• This is an implementation of a DRLC server, which is intended for testing only. Generally, it is expected that the DRLC server will act as a pass through for DRLC events and will not maintain a list of scheduled events of its own. However, for testing purposes it is highly useful to have the server store scheduled events so that

  • minus a backend - the ESP can respond to get scheduled events commands.

Several things about the code make it incomplete as an actual DRLC server table:

  1. Scheduled events are not stored in persistent memory, which they would have to be if this were intended for an ESP which for some reason were storing events.

Note: The sl_zigbee_af_load_control_event_t source field is used by the plugin as a status field. If the first byte is set to 0xFF, the event is considered inactive. If it is set to 0x00, the event is considered active. Other bytes are used internally.


Copyright 2018 Silicon Laboratories Inc. www.silabs.com

The licensor of this software is Silicon Laboratories Inc. Your use of this software is governed by the terms of Silicon Labs Master Software License Agreement (MSLA) available at www.silabs.com/about-us/legal/master-software-license-agreement. This software is distributed to you in Source Code format and is governed by the sections of the MSLA applicable to Source Code.

#include "../../include/af-types.h"



// used by the CLI to clear all scheduled events in the DRLC server
void sli_zigbee_af_clear_scheduled_load_control_events(uint8_t endpoint);

// Retrieves the load control event at the given index.
sl_status_t sli_zigbee_af_get_scheduled_load_control_event(uint8_t endpoint,
                                                           uint8_t index,
                                                           sl_zigbee_af_load_control_event_t *event);

// Sets the load control event at the given index.  The first byte of the
// source field should be set to 0x00 for active or 0xFF for inactive.
sl_status_t sli_zigbee_af_set_scheduled_load_control_event(uint8_t endpoint,
                                                           uint8_t index,
                                                           const sl_zigbee_af_load_control_event_t *event);

void sli_zigbee_af_drlc_server_print_info(uint8_t endpoint);

void sli_zigbee_af_drlc_server_slce_message(sl_802154_short_addr_t nodeId,
                                            uint8_t srcEndpoint,
                                            uint8_t dstEndpoint,
                                            uint8_t index);

// These internal functions help maintain event order, which is sorted by
// start time and issuer event ID. This is needed when responding to
// GetScheduledEvents with startTime and/or issuerEventId specified, where
// the returned events must be sent back in order
uint8_t findPlacementInEventOrderToLoadControlIndex(uint8_t ep, uint8_t index);
void updateEventOrderToLoadControlIndex(uint8_t ep,
                                        uint8_t index,
                                        bool eventAdded,
                                        bool isNewEvent);
void clearEventOrderToLoadControlIndex(uint8_t ep);

 // end of drlc-server

Macro Definition Documentation#



Definition at line 58 of file app/framework/plugin/drlc-server/drlc-server.h