Wi-SUN Stack traces and debug API#

The Trace and Debug component adds tracing capabilities to the stack and stack plugin components. The component provides APIs to configure or filter out the debug traces output.


sl_wisun_set_trace_level(uint8_t group_count, sl_wisun_trace_group_config_t *trace_config)

Set the trace level.

sl_wisun_set_trace_filter(uint8_t filter[SL_WISUN_FILTER_BITFIELD_SIZE])

Set the trace filter.

Function Documentation#


sl_status_t sl_wisun_set_trace_level (uint8_t group_count, sl_wisun_trace_group_config_t * trace_config)

Set the trace level.


Number of groups to configure. If 0, enable all levels for all groups. Maximum SL_WISUN_TRACE_GROUP_COUNT


Table with group_count element filled. It indicates the trace level to be displayed for each group.


  • SL_STATUS_NOT_AVAILABLE if the Wi-SUN Debug & Traces component is not installed SL_STATUS_OK if successful, an error code otherwise

Definition at line 57 of file /mnt/raid/workspaces/ws.fy2OGuDyK/overlay/super/protocol/wisun/stack/inc/sl_wisun_trace_api.h


sl_status_t sl_wisun_set_trace_filter (uint8_t filter)

Set the trace filter.


Bitfield. Each 1 indicates the trace group ID corresponding is selected for tracing. 0 means the trace group ID corresponding should be filtered out. It follows enum sl_wisun_trace_group_t filter[0] contains ID 0 to 7 filter[1] contains ID 8 to 15...

Indicate which trace group will be displayed. Returns

  • SL_STATUS_NOT_AVAILABLE if the Wi-SUN Debug & Traces component is not installed SL_STATUS_OK if successful, an error code otherwise

Definition at line 69 of file /mnt/raid/workspaces/ws.fy2OGuDyK/overlay/super/protocol/wisun/stack/inc/sl_wisun_trace_api.h