to the list of allowed addresses.

sl_wisun_deny_mac_address(const sl_wisun_mac_address_t *address)

Add a MAC address to the list of denied addresses.

sl_wisun_get_socket_option(sl_wisun_socket_id_t socket_id, sl_wisun_socket_option_t option, sl_wisun_socket_option_data_t *option_data)

Get a socket option.

sl_wisun_get_join_state(sl_wisun_join_state_t *join_state)

Get the current join state.


Clear the credential cache.

sl_wisun_get_mac_address(sl_wisun_mac_address_t *address)

Get the current MAC address in use.

sl_wisun_set_mac_address(const sl_wisun_mac_address_t *address)

Set the MAC address to be used.

Callbacks Documentation#


void sl_wisun_on_event (sl_wisun_evt_t * evt)

Callback handler for a single event.


The event to be handled

This function is called when the stack sends an event to the application. The application can declare its own version this function to customize event handling. The default implementation discards all events. See Also

Definition at line 60 of file C:/SiliconLabs/SimplicityStudio/v5/developer/sdks/gecko_sdk_suite/v3.2/protocol/wisun/stack/inc/sl_wisun_api.h

Function Documentation#


sl_status_t sl_wisun_set_network_size (sl_wisun_network_size_t size)

Set the size of the Wi-SUN network.


Size of the network SL_WISUN_NETWORK_SIZE_AUTOMATIC: network size is managed automatically SL_WISUN_NETWORK_SIZE_SMALL: less than 100 nodes SL_WISUN_NETWORK_SIZE_MEDIUM: 100 to 800 nodes SL_WISUN_NETWORK_SIZE_LARGE: 800 to 1500 nodes

This function sets the size of the network. The value is used to adjust internal behavior, such as timing parameters, to optimize device behavior in regard to the size. The device will function with any setting but may exhibit non-optimal behavior. Setting the size too large may cause slow connection speeds and increased latency. Conversely, a value too small may cause increased network traffic. Returns

  • SL_STATUS_OK if successful, an error code otherwise

Definition at line 83 of file C:/SiliconLabs/SimplicityStudio/v5/developer/sdks/gecko_sdk_suite/v3.2/protocol/wisun/stack/inc/sl_wisun_api.h


sl_status_t sl_wisun_connect (const uint8_t * name, sl_wisun_regulatory_domain_t reg_domain, sl_wisun_operating_class_t op_class, sl_wisun_operating_mode_t op_mode)

Initiate connection to a Wi-SUN network.


Name of the Wi-SUN network as a zero-terminated string


Regulatory domain of the Wi-SUN network


Operating class of the Wi-SUN network


Operating mode of the Wi-SUN network

This function initiates connection to a Wi-SUN network. Completion of the request is indicated with a SL_WISUN_MSG_CONNECTED_IND_ID event. Returns

  • SL_STATUS_OK if successful, an error code otherwise

Definition at line 96 of file C:/SiliconLabs/SimplicityStudio/v5/developer/sdks/gecko_sdk_suite/v3.2/protocol/wisun/stack/inc/sl_wisun_api.h


sl_status_t sl_wisun_get_ip_address (sl_wisun_ip_address_type_t address_type, sl_wisun_ip_address_t * address)

Read an IP address.


Type of the IP address to read SL_WISUN_IP_ADDRESS_TYPE_LINK_LOCAL: Link-local IPv6 address of the device SL_WISUN_IP_ADDRESS_TYPE_GLOBAL: Global unicast IPv6 address of the device SL_WISUN_IP_ADDRESS_TYPE_BORDER_ROUTER: Global unicast IPv6 address of the border router SL_WISUN_IP_ADDRESS_TYPE_PRIMARY_PARENT: Link-local IPv6 address of the primary parent SL_WISUN_IP_ADDRESS_TYPE_SECONDARY_PARENT: Link-local IPv6 address of the secondary parent


IP address to read


  • SL_STATUS_OK if successful, an error code otherwise.

Definition at line 112 of file C:/SiliconLabs/SimplicityStudio/v5/developer/sdks/gecko_sdk_suite/v3.2/protocol/wisun/stack/inc/sl_wisun_api.h


sl_status_t sl_wisun_open_socket (sl_wisun_socket_protocol_t protocol, sl_wisun_socket_id_t * socket_id)

Open a socket.


Protocol type of the socket


ID of the opened socket


  • SL_STATUS_OK if successful, an error code otherwise

Definition at line 121 of file C:/SiliconLabs/SimplicityStudio/v5/developer/sdks/gecko_sdk_suite/v3.2/protocol/wisun/stack/inc/sl_wisun_api.h


sl_status_t sl_wisun_close_socket (sl_wisun_socket_id_t socket_id)

Close a socket.


ID of the socket


  • SL_STATUS_OK if successful, an error code otherwise

Definition at line 129 of file C:/SiliconLabs/SimplicityStudio/v5/developer/sdks/gecko_sdk_suite/v3.2/protocol/wisun/stack/inc/sl_wisun_api.h


sl_status_t sl_wisun_sendto_on_socket (sl_wisun_socket_id_t socket_id, const sl_wisun_ip_address_t * remote_address, uint16_t remote_port, uint16_t data_length, const uint8_t * data)

Write data to an unconnected socket.


ID of the socket


IP address of the remote peer


Port number of the remote peer


Amount of data to write


Pointer to the data

This function initiates transmission of data to a remote peer and can only be used on an unconnected UDP or ICMP socket. Completion of the transmission is indicated with a SL_WISUN_MSG_SOCKET_DATA_SENT_IND_ID event. The function takes a copy of the data, the caller may free the resource when the function returns. Returns

  • SL_STATUS_OK if successful, an error code otherwise

Definition at line 146 of file C:/SiliconLabs/SimplicityStudio/v5/developer/sdks/gecko_sdk_suite/v3.2/protocol/wisun/stack/inc/sl_wisun_api.h


sl_status_t sl_wisun_listen_on_socket (sl_wisun_socket_id_t socket_id)

Set a TCP socket to listening state.


ID of the socket

This function sets a TCP socket to listening state, allowing it to act as a server socket, i.e., to receive connection requests from clients. Connection requests are indicated with SL_WISUN_MSG_SOCKET_CONNECTION_AVAILABLE_IND_ID events and accepted using sl_wisun_accept_on_socket(). This function can only be used on an unconnected TCP socket. Returns

  • SL_STATUS_OK if successful, an error code otherwise

Definition at line 163 of file C:/SiliconLabs/SimplicityStudio/v5/developer/sdks/gecko_sdk_suite/v3.2/protocol/wisun/stack/inc/sl_wisun_api.h


sl_status_t sl_wisun_accept_on_socket (sl_wisun_socket_id_t socket_id, sl_wisun_socket_id_t * remote_socket_id, sl_wisun_ip_address_t * remote_address, uint16_t * remote_port)

Accept a pending connection request on a TCP socket.


ID of the socket on listening state


ID of the new connected socket


IP address of the remote peer


Port number of the remote peer

This function accepts a pending connection request from a remote peer and creates a new connected TCP socket for the connection. To decline a connection request, the request must be accepted and then closed using sl_wisun_close_socket(). Use this function only on a TCP socket on listening state. Returns

  • SL_STATUS_OK if successful, an error code otherwise

Definition at line 178 of file C:/SiliconLabs/SimplicityStudio/v5/developer/sdks/gecko_sdk_suite/v3.2/protocol/wisun/stack/inc/sl_wisun_api.h


sl_status_t sl_wisun_connect_socket (sl_wisun_socket_id_t socket_id, const sl_wisun_ip_address_t * remote_address, uint16_t remote_port)

Initiate a connection from a socket to a remote peer socket.


ID of the socket


IP address of the remote peer


Port number of the remote peer

This function initiates a connection from a local socket to to a remote peer socket. The result of the connection is indicated with a SL_WISUN_MSG_SOCKET_CONNECTED_IND_ID event. Connecting a socket is mandatory for TCP client sockets but may be also used on other types of sockets. A connected socket can only receive and transmit data with the designated peer. Use this function only on an unconnected TCP or UDP socket. Returns

  • SL_STATUS_OK if successful, an error code otherwise

Definition at line 197 of file C:/SiliconLabs/SimplicityStudio/v5/developer/sdks/gecko_sdk_suite/v3.2/protocol/wisun/stack/inc/sl_wisun_api.h


sl_status_t sl_wisun_bind_socket (sl_wisun_socket_id_t socket_id, const sl_wisun_ip_address_t * local_address, uint16_t local_port)

Bind a socket to a specific local address and/or a port number.


ID of the socket


Local IP address to use on the socket. NULL if not bound.


Local port number to use on the socket. Zero if not bound.

This function binds the local address and/or the port of a socket. When the local address is bound, the socket will only accept traffic sent to the specified address and the transmitted packets will use the address as the source address. If not bound, the socket will accept data sent to any valid address of the device and the source address is selected by the stack. Binding the local port number sets the port number for received and transmitted packets. If not bound, the stack will select a port number automatically. This function can only be used on an unconnected TCP or UDP socket. Returns

  • SL_STATUS_OK if successful, an error code otherwise

Definition at line 217 of file C:/SiliconLabs/SimplicityStudio/v5/developer/sdks/gecko_sdk_suite/v3.2/protocol/wisun/stack/inc/sl_wisun_api.h


sl_status_t sl_wisun_send_on_socket (sl_wisun_socket_id_t socket_id, uint16_t data_length, const uint8_t * data)

Write data to a connected socket.


ID of the socket


Amount of data to write


Pointer to the data

This function initiates transmission of data to a connected remote peer and can only be used on a connected socket. Completion of the transmission is indicated with a SL_WISUN_MSG_SOCKET_DATA_SENT_IND_ID event. The function takes a copy of the data, the caller may free the resource when the function returns. Returns

  • SL_STATUS_OK if successful, an error code otherwise

Definition at line 234 of file C:/SiliconLabs/SimplicityStudio/v5/developer/sdks/gecko_sdk_suite/v3.2/protocol/wisun/stack/inc/sl_wisun_api.h


sl_status_t sl_wisun_receive_on_socket (sl_wisun_socket_id_t socket_id, sl_wisun_ip_address_t * remote_address, uint16_t * remote_port, uint16_t * data_length, uint8_t * data)

Read data from a socket.


ID of the socket


IP address of the remote peer


Port number of the remote peer


Amount of data to read on input, amount of data read on output


Pointer to where the read data is stored

This function reads buffered data from a socket. When reading data from a UDP or ICMP socket, the entire packet must be read. Any data left unread is discarded after this call. TCP sockets allow reading only a part of the buffered data. Returns

  • SL_STATUS_OK if successful, an error code otherwise

Definition at line 251 of file C:/SiliconLabs/SimplicityStudio/v5/developer/sdks/gecko_sdk_suite/v3.2/protocol/wisun/stack/inc/sl_wisun_api.h


sl_status_t sl_wisun_disconnect ()

Disconnect from the Wi-SUN network.

This function disconnects an active connection or cancels an ongoing connection attempt. Returns

  • SL_STATUS_OK if successful, an error code otherwise

Definition at line 263 of file C:/SiliconLabs/SimplicityStudio/v5/developer/sdks/gecko_sdk_suite/v3.2/protocol/wisun/stack/inc/sl_wisun_api.h


sl_status_t sl_wisun_set_trusted_certificate (uint16_t certificate_options, uint16_t certificate_length, const uint8_t * certificate)

Set a trusted certificate used to verify the authentication server certificate.


Options for the certificate SL_WISUN_CERTIFICATE_OPTION_APPEND: Append the certificate to the list of trusted certificates instead of replacing the previous entries SL_WISUN_CERTIFICATE_OPTION_IS_REF: The application guarantees the certificate data will remain in scope and can therefore be referenced instead of copied


Size of the certificate data


Pointer to the certificate data


  • SL_STATUS_OK if successful, an error code otherwise

Definition at line 276 of file C:/SiliconLabs/SimplicityStudio/v5/developer/sdks/gecko_sdk_suite/v3.2/protocol/wisun/stack/inc/sl_wisun_api.h


sl_status_t sl_wisun_set_device_certificate (uint16_t certificate_options, uint16_t certificate_length, const uint8_t * certificate)

Set the device certificate used to authenticate to the authentication server.


Options for the certificate. SL_WISUN_CERTIFICATE_OPTION_APPEND: Append the certificate to the list of device certificates instead of replacing the previous entries SL_WISUN_CERTIFICATE_OPTION_IS_REF: The application guarantees the certificate data will remain in scope and can therefore be referenced instead of copied SL_WISUN_CERTIFICATE_OPTION_HAS_KEY: The certificate has a private key


Size of the certificate data


Pointer to the certificate data


  • SL_STATUS_OK if successful, an error code otherwise

Definition at line 292 of file C:/SiliconLabs/SimplicityStudio/v5/developer/sdks/gecko_sdk_suite/v3.2/protocol/wisun/stack/inc/sl_wisun_api.h


sl_status_t sl_wisun_set_device_private_key (uint16_t key_options, uint16_t key_length, const uint8_t * key)

Set the private key of the device certificate.


Options for the private key SL_WISUN_PRIVATE_KEY_OPTION_IS_REF: The application guarantees the private key data will remain in scope and can therefore be referenced instead of copied


Size of the private key data


Pointer to the private key data


  • SL_STATUS_OK if successful, an error code otherwise

Definition at line 305 of file C:/SiliconLabs/SimplicityStudio/v5/developer/sdks/gecko_sdk_suite/v3.2/protocol/wisun/stack/inc/sl_wisun_api.h


sl_status_t sl_wisun_get_statistics (sl_wisun_statistics_type_t statistics_type, sl_wisun_statistics_t * statistics)

Read a set of statistics.




Set of statistics read

This function reads a set of statistics from the stack. Statistics are cumulative and reset when a connection is initiated. Returns

  • SL_STATUS_OK if successful, an error code otherwise.

Definition at line 322 of file C:/SiliconLabs/SimplicityStudio/v5/developer/sdks/gecko_sdk_suite/v3.2/protocol/wisun/stack/inc/sl_wisun_api.h


sl_status_t sl_wisun_set_socket_option (sl_wisun_socket_id_t socket_id, sl_wisun_socket_option_t option, const sl_wisun_socket_option_data_t * option_data)

Set a socket option.


ID of the socket




Socket option specific data


  • SL_STATUS_OK if successful, an error code otherwise

Definition at line 334 of file C:/SiliconLabs/SimplicityStudio/v5/developer/sdks/gecko_sdk_suite/v3.2/protocol/wisun/stack/inc/sl_wisun_api.h


sl_status_t sl_wisun_set_tx_power (int8_t tx_power)

Set the maximum TX power.


TX power in dBm

This function sets the maximum TX power to be used. The device may utilize a lower value based on internal decision making or hardware limitations but will never exceed the given value. Returns

  • SL_STATUS_OK if successful, an error code otherwise

Definition at line 346 of file C:/SiliconLabs/SimplicityStudio/v5/developer/sdks/gecko_sdk_suite/v3.2/protocol/wisun/stack/inc/sl_wisun_api.h


sl_status_t sl_wisun_set_channel_plan (uint32_t ch0_frequency, uint16_t number_of_channels, sl_wisun_channel_spacing_t channel_spacing)

Set a channel plan.


Frequency of the first channel in kHz


Number of channels


Spacing between the channels

This function sets an application-specific channel plan to be used in the following connections. By default, the channel plan is set indirectly based on the regulatory domain and the operating class given in sl_wisun_connect(). Returns

  • SL_STATUS_OK if successful, an error code otherwise

Definition at line 359 of file C:/SiliconLabs/SimplicityStudio/v5/developer/sdks/gecko_sdk_suite/v3.2/protocol/wisun/stack/inc/sl_wisun_api.h


sl_status_t sl_wisun_set_channel_mask (const sl_wisun_channel_mask_t * channel_mask)

Set a mask of operating channels.


Mask of operating channels

This function sets a mask of channels the device is allowed to operate in. By default, all channels in the channel plan are allowed. The mask can only be used to further restrict the channels, channels outside the channel plan or channels internally excluded are ignored. Returns

  • SL_STATUS_OK if successful, an error code otherwise

Definition at line 373 of file C:/SiliconLabs/SimplicityStudio/v5/developer/sdks/gecko_sdk_suite/v3.2/protocol/wisun/stack/inc/sl_wisun_api.h


sl_status_t sl_wisun_allow_mac_address (const sl_wisun_mac_address_t * address)

Add a MAC address to the list of allowed addresses.


MAC address broadcast address: allow all MAC addresses unicast address: allow the given MAC address

This function adds a MAC address to the list of allowed addresses. When the first address is added to the list, the list of denied addresses is cleared and the device will start preventing communication with any device whose MAC address does not match any of addresses on the list. By default, all MAC addresses are allowed. Returns

  • SL_STATUS_OK if successful, an error code otherwise

Definition at line 387 of file C:/SiliconLabs/SimplicityStudio/v5/developer/sdks/gecko_sdk_suite/v3.2/protocol/wisun/stack/inc/sl_wisun_api.h


sl_status_t sl_wisun_deny_mac_address (const sl_wisun_mac_address_t * address)

Add a MAC address to the list of denied addresses.


MAC address broadcast address: deny all MAC addresses unicast address: deny the given MAC address

This function adds a MAC address to the list of denied addresses. When the first address is added to the list, the list of allowed addresses is cleared and the device will start preventing communication with any device whose MAC address matches any of the addresses on the list. By default, all MAC addresses are allowed. Returns

  • SL_STATUS_OK if successful, an error code otherwise

Definition at line 402 of file C:/SiliconLabs/SimplicityStudio/v5/developer/sdks/gecko_sdk_suite/v3.2/protocol/wisun/stack/inc/sl_wisun_api.h


sl_status_t sl_wisun_get_socket_option (sl_wisun_socket_id_t socket_id, sl_wisun_socket_option_t option, sl_wisun_socket_option_data_t * option_data)

Get a socket option.


ID of the socket


Socket option to get SL_WISUN_SOCKET_OPTION_SEND_BUFFER_LIMIT: Send buffer limit


Socket option specific data

This function retrieves the value of a socket option. Returns

  • SL_STATUS_OK if successful, an error code otherwise

Definition at line 413 of file C:/SiliconLabs/SimplicityStudio/v5/developer/sdks/gecko_sdk_suite/v3.2/protocol/wisun/stack/inc/sl_wisun_api.h


sl_status_t sl_wisun_get_join_state (sl_wisun_join_state_t * join_state)

Get the current join state.


Join state

This function retrieves the current state of the connection process. The function can only be used when a connection has been initiated. Returns

  • SL_STATUS_OK if successful, an error code otherwise

Definition at line 425 of file C:/SiliconLabs/SimplicityStudio/v5/developer/sdks/gecko_sdk_suite/v3.2/protocol/wisun/stack/inc/sl_wisun_api.h


sl_status_t sl_wisun_clear_credential_cache ()

Clear the credential cache.

This function clears the cached authentication credentials stored in non-volatile storage. The function is intended for test purposes. Note that clearing the credential cache may prevent the node from reconnecting to the same parent until the corresponding cache entry has expired on the parent. Returns

  • SL_STATUS_OK if successful, an error code otherwise

Definition at line 436 of file C:/SiliconLabs/SimplicityStudio/v5/developer/sdks/gecko_sdk_suite/v3.2/protocol/wisun/stack/inc/sl_wisun_api.h


sl_status_t sl_wisun_get_mac_address (sl_wisun_mac_address_t * address)

Get the current MAC address in use.


MAC address


  • SL_STATUS_OK if successful, an error code otherwise

Definition at line 443 of file C:/SiliconLabs/SimplicityStudio/v5/developer/sdks/gecko_sdk_suite/v3.2/protocol/wisun/stack/inc/sl_wisun_api.h


sl_status_t sl_wisun_set_mac_address (const sl_wisun_mac_address_t * address)

Set the MAC address to be used.


MAC address

This function sets the MAC address to be used in the following connections. By default, the device will use the built-in unique device MAC address. The address is reset to the built-in value upon power up. Returns

  • SL_STATUS_OK if successful, an error code otherwise

Definition at line 454 of file C:/SiliconLabs/SimplicityStudio/v5/developer/sdks/gecko_sdk_suite/v3.2/protocol/wisun/stack/inc/sl_wisun_api.h