EmberZNet Smart Energy security API. See Smart Energy Security for documention.


Copyright 2018 Silicon Laboratories Inc. www.silabs.com

The licensor of this software is Silicon Laboratories Inc. Your use of this software is governed by the terms of Silicon Labs Master Software License Agreement (MSLA) available at www.silabs.com/about-us/legal/master-software-license-agreement. This software is distributed to you in Source Code format and is governed by the sections of the MSLA applicable to Source Code.


EmberStatus emberGetCertificate(EmberCertificateData* result);

EmberStatus emberGenerateCbkeKeys(void);

EmberStatus emberCalculateSmacs(bool amInitiator,
                                EmberCertificateData* partnerCert,
                                EmberPublicKeyData* partnerEphemeralPublicKey);

EmberStatus emberClearTemporaryDataMaybeStoreLinkKey(bool storeLinkKey);

/* @brief LEGACY FUNCTION:  This functionality has been replaced by a single
 * bit in the ::EmberApsFrame, ::EMBER_APS_OPTION_DSA_SIGN.  Devices wishing
 * to send signed messages should use that as it requires fewer function calls
 * and message buffering.  emberDsaSignHandler() is still called when using
 * ::EMBER_APS_OPTION_DSA_SIGN.  However, this function is still supported.
 * This function begins the process of signing the passed message
 * contained within the buffer.  If no other ECC operation is going on,
 * it will immediately return with ::EMBER_OPERATION_IN_PROGRESS.
 * It will delay a period of time to let APS retries take place, but then it
 * will shutdown the radio and consume the CPU processing until the signing
 * is complete.  This may take up to 1 second.
 * The signed message will be returned in ::emberDsaSignHandler().
 * Note that the last byte of the buffer contents passed to this function has
 * special significance.  As the typical use case for DSA signing is to sign the
 * ZCL payload of a DRLC Report Event Status message in SE 1.0, there is often
 * both a signed portion (ZCL payload) and an unsigned portion (ZCL header).
 * The last byte in the content of messageToSign is therefore used as a
 * special indicator to signify how many bytes of leading data in the buffer
 * should be excluded from consideration during the signing process.  If the
 * signature needs to cover the entire buffer (all bytes except last one),
 * the caller should ensure that the last byte of the buffer contents is 0.
 * When the signature operation is complete, this final byte will be replaced
 * by the signature type indicator (0x01 for ECDSA signatures), and the
 * actual signature will be appended to the buffer after this byte.
 * @param messageToSign The message buffer containing the complete message,
 *   both the to-be-signed portion as well as any leading data excluded from
 *   the signing operation.  See note above regarding special requirements
 *   for this buffer.
 * @return ::EMBER_OPERATION_IN_PROGRESS if the stack has queued up the
 *   operation for execution.  ::EMBER_INVALID_CALL if the operation can't be
 *   performed in this context (possibly because another ECC operation is
 *   pending.)
EmberStatus emberDsaSign(EmberMessageBuffer messageToSign);

/* @brief This function is an application callback that must be defined
 * when using CBKE.  It is called when the ephemeral key generation operation
 * is complete.  The newly generated public key is passed back to the
 * application to be sent to the CBKE partner over-the-air.  Internally
 * the stack saves the public and private key pair until it the function
 * ::emberClearTemporaryDataMaybeStoreLinkKey() is called by the application.
 * @param status This is the ::EmberStatus value indicating the success or
 *   failure of the operation.
 * @param ephemeralPublicKey A pointer to an ::EmberPublicKeyData structure
 *   containing the newly generated public key.
void emberGenerateCbkeKeysHandler(EmberStatus status,
                                  EmberPublicKeyData* ephemeralPublicKey);

/* @brief Application callback that must be defined
 * when using CBKE.  It is called when the shared secret generation is
 * complete and the link key and SMACs have been derived.  The link key is
 * stored in a temporary location until the application decides to
 * store or discard the key by calling
 * ::emberClearTemporaryDataMaybeStoreLinkKey().
 * @param status This is the ::EmberStatus value indicating the success or
 *   failure of the operation.
 * @param initiatorSmac This is a pointer to the ::EmberSmacData structure
 *   to the initiator's version of the SMAC.
 * @param responderSmac This is a pointer to the ::EmberSmacData structure
 *   to the responder's version of the SMAC.
void emberCalculateSmacsHandler(EmberStatus status,
                                EmberSmacData* initiatorSmac,
                                EmberSmacData* responderSmac);

/* @brief Application callback that must be defined
 * when using CBKE.  This callback is provided to the application to let
 * it know that the ECC operations have completed and the radio has been turned
 * back on.  When using the sign-and-send option of the ::EmberApsFrame,
 * ::EMBER_APS_OPTION_DSA_SIGN, the handler will NOT return the complete
 * signed message.  This callback is merely informative.  If ::emberDsaSign()
 * has been called, the message plus signature will be returned to the caller
 * and it must be sent separately by one of the message send primitives
 * (such as ::emberSendUnicast()).
 * @param status This is the ::EmberStatus value indicating the success or
 *   failure of the operation.
 * @param signedMessage This is the ::EmberMessageBuffer indicating the newly
 *   signed message, if ::emberDsaSign() was called.  If message was signed
 *   using ::EMBER_APS_OPTION_DSA_SIGN then this will be
void emberDsaSignHandler(EmberStatus status,
                         EmberMessageBuffer signedMessage);

/* @brief Update the Smart Energy certificate,
 * CA public key, and local private key that the device uses for CBKE.
 * The preferred method for adding certificates is to pre-install them
 * in MFG tokens when the chip is manufactured.  However this function
 * allows the certificate to be updated at runtime after the device has
 * been deployed.
 *   The behavior of this function differs based on the hardware platform.
 * For the 2xx:
 * To use this functionality the application must also set
 * the stack configuration value ::EMBER_CERTIFICATE_TABLE_SIZE to 1.
 * Attempts to call this function with ::EMBER_CERTIFICATE_TABLE_SIZE of 0
 * The passed security data will be persistently stored in stack tokens.
 * The certificate contains the EUI64 it is associated with.  If that
 * EUI64 matches the EUI64 currently in use by the device, this
 * function may be called at any time, even while running in a network.
 * If the EUI64 does not match, this function may only be called when the
 * network is in a state of ::EMBER_NO_NETWORK.  Attempts to do otherwise
 * will result in a return value of ::EMBER_INVALID_CALL.
 * For the 3xx:
 * This function allows a one-time write of the MFG token if it has not
 * already been set.  It does NOT utilize the ::EMBER_CERTIFICATE_TABLE_SIZE
 * so that should remain set at 0.  Attempts to write the certificate that
 * has already been written will return a result of
 * ::EMBER_ERR_FLASH_WRITE_INHIBITED.  If the EUI64 in the certificate is
 * the same as the current EUI of the device then this function may be called
 * while the stack is up.  If the EUI in the certificate is different than
 * the current value, this function may only be called when the network is in
 * a state of ::EMBER_NO_NETWORK.  Attempts to do otherwise will result in a
 * return value of ::EMBER_INVALID_CALL.  If the EUI in the certificate is
 * different than the current value this function will also write the
 * Custom EUI64 MFG token.  If that token has already been written the operation
 * will fail and return a result of ::EMBER_BAD_ARGUMENT.
 * If all the above criteria is met the token will be written and
 * ::EMBER_SUCCESS will be returned.
 * @note The device will immediately and persistently <b>change its EUI64
 * to match the value in the certificate</b>.
 * @param caPublic A pointer to the CA public key data that will be stored
 *   in stack tokens.
 * @param myCert A pointer to the certificate data that will be stored in
 *   stack tokens.
 * @param mykey A pointer to the private key data that will be stored in
 *   stack tokens.
 * @return The ::EmberStatus value indicating success or failure of the
 *   operation.
EmberStatus emberSetPreinstalledCbkeData(EmberPublicKeyData* caPublic,
                                         EmberCertificateData* myCert,
                                         EmberPrivateKeyData* myKey);

/* @brief Retrieve the EUI64 from the stack token
 * Smart Energy Certificate (it does not examine the MFG token certificate)
 * and returns the value in the "Subject" field (the EUI64) to the caller.
 * If no stack token is set, the ::EMBER_CERTIFICATE_TABLE_SIZE is zero
 * or if the CBKE library is not present, this function returns false
 * and the EUI64 for the return value is not set.
 * @param certEui64 The location of the return value for the EUI64.
 * @return true if the stack token certificate is set and the EUI64
 *   return value is valid.  false otherwise.
bool emberGetStackCertificateEui64(EmberEUI64 certEui64);

/* @brief Verify the ECDSA signature of the
 * calculated digest and the associated received signature, using
 * the signerCertificate passed in.  It is expected that the application
 * obtains the signerCertificate and performs the message digest calculation
 * on its own.
EmberStatus emberDsaVerify(EmberMessageDigest* digest,
                           EmberCertificateData* signerCertificate,
                           EmberSignatureData* receivedSig);

/* @brief Executed by the stack when the DSA verification
 * has completed and has a result.  If the result is EMBER_SUCCESS, the
 * signature is valid.  If the result is EMBER_SIGNATURE_VERIFY_FAILURE
 * then the signature is invalid.  If the result is anything else then the
 * signature verify operation failed and the validity is unknown.
void emberDsaVerifyHandler(EmberStatus status);

// Start of 283k1 Curve Definitions

EmberStatus emberGetCertificate283k1(EmberCertificate283k1Data* result);

EmberStatus emberGenerateCbkeKeys283k1(void);

EmberStatus emberCalculateSmacs283k1(bool amInitiator,
                                     EmberCertificate283k1Data* partnerCert,
                                     EmberPublicKey283k1Data* partnerEphemeralPublicKey);

EmberStatus emberClearTemporaryDataMaybeStoreLinkKey283k1(bool storeLinkKey);

/* @brief Application callback that must be defined
 * when using the CBKE 283k1 Library.  It is called when the ephemeral key
 * generation operation is complete.  The newly generated public key is passed
 * back to the application to be sent to the CBKE partner over-the-air. Internally
 * the stack saves the public and private key pair until it the function
 * ::emberClearTemporaryDataMaybeStoreLinkKey283k1() is called by the application.
 * @param status This is the ::EmberStatus value indicating the success or
 *   failure of the operation.
 * @param ephemeralPublicKey A pointer to an ::EmberPublicKeyData structure
 *   containing the newly generated public key.
void emberGenerateCbkeKeysHandler283k1(EmberStatus status,
                                       EmberPublicKey283k1Data* ephemeralPublicKey);

/* @brief Application callback that must be defined
 * when using CBKE.  It is called when the shared secret generation is
 * complete and the link key and SMACs have been derived.  The link key is
 * stored in a temporary location until the application decides to
 * store or discard the key by calling
 * ::emberClearTemporaryDataMaybeStoreLinkKey283k1().
 * @param status This is the ::EmberStatus value indicating the success or
 *   failure of the operation.
 * @param initiatorSmac This is a pointer to the ::EmberSmacData structure
 *   to the initiator's version of the SMAC.
 * @param responderSmac This is a pointer to the ::EmberSmacData structure
 *   to the responder's version of the SMAC.
void emberCalculateSmacsHandler283k1(EmberStatus status,
                                     EmberSmacData* initiatorSmac,
                                     EmberSmacData* responderSmac);

/* Allow a one-time write of the MFG token if it has not
 * already been set.  It does NOT utilize the ::EMBER_CERTIFICATE_TABLE_SIZE
 * so that should remain set at 0.  Attempts to write the certificate that
 * has already been written will return a result of
 * ::EMBER_ERR_FLASH_WRITE_INHIBITED.  If the EUI64 in the certificate is
 * the same as the current EUI of the device then this function may be called
 * while the stack is up.  If the EUI in the certificate is different than
 * the current value, this function may only be called when the network is in
 * a state of ::EMBER_NO_NETWORK.  Attempts to do otherwise will result in a
 * return value of ::EMBER_INVALID_CALL.  If the EUI in the certificate is
 * different than the current value this function will also write the
 * Custom EUI64 MFG token.  If that token has already been written the operation
 * will fail and return a result of ::EMBER_BAD_ARGUMENT.
 * If all the above criteria is met the token will be written and
 * ::EMBER_SUCCESS will be returned.
 * @note The device will immediately and persistently <b>change its EUI64
 * to match the value in the certificate</b>.
 * @param caPublic A pointer to the 283k1 CA public key data that will be stored
 *   in stack tokens.
 * @param myCert A pointer to the 283k1 certificate data that will be stored in
 *   stack tokens.
 * @param mykey A pointer to the 283k1 private key data that will be stored in
 *   stack tokens.
 * @return The ::EmberStatus value indicating success or failure of the
 *   operation.
EmberStatus emberSetPreinstalledCbkeData283k1(EmberPublicKey283k1Data* caPublic,
                                              EmberCertificate283k1Data* myCert,
                                              EmberPrivateKey283k1Data* myKey);

/* @brief Verify the ECDSA signature of the
 * calculated digest and the associated received signature, using
 * the signerCertificate passed in.  It is expected that the application
 * obtains the signerCertificate and performs the message digest calculation
 * on its own.
EmberStatus emberDsaVerify283k1(EmberMessageDigest* digest,
                                EmberCertificate283k1Data* signerCertificate,
                                EmberSignature283k1Data* receivedSig);



emberGetCertificate(EmberCertificateData *result)

Retrieve the implicit certificate stored in the MFG tokens of the device.

Begin the process of generating an ephemeral public/private ECC key pair.

emberCalculateSmacs(bool amInitiator, EmberCertificateData *partnerCert, EmberPublicKeyData *partnerEphemeralPublicKey)

Begin the process of generating the shared secret, the new link key, and the Secured Message Authentication Code (SMAC).

Call when all CBKE operations are done. Any temporary data created during calls to emberGenerateCbkeKeys() or emberCalculateSmacs() is wiped out. If the local device has validated that the partner device has generated the same SMACS as itself, it should set 'storeLinkKey' to true. Otherwise it should pass in false.

emberDsaSign(EmberMessageBuffer messageToSign)
emberGenerateCbkeKeysHandler(EmberStatus status, EmberPublicKeyData *ephemeralPublicKey)
emberCalculateSmacsHandler(EmberStatus status, EmberSmacData *initiatorSmac, EmberSmacData *responderSmac)
emberDsaSignHandler(EmberStatus status, EmberMessageBuffer signedMessage)
emberSetPreinstalledCbkeData(EmberPublicKeyData *caPublic, EmberCertificateData *myCert, EmberPrivateKeyData *myKey)
emberGetStackCertificateEui64(EmberEUI64 certEui64)
emberDsaVerify(EmberMessageDigest *digest, EmberCertificateData *signerCertificate, EmberSignatureData *receivedSig)
emberDsaVerifyHandler(EmberStatus status)
emberGetCertificate283k1(EmberCertificate283k1Data *result)

Retrieves the implicit certificate stored in the MFG tokens of the device.

Begin the process of generating an ephemeral public/private ECC key pair.

emberCalculateSmacs283k1(bool amInitiator, EmberCertificate283k1Data *partnerCert, EmberPublicKey283k1Data *partnerEphemeralPublicKey)

Begin the process of generating the shared secret, the new link key, and the Secured Message Authentication Code (SMAC).

Call when all CBKE 283k1 operations are done. Any temporary data created during calls to emberGenerateCbkeKeys283k1() or emberCalculateSmacs283k1() is wiped out. If the local device has validated that the partner device has generated the same SMACS as itself, it should set 'storeLinkKey' to true. Otherwise it should pass in false.

emberGenerateCbkeKeysHandler283k1(EmberStatus status, EmberPublicKey283k1Data *ephemeralPublicKey)
emberCalculateSmacsHandler283k1(EmberStatus status, EmberSmacData *initiatorSmac, EmberSmacData *responderSmac)
emberSetPreinstalledCbkeData283k1(EmberPublicKey283k1Data *caPublic, EmberCertificate283k1Data *myCert, EmberPrivateKey283k1Data *myKey)
emberDsaVerify283k1(EmberMessageDigest *digest, EmberCertificate283k1Data *signerCertificate, EmberSignature283k1Data *receivedSig)

Function Documentation#


EmberStatus emberGetCertificate (EmberCertificateData * result)

Retrieve the implicit certificate stored in the MFG tokens of the device.


A pointer to an EmberCertificateData structure where the retrieved certificate will be stored.


Definition at line 43 of file stack/include/cbke-crypto-engine.h


EmberStatus emberGenerateCbkeKeys (void )

Begin the process of generating an ephemeral public/private ECC key pair.


If no other ECC operation is going on, it will immediately return with EMBER_OPERATION_IN_PROGRESS. It will delay a period of time to let APS retries take place, but then it will shutdown the radio and consume the CPU processing until the key generation is complete. This may take up to 1 second.

The generated results of the key generation is returned via emberGenerateCbkeKeysHandler().


Definition at line 60 of file stack/include/cbke-crypto-engine.h


EmberStatus emberCalculateSmacs (bool amInitiator, EmberCertificateData * partnerCert, EmberPublicKeyData * partnerEphemeralPublicKey)

Begin the process of generating the shared secret, the new link key, and the Secured Message Authentication Code (SMAC).


This bool indicates whether or not the device is the one that initiated the CBKE with the remote device, or whether it was the responder to the exchange.


A pointer to an EmberCertificateData structure that contains the CBKE partner's implicit certificate.


A pointer to an EmberPublicKeyData structure that contains the CBKE partner's ephemeral public key.

If no other ECC operation is going on, it will immediately return with EMBER_OPERATION_IN_PROGRESS. It will delay a period of time to let APS retries take place, but then it will shutdown the radio and consume the CPU processing until SMACs calculations are complete. This may take up to 3.5 seconds.

The calculated SMACS are returned via emberCalculateSmacsHandler().


Definition at line 84 of file stack/include/cbke-crypto-engine.h


EmberStatus emberClearTemporaryDataMaybeStoreLinkKey (bool storeLinkKey)

Call when all CBKE operations are done. Any temporary data created during calls to emberGenerateCbkeKeys() or emberCalculateSmacs() is wiped out. If the local device has validated that the partner device has generated the same SMACS as itself, it should set 'storeLinkKey' to true. Otherwise it should pass in false.


This tells the stack whether to store the newly generated link key, or discard it.


  • If storeLinkkey is false, this function returns EMBER_ERR_FATAL always. If storeLinkKey is true, then this function returns the results of whether or not the link key was stored. EMBER_SUCCESS is returned when key was stored successfully.

Definition at line 102 of file stack/include/cbke-crypto-engine.h


EmberStatus emberDsaSign (EmberMessageBuffer messageToSign)

Definition at line 142 of file stack/include/cbke-crypto-engine.h


void emberGenerateCbkeKeysHandler (EmberStatus status, EmberPublicKeyData * ephemeralPublicKey)

Definition at line 156 of file stack/include/cbke-crypto-engine.h


void emberCalculateSmacsHandler (EmberStatus status, EmberSmacData * initiatorSmac, EmberSmacData * responderSmac)

Definition at line 173 of file stack/include/cbke-crypto-engine.h


void emberDsaSignHandler (EmberStatus status, EmberMessageBuffer signedMessage)

Definition at line 194 of file stack/include/cbke-crypto-engine.h


EmberStatus emberSetPreinstalledCbkeData (EmberPublicKeyData * caPublic, EmberCertificateData * myCert, EmberPrivateKeyData * myKey)

Definition at line 247 of file stack/include/cbke-crypto-engine.h


bool emberGetStackCertificateEui64 (EmberEUI64 certEui64)

Definition at line 262 of file stack/include/cbke-crypto-engine.h


EmberStatus emberDsaVerify (EmberMessageDigest * digest, EmberCertificateData * signerCertificate, EmberSignatureData * receivedSig)

Definition at line 270 of file stack/include/cbke-crypto-engine.h


void emberDsaVerifyHandler (EmberStatus status)

Definition at line 280 of file stack/include/cbke-crypto-engine.h


EmberStatus emberGetCertificate283k1 (EmberCertificate283k1Data * result)

Retrieves the implicit certificate stored in the MFG tokens of the device.


A pointer to an EmberCertificate283k1Data structure where the retrieved certificate will be stored.


Definition at line 293 of file stack/include/cbke-crypto-engine.h


EmberStatus emberGenerateCbkeKeys283k1 (void )

Begin the process of generating an ephemeral public/private ECC key pair.


If no other ECC operation is going on, it will immediately return with EMBER_OPERATION_IN_PROGRESS. It will delay a period of time to let APS retries take place, but then it will shutdown the radio and consume the CPU processing until the key generation is complete. This may take up to 1 second.

The generated results of the key generation is returned via emberGenerateCbkeKeysHandler283k1().


Definition at line 310 of file stack/include/cbke-crypto-engine.h


EmberStatus emberCalculateSmacs283k1 (bool amInitiator, EmberCertificate283k1Data * partnerCert, EmberPublicKey283k1Data * partnerEphemeralPublicKey)

Begin the process of generating the shared secret, the new link key, and the Secured Message Authentication Code (SMAC).


This bool indicates whether or not the device is the one that initiated the CBKE with the remote device, or whether it was the responder to the exchange.


A pointer to an EmberCertificate283k1Data structure that contains the CBKE partner's implicit certificate.


A pointer to an EmberPublicKey283k1Data structure that contains the CBKE partner's ephemeral public key.

If no other ECC operation is going on, it will immediately return with EMBER_OPERATION_IN_PROGRESS. It will delay a period of time to let APS retries take place, but then it will shutdown the radio and consume the CPU processing until SMACs calculations are complete. This may take up to 3.5 seconds.

The calculated SMACS are returned via emberCalculateSmacsHandler().


Definition at line 334 of file stack/include/cbke-crypto-engine.h


EmberStatus emberClearTemporaryDataMaybeStoreLinkKey283k1 (bool storeLinkKey)

Call when all CBKE 283k1 operations are done. Any temporary data created during calls to emberGenerateCbkeKeys283k1() or emberCalculateSmacs283k1() is wiped out. If the local device has validated that the partner device has generated the same SMACS as itself, it should set 'storeLinkKey' to true. Otherwise it should pass in false.


This tells the stack whether to store the newly generated link key, or discard it.


  • If storeLinkkey is false, this function returns EMBER_ERR_FATAL always. If storeLinkKey is true, then this function returns the results of whether or not the link key was stored. EMBER_SUCCESS is returned when key was stored successfully.

Definition at line 352 of file stack/include/cbke-crypto-engine.h


void emberGenerateCbkeKeysHandler283k1 (EmberStatus status, EmberPublicKey283k1Data * ephemeralPublicKey)

Definition at line 366 of file stack/include/cbke-crypto-engine.h


void emberCalculateSmacsHandler283k1 (EmberStatus status, EmberSmacData * initiatorSmac, EmberSmacData * responderSmac)

Definition at line 383 of file stack/include/cbke-crypto-engine.h


EmberStatus emberSetPreinstalledCbkeData283k1 (EmberPublicKey283k1Data * caPublic, EmberCertificate283k1Data * myCert, EmberPrivateKey283k1Data * myKey)

Definition at line 415 of file stack/include/cbke-crypto-engine.h


EmberStatus emberDsaVerify283k1 (EmberMessageDigest * digest, EmberCertificate283k1Data * signerCertificate, EmberSignature283k1Data * receivedSig)

Definition at line 425 of file stack/include/cbke-crypto-engine.h