Getting Started#

Getting Started with SLWSTK6101 Embedded Software#

The Blue Gecko Bluetooth Wireless Starter Kit (WSTK) helps evaluate Silicon Labs' Blue Gecko Bluetooth modules and get started with software development. The kits come in different versions with different module radio boards. See for details on current configurations.

To get started with the WSTK, download Simplicity Studio 5 (SSv5) and the Bluetooth SDK v3.x and work on the pre-built demos to get some experience. The Bluetooth SDK comes with some prebuilt demos that can be flashed to your EFR32 device and tested using a Smartphone. Here we show how to test three prebuilt demos:

  • NCP Empty demo

  • iBeacon demo

  • Health Thermometer demo

Prepare the WSTK#

  1. Connect a Bluetooth Module Radio Board to the WSTK Main Board as shown in the following figure.

  2. Connect the WSTK to a PC using the Main Board USB connector.

  3. Turn the Power switch to "AEM" position.Note: At this stage, you might be prompted to install the drivers for the WSTK Main Board but you can skip this for now.

  4. Check that the blue USB Connection Indicator LED turns on or starts blinking.

  5. Check that the Main Board LCD display turns on and displays a Silicon Labs logo. Before starting to test the demo application note the following parts on the WSTK Main Board:

  • Temperature & Humidity Sensor

  • PB0 button

  • LED0

Kit partsKit parts

Flash the Demos#

  1. With your device connected as described above, open SSv5.

  2. Select your device in the Debug Adapters view.

  3. In the Launcher windows, select Example Projects & Demos tab.

  4. Click RUN on the demo of choice.

Test the Bluetooth Demos Using a Smartphone#

Testing the NCP Empty Demo#

  1. Load the NCP Empty demo on the target. Open Simplicity Studio with a WSTK and radio board connected and select the corresponding debug adapter.

  2. On the OVERVIEW tab, under "General Information", select the Gecko SDK Suite if it is not selected. On the Example Projects & Demos tab, select theNCP Empty demo and click RUN. This flashes the demo to your device, but it does not start advertising automatically.

  3. At this point, NCP Commander can be used to send BGAPI commands to the kit, using UART. Connections, advertising and other standard Bluetooth Low Energy operation can be controlled via this tool. NCP commander can be found in the Simplicity Studio 5 Tool menu: NCP CommandNCP Command

  4. Launch NCP Commander and then establish the connection to the kit. If everything works correctly, you should see the result of the “sl_bt_system_get_identity_address” command displayed in green: System Get Identity addressSystem Get Identity address

  5. In the ‘Advertise’ menu, click on the + button and then Start to start advertising. Step 6Step 6

  6. On the central side (smartphone), install the EFR Connect app from the App Store, and open it. To find your advertising device, tap the Develop tab, and tap Bluetooth Browser. This shows all advertising devices nearby. Connect to your device by tapping Connect next to "Silabs Example”. Its GATT database is automatically discovered and displayed. Tap any service to list its characteristics and tap any characteristic to read its value. Step 7 AndroidStep 7 Android

Testing the iBeacon Demo#

Bluetooth beacons are unconnectable advertisements that help you locate a device, determine your own position, or get minimal information about an asset the beaconing device is attached to.

After flashing the iBeacon demo to your device, you can find the beacon signal with the Bluetooth Browser of EFR Connect app. Start EFR Connect and select Bluetooth Browser. To filter beacons, tap the Filter button and select the beacon types to display. The app will provide basic information about the beacon, such as RSSI, which can help determine the distance of the beacon. Tap on the beacon to get more information about the data it provides.

Beaconing DemoBeaconing Demo

Testing the Health Thermometer Demo#

While the NCP Empty demo implements a minimal GATT database with basic static information such as device name, the Health Thermometer demo extends this database with live temperature measurements.

After flashing the Health Thermometer demo to your device, open EFR Connect app, select the Demo tab, and select Health Thermometer. Find your device advertising as Thermometer Example in the device list and click on it to connect. The mobile phone app automatically finds the Temperature measurement characteristic of the device, reads its value periodically, and displays the value on the screen of the phone.

Try touching the temperature sensor (located on the WSTK as you can see in section Prepare the WSTK). You should be able to see the temperature changing.

Health Thermometer DemoHealth Thermometer Demo

Getting Started with BGM220 Explorer Kit#

The BGM220 Explorer Kit (part number: BGM220-EK4314A) is focused on rapid prototyping and IoT concept creation around Silicon Labs BGM220P module.

Kit Overview#

The kit features USB interface, on-board J-Link debugger, one user LED/button and support for hardware add-on boards via a mikroBus socket, and a qwiic connector.

Explorer KitExplorer Kit

The hardware add-on support allows developers to create and prototype applications using a virtually endless combination of off-the-shelf boards from mikroE, sparkfun, AdaFruit, and Seeed Studios. The boards from Seeed Studios feature a connector, which is pin compatible with the qwiic connector but mechanically incompatible and it requires an adaption cable or board.

Testing the Bluetooth Demos#

The Bluetooth SDK comes with pre-built demos that can be directly flashed into this kit and tested using a smartphone running the EFR Connect mobile app (Android, iOS):

  • SoC iBeacon

  • NCP Empty

The iBeacon can be tested with EFR Connect as documented in the above getting started section. NCP Empty can be tested with NCP Commander, which can be launched via the Tools dialog in Simplicity Studio 5.

NCP commanderNCP commander

GitHub Examples#

Silicon Labs applications_examples GitHub repository contains additional examples that can run on the BGM220 Explorer Kit. Some of them leverage 3rd party add-on boards and they are typically found in the bluetooth_applications repository.

Porting Code from mikroSDK and Arduino#

If using a mikroE click board, ready made examples are on your specific mikroE click board Web page that typically reside in mikroE's libstock and/or GitHub. Those examples are using the mikroSDK, which provides abstraction to the supported hardware kits provided by mikroE.

If using a board from sparkfun, Adafruit, or Seeed Studios, they typically have examples for the Arduino IDE, which run on some of their own controller boards that are supported by the Arduino platform.

Those examples will not run out of the box on the BGM220 Explorer Kit, but with a small amount of effort they can be easily ported by using the guide below, which maps mikroSDK and Arduino APIs for UART/SPI/I2C/GPIO functionality into the Silicon Labs platform equivalents.

Whether porting from mikroSDK or Arduino, EMLIB and Platform Drivers/Services contain the most useful Silicon Labs APIs. For corresponding documentation, see below:

  • EMLIB - a low level peripheral driver library for all Silicon labs EFM32 and EFR32 device families

  • Platform Drivers - a higher level driver layer built on top of EMLIB. EMDRV abstracts some aspects of peripheral initialization and use but is more limited in peripheral coverage than EMLIB.

Additionally, Silicon Labs' Peripheral Examples on GitHub are a good resource for simple demonstration of peripheral control using EMLIB.

mikroSDK Porting Guide#

The mikroE ecosystem of click boards from MikroElektronika are typically supported by a collection of driver modules and example code built upon the mikroSDK. These click boards feature a mikroBUS connector for connection to a host board and can include connections for power (3.3 V, 5 V, GND), communications (UART, SPI, and/or I2C), and assorted other functions (GPIO, PWM, INT).

The mikroSDK is a framework that provides abstraction for the communication and GPIO functions of the mikroE click boards by wrapping vendor-specific functions in a common API framework to accomplish these tasks that is portable across a wide range of host devices. The microSDK is therefore ported to a new device via the assignment of function pointers and other device-specific configuration options. At this time, there is no official mikroSDK port for Silicon Labs devices.

Note: The goal of this configuration guide is not to instruct the user on how to port the mikroSDK to the BGM220 or other Silicon Labs devices, but instead to introduce the user to the spectrum of Silicon Labs' native APIs and how to use these APIs instead of the mikroSDK.

There is currently a wide selection of mikroE click accessory boards to facilitate product development with devices such as sensors, display/LEDs, storage, interface, and HMI. Some of these boards are shown below.

mikroE click boardsmikroE click boards

Using the mikroBUS-compatible socket included on the Explorer Kit BGM220, these boards can be used with the BGM220 as the host controller via the pin functions connecting the mikroBUS socket to the BGM220.

When porting mikroE click examples to the Silicon Labs platform, it is important to understand that interaction between the host controller and the click board is accomplished using a subset of UART, I2C, SPI, GPIO, analog, PWM, or interrupt. Pins for each function are allocated between the BGM220 and the mikroBUS connector, as shown below.

mikroBUS SocketmikroBUS Socket

MikroE Socket Signal

MikroE Socket Pin

BGM220 Pin or Board Connection





















VMCU - BGM220P voltage domain






















+5 V


+5 V - Board USB voltage




Note: Knowledge of the pin mapping shown above combined with use of Silicon Labs' native APIs, as shown below, enable a user to port existing click examples to the Explorer Kit BGM220 by substituting Silicon Labs API calls for mikroSDK and click driver API calls.

The following sections cover four main categories of API-enabled interactions between a host device (BGM220P in this case) and a click board: GPIO, SPI, I2C, and UART. Note that the functions and structures presented here correspond to elements of the core mikroHAL and mikroBUS APIs of the mikroSDK and their closest Silicon Labs counterparts. Many click boards have additional libraries and driver files that integrate with these layers to create the mikroE project framework. However, these core elements should help guide users porting to the Silicon Labs platform.


The mikroSDK uses a complex system of function pointers and data structures to initialize a low level GPIO driver layer with initialization, "get," and "set" function pointers for each GPIO pin on the mikroBUS header. This structure is inherited by higher-level driver layers, which use "get" and "set" functions in higher-level wrapper functions.

By contrast, the Silicon Labs APIs for GPIO control, or em_gpio, are straightforward and easy to understand. Generally speaking, firmware should first initialize a pin and set its mode (i.e., input type, output type, and so on) by calling GPIO_PinModeSet(), then use various API calls to control or read the pin state. The following table represents a comparison and possible suggested substitution scheme for using em_gpio in place of the mikroSDK GPIO API.

Note: More em_gpio functions are available in EMLIB. For more information,see the GPIO API Documentation.

API category

mikroBUS/mikroHAL function/API


Corresponding Silicon Labs GSDK/EMLIB Platform API


T_gpio_setFp T_gpio_obj::gpioGet[12]

Pointers to Get functions

GPIO_PinOutGet(), GPIO_PinInGet()

T_gpio_setFp T_gpio_obj::gpioSet[12]

Pointers to Set functions

GPIO_PinOutSet(), GPIO_PinOutClear(), GPIO_PinOutToggle()

T_mikrobus_ret mikrobus_gpioInit (T_mikrobus_soc bus, T_mikrobus_pin pin, T_gpio_dir dir)

Function sets GPIO direction. This function also should be used for GPIO availability check.

GPIO_PinModeSet(), GPIO_PinModeGet()

void hal_gpioMap(T_HAL_P gpioObj);

Initialization of the GPIO HAL (internal mapping of function pointers and driver/HAL layer initialization)



As with the mikroSDK GPIO API, the mikroSDK SPI framework relies on vendor-specific function pointers assigned in a configuration layer to provide an interface for SPI communications.

Silicon Labs offers the low-level EMLIB SPI (Synchronous USART) and higher-level EMDRV driver SPIDRV APIs for SPI communication, provided as source code. The suggested substitutions in the following table assume that the host SoC is the SPI central, however EMLIB and SPIDRV offer peripheral SPI functions as well.

When using EMLIB, firmware must separately configure all SPI pins to the proper mode using the EMLIB GPIO functions before using the pins for SPI communications. When using SPIDRV, however, firmware specifies the desired port and pins to use for the SPI bus in the SPIDRV_Init data structure, and configuration of these pins is handled by the SPIDRV_Init() function.

Note: More EMLIB and SPIDRV functions are available than shown here. See em_usart and and SPIDRV API documentation for more information.

API category

mikroBUS/mikroHAL function/API


Corresponding Silicon Labs GSDK/EMLIB Platform API


T_mikrobus_ret mikrobus_spiInit (T_mikrobus_soc bus, const uint32_t *cfg)

Function will initialize SPI peripheral on provided MIKROBUS depending on configuration provided as second argument.

USART_InitSync() or SPIDRV_Init()/SPIDRV_DeInit()

void hal_spiMap(T_HAL_P spiObj);

Initialization of the SPI HAL (internal mapping of function pointers and driver/HAL layer initialization)


static void hal_spiWrite(uint8_t *pBuf, uint16_t nBytes);

Function should execute write sequence of n bytes.

USART_SpiTransfer() (ignore return value), SPIDRV_MTransmit(), SPIDRV_MTransmitB()

static void hal_spiRead(uint8_t *pBuf, uint16_t nBytes);

Function should execute read sequence of n bytes.

USART_SpiTransfer() (read return value, pass dummy data parameter), SPIDRV_MReceive(), SPIDRV_MReceiveB()

static void hal_spiTransfer(uint8_t pIn, uint8_tpOut, uint16_t nBytes);

Function should execute RW sequence of n bytes

USART_SpiTransfer(), SPIDRV_MTransfer(), SPIDRV_MTransferB(), SPIDRV_MTransferSingleItemB()


As with other mikroSDK modules, the mikroSDK I2C framework relies on vendor-specific function pointers assigned in a configuration layer to provide an interface for I2C communications.

Silicon Labs offers the EMLIB I2C driver em_i2c for firmware control of the I2C interface, which differs slightly in approach from the mikroSDK framework. The em_i2c firmware interface relies on the configuration of the I2C peripheral block and desired transfer parameters using the I2C_Init() and I2C_TransferInit() functions. Management of the I2C transfer state machine handled by repeated calls to I2C_Transfer(), which handles the different phases of the I2C transfer and hardware state machine.

When using EMLIB, firmware must separately configure all I2C pins to the proper mode using the EMLIB GPIO functions before using the pins for I2C communications.

Note: The em_i2c driver library provides additional functions and features beyond those described here. See the em_i2c API documentation for more information.

API category

mikroBUS/mikroHAL function/API


Corresponding Silicon Labs GSDK/EMLIB Platform API


T_i2c_readFp T_i2c_obj::i2cRead

Pointer to I2C Read function


T_i2c_restartFp T_i2c_obj::i2cRestart

Pointer to I2C Restart function


T_i2c_startFp T_i2c_obj::i2cStart

Pointer to I2C Start function


T_i2c_stopFp T_i2c_obj::i2cStop

Pointer to I2C Stop function


T_i2c_writeFp T_i2c_obj::i2cWrite

Pointer to I2C Write function


T_mikrobus_ret mikrobus_i2cInit (T_mikrobus_soc bus, const uint32_t *cfg)

Function will initialize I2C peripheral on provided MIKROBUS depending on configuration provided as second argument.

I2C_Init(), I2C_TransferInit()

void hal_i2cMap(T_HAL_P i2cObj);

Initialization of the I2C HAL (internal mapping of function pointers and driver/HAL layer initialization)


static int hal_i2cStart();

This function in the snippet above should execute start condition on the I2C BUS.

I2C_TransferInit(), I2C_Transfer()

static int hal_i2cWrite(uint8_t peripheralAddr, uint8_t *pBuff, uint16_t nBytes, uint8_t endMode);

This function in the snippet above should execute write sequence, write the data inside the pBuf and execute “end” or “restart” condition, depending on the endMode argument.


static int hal_i2cRead(uint8_t peripheralAddr, uint8_t *pBuff, uint16_t nBytes, uint8_t endMode);

This function in the snippet above should execute read sequence, and place the data inside the pBuf and execute “end” or “restart” condition, depending on the endMode argument.



In a similar fashion as other mikroSDK API modules, the mikroSDK UART framework relies on vendor-specific function pointers assigned in a configuration layer to provide an interface for UART communications.

Silicon Labs offers the low-level EMLIB UART (asynchronous USART) and higher-level EMDRV driver UARTDRV APIs for UART communication, provided as source code.

When using EMLIB, firmware must separately configure all UART pins to the proper mode using the EMLIB GPIO functions before using the pins for UART communications. When using UARTDRV, however, firmware specifies the desired port and pins to use for the UART bus in the UARTDRV_InitUart_t data structure. Configuration of these pins is handled by the UARTDRV_InitUart() or UARTDRV_InitLeuart() function.

Note: The EMLIB em_usart and EMDRV UARTDRV APIs provide additional functionality and support a wider feature set of the USART peripheral than is described in this porting guide. See the em_usart and UARTDRV API documentation for more information.

API category

mikroBUS/mikroHAL function/API


Corresponding Silicon Labs GSDK/EMLIB Platform API


T_mikrobus_ret mikrobus_uartInit (T_mikrobus_soc bus, const uint32_t *cfg)

Function will initialize UART peripheral on MIKROBUS1 and assign proper pointers to click driver.

USART_InitAsync(), UARTDRV_InitUart(), UARTDRV_InitLeuart() and UARTDRV_DeInit()

void hal_uartMap(T_HAL_P uartObj);

Initialization of the UART HAL (internal mapping of function pointers and driver/HAL layer initialization)


static void hal_uartWrite(uint8_t input);

Write one byte over UART

USART_Tx(), UARTDRV_Transmit(), UARTDRV_TransmitB()

static uint8_t hal_uartRead();

Read one byte over UART

USART_Rx(), UARTDRV_Receive(), UARTDRV_ReceiveB()

static uint8_t hal_uartReady();

USART_StatusGet(), UARTDRV_GetReceiveStatus() and UARTDRV_GetTransmitStatus()

Arduino Porting Guide#

Many open-source examples, including those designed for use with expansion boards from sparkfun, Adafruit, or Seeed Studios, use the Arduino API. This section provides a basic mapping of some of the Arduino API functions for serial communications and GPIO handling onto suggested or possible replacement calls from the Silicon Labs EMLIB and EMDRV libraries.

Although the Arduino API contains many submodules for different tasks, this guide focuses on Silicon Labs API replacements for GPIO control (Arduino Digital IO API), SPI communications (Arduino SPI API), I2C communications (Arduino Wire API), and UART communications (Arduino Serial and SoftwareSerial APIs).

GPIO (Arduino Digital IO API)#

The Silicon Labs APIs for GPIO control, or em_gpio, provide straightforward and easy to understand functions for GPIO initialization and control. Generally speaking, firmware should first initialize a pin and set its mode (i.e., input type, output type, and so on) by calling GPIO_PinModeSet(), then use various API calls to control or read the pin state. The following table represents a comparison and possible suggested substitution scheme for using em_gpio in place of the Arduino Digital I/O API.

Note: More em_gpio functions are available in EMLIB than shown here. See the em_gpio API documentation for more information.

API category

Arduino function/API


Corresponding Silicon Labs GSDK/EMLIB Platform API



Configures the specified pin to behave either as an input or an output.

GPIO_PinModeSet(), GPIO_PinModeGet()


Reads the value from a specified digital pin, either HIGH or LOW.

GPIO_PinOutGet(), GPIO_PinInGet()


Write a HIGH or a LOW value to a digital pin.

GPIO_PinOutSet(), GPIO_PinOutClear(), GPIO_PinOutToggle()

SPI (Arduino SPI API)#

Silicon Labs offers the low-level EMLIB SPI (Synchronous USART) and higher-level EMDRV driver SPIDRV APIs for SPI communication, provided as source code. The suggested substitutions in the following table assume that the host SoC is the SPI central. However, EMLIB and SPIDRV offer SPI functions as well.

When using EMLIB, firmware must separately configure all SPI pins to the proper mode using the EMLIB GPIO functions before using the pins for SPI communications. When using SPIDRV, however, firmware specifies the desired port and pins to use for the SPI bus in the SPIDRV_Init data structure. Configuration of these pins is handled by the SPIDRV_Init() function.

Note: More EMLIB and SPIDRV functions are available than shown here. See the em_usart and and SPIDRV API documentation for more information.

API category

Arduino function/API


Corresponding Silicon Labs GSDK/EMLIB/EMDRV Platform API



The SPISettings object is used to configure the SPI port for your SPI device. All 3 parameters are combined to a single SPISettings object, which is given to SPI.beginTransaction()

USART_InitSync_TypeDef Struct


Initializes the SPI bus by setting SCK, MOSI, and SS to outputs, pulling SCK and MOSI low, and SS high.

USART_InitSync() with GPIO_PinModeSet() OR SPIDRV_Init()


Disables the SPI bus (leaving pin modes unchanged).

USART_Enable() with parameter enable = false


Initializes the SPI bus using the defined SPISettings.

USART_InitSync() with GPIO_PinModeSet() OR SPIDRV_Init()


Stop using the SPI bus. Normally, this is called after de-asserting the chip select, to allow other libraries to use the SPI bus.

USART_Enable() with parameter enable = false, USART_Reset(), and GPIO_PinModeSet() OR SPIDRV_DeInit()


Sets the order of the bits shifted out of and into the SPI bus, either LSBFIRST (least-significant bit first) or MSBFIRST (most-significant bit first).

set by "msbf" element of USART_InitSync_TypeDef structure and passed to USART_InitSync(); OR set by "bitOrder" element of SPIDRV_Init structure and passed to SPIDRV_Init()


Sets the SPI clock divider relative to the system clock. Depricated for Arduino??

use USART_BaudrateSyncSet(), USART_InitSync(), SPIDRV_Init()


Sets the SPI data mode: that is, clock polarity and phase. Deprecated for Arduino??

set by "clockMode" element of USART_InitSync_TypeDef structure and passed to USART_InitSync(); OR set by "clockMode" element of SPIDRV_Init structure and passed to SPIDRV_Init()


SPI transfer is based on a simultaneous send and receive: the received data is returned in receivedVal (or receivedVal16). In case of buffer transfers the received data is stored in the buffer in-place (the old data is replaced with the data received).

USART_SpiTransfer(), SPIDRV_MTransfer(), SPIDRV_MTransferB(), SPIDRV_MTransferSingleItemB()


If your program will perform SPI transactions within an interrupt, call this function to register the interrupt number or name with the SPI library. This allows SPI.beginTransaction() to prevent usage conflicts. Note that the interrupt specified in the call to usingInterrupt() will be disabled on a call to beginTransaction() and re-enabled in endTransaction().

use USART_IntEnable() and USART_IntDisable()


Bit bang (software) SPI TX.

USART_SpiTransfer(), SPIDRV_MTransfer(), SPIDRV_MTransferB(), SPIDRV_MTransferSingleItemB()


Bit bang (software) SPI RX.

USART_SpiTransfer() (read return value, pass dummy data parameter), SPIDRV_MReceive(), SPIDRV_MReceiveB()

I2C (Arduino Wire API)#

Silicon Labs offers the EMLIB I2C driver (em_i2c) for firmware control of the I2C interface, which differs slightly in approach from the Arduino Wire API. The em_i2c firmware interface relies on the configuration of the I2C peripheral block and desired transfer parameters using the I2C_Init() and I2C_TransferInit() functions. Management of the I2C transfer state machine is then handled by repeated calls to I2C_Transfer(), which handles the different phases of the I2C transfer and hardware state machine.

When using EMLIB, firmware must separately configure all I2C pins to the proper mode using the EMLIB GPIO functions before using the pins for I2C communications.

Note: The em_i2c driver library provides additional functions and features beyond those described here. See the em_i2c API documentation for more information.

API category

Arduino function/API


Corresponding Silicon Labs GSDK/EMLIB Platform API



Initiate the Wire library and join the I2C bus as a central or peripheral. This should normally be called only once.



Used by the central to request bytes from a peripheral device. The bytes may then be retrieved with the available() and read() functions.



Begin a transmission to the I2C device with the given address. Subsequently, queue bytes for transmission with the write() function and transmit them by calling endTransmission().



Ends a transmission to a device that was begun by beginTransmission() and transmits the bytes that were queued by write().



Writes data from a peripheral device in response to a request from a central, or queues bytes for transmission from a central to peripheral device (in-between calls to beginTransmission() and endTransmission()).



Returns the number of bytes available for retrieval with read(). This should be called on a central device after a call to requestFrom() or on a inside the onReceive() handler.



Reads a byte that was transmitted from a peripheral device to a central after a call to requestFrom() or was transmitted from a central to a . read() inherits from the Stream utility class.



This function modifies the clock frequency for I2C communication. I2C peripheral devices have no minimum working clock frequency, however 100KHz is usually the baseline.

I2C_BusFreqSet(), I2C_BusFreqGet()


Registers a function to be called when a device receives a transmission from a central.

use I2C_IntEnable(), I2C_IntDisable(), I2C_IntGet(), I2C_IntClear(), I2C_IntGetEnabled(), I2C_IntSet(), and I2C ISR to manage I2C interrupts, if used


Register a function to be called when a central requests data from this peripheral device.

use I2C_IntEnable(), I2C_IntDisable(), I2C_IntGet(), I2C_IntClear(), I2C_IntGetEnabled(), I2C_IntSet(), and I2C ISR to manage I2C interrupts, if used

UART (Arduino Serial and SoftwareSerial APIs)#

Silicon Labs offers the low-level EMLIB UART (asynchronous USART) and higher-level EMDRV driver UARTDRV APIs for UART communication, provided as source code. Additionally, Silicon Labs offers a higher-level driver called RetargetIo that re-targets some standard IO functions such as printf and may be useful for replacement of some Arduino Serial and SoftwareSerial functions.

When using EMLIB, firmware must separately configure all UART pins to the proper mode using the EMLIB GPIO functions before using the pins for UART communications. When using UARTDRV, however, firmware specifies the desired port and pins to use for the UART bus in the UARTDRV_InitUart_t data structure, and configuration of these pins is handled by the UARTDRV_InitUart() or UARTDRV_InitLeuart() function. Similarly, when using RetargetIo functions, USART and GPIO initialization is handled by RETARGET_SerialInit(). Note that the RetargetIo library is Silicon Labs board-specific library, which relies on board support configuration files to properly configure GPIO and peripherals used in communications.

Note: The EMLIB em_usart, EMDRV UARTDRV, and RetargetIo APIs provide additional functionality and support a wider feature set of the USART peripheral than described in this porting guide. See the em_usart, UARTDRV, and RetargetIo API documentation for more information.

Arduino Serial API porting:

API category

Arduino function/API


Corresponding Silicon Labs GSDK/EMLIB/EMDRV/RetargetIo Platform API


Indicates if the specified Serial port is ready.



Get the number of bytes (characters) available for reading from the serial port. This is data that’s already arrived and stored in the serial receive buffer (which holds 64 bytes).



Get the number of bytes (characters) available for writing in the serial buffer without blocking the write operation

UARTDRV_GetTransmitDepth(), UARTDRV_GetTransmitStatus()


Sets the data rate in bits per second (baud) for serial data transmission. For communicating with Serial Monitor, make sure to use one of the baud rates listed in the menu at the bottom right corner of its screen. You can, however, specify other rates - for example, to communicate over pins 0 and 1 with a component that requires a particular baud rate. An optional second argument configures the data, parity, and stop bits. The default is 8 data bits, no parity, one stop bit.

USART_InitAsync(), UARTDRV_InitUart(), RETARGET_SerialInit()


Disables serial communication, allowing the RX and TX pins to be used for general input and output. To re-enable serial communication, call Serial.begin().

USART_Reset(), USART_Enable() with enable = false, use GPIO functions to change pin modes; UARTDRV_DeInit()


Serial.find() reads data from the serial buffer until the target is found. The function returns true if target is found, false if it times out.

N/A; This must be user-implemented


Serial.findUntil() reads data from the serial buffer until a target string of given length or terminator string is found. The function returns true if the target string is found, false if it times out.

N/A; This must be user-implemented


Waits for the transmission of outgoing serial data to complete. (Prior to Arduino 1.0, this instead removed any buffered incoming serial data.)



Serial.parseFloat() returns the first valid floating point number from the Serial buffer. parseFloat() is terminated by the first character that is not a floating point number. The function terminates if it times out (see Serial.setTimeout()).

N/A; This must be user-implemented; may be possible to use stdio functions with RetargetIo to assist in implementation


Looks for the next valid integer in the incoming serial. The function terminates if it times out (see Serial.setTimeout()).

N/A; This must be user-implemented; may be possible to use stdio functions with RetargetIo to assist in implementation


Returns the next byte (character) of incoming serial data without removing it from the internal serial buffer. That is, successive calls to peek() will return the same character, as will the next call to read().

No API support. Firmware should issue a direct read of the USART_RXDATAXP or USART_RXDOUBLEXP peek registers.


Prints data to the serial port as human-readable ASCII text. This command can take many forms. Numbers are printed using an ASCII character for each digit. Floats are similarly printed as ASCII digits, defaulting to two decimal places. Bytes are sent as a single character. Characters and strings are sent as is. For example-

RetargetSerial enables this functionality using stdio functions (i.e. printf(), etc.)


Prints data to the serial port as human-readable ASCII text followed by a carriage return character (ASCII 13, or '\r') and a newline character (ASCII 10, or '\n'). This command takes the same forms as Serial.print().

RetargetSerial enables this functionality using stdio functions (i.e. printf(), etc.)


Reads incoming serial data.

USART_Rx(), UARTDRV_Receive(), UARTDRV_ReceiveB(), RETARGET_ReadChar (void)()


Serial.readBytes() reads characters from the serial port into a buffer. The function terminates if the determined length has been read, or it times out (see Serial.setTimeout()). Serial.readBytes() returns the number of characters placed in the buffer. A 0 means no valid data was found.

USART_Rx(), UARTDRV_Receive(), UARTDRV_ReceiveB(), RETARGET_ReadChar (void)()


Serial.readBytesUntil() reads characters from the serial buffer into an array. The function terminates (checks being done in this order) if the determined length has been read, if it times out (see Serial.setTimeout()), or if the terminator character is detected (in which case the function returns the characters up to the last character before the supplied terminator). The terminator itself is not returned in the buffer. Serial.readBytesUntil() returns the number of characters read into the buffer. A 0 means that the length parameter <= 0, a time out occurred before any other input, or a termination character was found before any other input.

USART_Rx(), UARTDRV_Receive(), UARTDRV_ReceiveB(), RETARGET_ReadChar (void)()


Serial.readString() reads characters from the serial buffer into a String. The function terminates if it times out (see setTimeout()).

N/A; This must be user-implemented


readStringUntil() reads characters from the serial buffer into a String. The function terminates if it times out (see setTimeout()).

N/A; This must be user-implemented


Serial.setTimeout() sets the maximum milliseconds to wait for serial data. It defaults to 1000 milliseconds.

N/A; This must be user-implemented


Writes binary data to the serial port. This data is sent as a byte or series of bytes; to send the characters representing the digits of a number use the print() function instead.

USART_Tx(), UARTDRV_Transmit(), UARTDRV_TransmitB(), RETARGET_WriteChar(), RETARGET_WriteString()


Called when data is available. Use to capture this data.

N/A; use USART_IntEnable(), USART_IntDisable(), USART_IntGet(), USART_IntClear(), USART_IntGetEnabled(), USART_IntSet(), and USART ISR to manage USART interrupts, if used

Arduino SoftwareSerial API porting:

API category

Arduino function/API


Corresponding Silicon Labs GSDK/EMLIB/EMDRV/RetargetIo Platform API


SoftwareSerial is used to create an instance of a SoftwareSerial object, whose name you need to provide as in the example below. The inverse_logic argument is optional and defaults to false. See below for more details about what it does. Multiple SoftwareSerial objects may be created, however only one can be active at a given moment.



Get the number of bytes (characters) available for reading from a software serial port. This is data that's already arrived and stored in the serial receive buffer.



Sets the speed (baud rate) for the serial communication. Supported baud rates are 300, 600, 1200, 2400, 4800, 9600, 14400, 19200, 28800, 31250, 38400, 57600, and 115200.

USART_InitAsync(), UARTDRV_InitUart(), RETARGET_SerialInit()


Tests to see if requested software serial port is actively listening.

N/A, however Silicon Labs' USART have a loopback feature that can be enabled


Tests to see if a software serial buffer overflow has occurred. Calling this function clears the overflow flag, meaning that subsequent calls will return false unless another byte of data has been received and discarded in the meantime.



Return a character that was received on the RX pin of the software serial port. Unlike read(), however, subsequent calls to this function will return the same character.

No API support. Firmware should issue a direct read of the USART_RXDATAXP or USART_RXDOUBLEXP peek registers.


Return a character that was received on the RX pin of the software serial port. Note that only one SoftwareSerial instance can receive incoming data at a time (select which one with the listen() function).

USART_Rx(), UARTDRV_Receive(), UARTDRV_ReceiveB(), RETARGET_ReadChar (void)()


Prints data to the transmit pin of the software serial port. Works the same as the Serial.print() function.

RetargetSerial enables this functionality using stdio functions (i.e. printf(), etc.)


Prints data to the transmit pin of the software serial port, followed by a carriage return and line feed. Works the same as the Serial.println() function.

RetargetSerial enables this functionality using stdio functions (i.e. printf(), etc.)


Enables the selected software serial port to listen. Only one software serial port can listen at a time; data that arrives for other ports will be discarded. Any data already received is discarded during the call to listen() (unless the given instance is already listening).



Prints data to the transmit pin of the software serial port as raw bytes. Works the same as the Serial.write() function.

USART_Tx(), UARTDRV_Transmit(), UARTDRV_TransmitB(), RETARGET_WriteChar(), RETARGET_WriteString()

Starting Application Development#

Developing a Bluetooth application consists of defining the GATT database structure and the event handlers for events such as connection_opened, connection_closed, and so on.

The most common starting point for application development is the SOC-Empty example. This project contains a simple GATT database (including the Generic Access service, Device Information service, and OTA service) and a while loop that handles some events raised by the stack. You can extend both the GATT database and the event handlers of this example according to your needs.

Note: Beginning with Bluetooth SDK version, all devices must be loaded with the Gecko Bootloader as well as the application. While you are getting started, the easiest way to do this is to load any of the precompiled demo images, which come with the bootloader configured as part of the image. When you flash your application, it overwrites the demo application but the bootloader remains. Subsequently, you may wish to build your own bootloader, as described in UG266: Silicon Labs Gecko Bootloader User's Guide. The first bootloader loaded on a clean device should always be the combined bootloader.

New Project creation is done through three dialogs:

  • Target, SDK, and Toolchain

  • Examples

  • Configuration

new projectnew project

An indicator at the top of the dialog shows you where you are.

new project wizardnew project wizard

You can start a project from different locations in the Launcher Perspective, as described in the Simplicity Studio 5 User’s Guide. Start from the File menu because that takes you through all three of the above dialogs.

  1. Select New >> Silicon Labs Project Wizard.

  2. Review your SDK and toolchain. To use IAR instead of GCC, change it here. After you have created a project, it is difficult to switch toolchains. Click NEXT.

  3. On the Example Project Selection dialog, filter on Bluetooth and select SoC Empty. Click NEXT.

  4. On the Project Configuration dialog, rename your project. Note that if you change any linked resource, it is changed for any other project that references it. While you are getting started, the default choice to include project files but link to the SDK is best.

  5. Click FINISH.

GATT Database#

Every Bluetooth connection has a GATT client and a GATT server. The server holds a GATT database, which is a collection of Characteristics that can be read and written by the client. The Characteristics are grouped into Services. The group of Services determines a Bluetooth Profile.

If implementing a GATT server (typically on the peripheral device), define a GATT database structure. This structure can't be modified during runtime, so it has to be designed in advance. Clients (typically the central device) can also have a GATT database, even if no device will query it, so you can keep the default database structure in your code.

The GATT Configurator is a simple-to-use tool to help you build your own GATT database. A list of project Profiles/Services/Characteristics/Descriptors is shown on the left and details about the selected item is shown on the right. An options menu is provided above the Profiles list.

GATT configratorGATT configrator

The GATT Configurator automatically appears after creating the project to help create your own GATT database with a few clicks. Note that a Simplicity IDE perspective control is now included in the upper right of the screen.

You can create your own database at this point, or return to it later either by double-clicking the gatt_configuration.btconf file under your project in Project Explorer, or through the Project Configurator's Advanced > GATT Configurator component. For more information, see section UG438: GATT Configurator User’s Guide for Bluetooth SDK v3.x.

To add a custom service, click the Profile (Custom BLE GATT), and then click Add (1). To add a custom characteristic, select a service and then click Add (1). To add a predefined service/characteristic click Add Predefined (6). To learn more about the configurator see UG438: GATT Configurator User’s Guide for Bluetooth SDK v3.x.

You can find a detailed description of any Profile/Service/Characteristic/Descriptor on

Characteristics are generally complex structures of fields. To know what fields a characteristic has, see

A reference for each characteristic is generated and defined in gatt_db.h. You can use this references in your code to read / write the values of the characteristics in the local GATT database with sl_bt_gatt_server_read_attribute_value() / sl_bt_gatt_server_write_attribute_value() commands.

Bluetooth Event Handlers#

Open app.c by double-clicking it in Project Explorer. You will find the Bluetooth event handlers in sl_bt_on_event(). You can extend this list with further event handlers. The full list of events and stack commands is in the API Reference.


To learn more about Bluetooth application development, see UG434: Silicon Labs Bluetooth ® C Application Developer's Guide for SDK v3.x. If you are developing an NCP application, see AN1259: Using the v3.x Silicon Labs Bluetooth® Stack in Network CoProcessor Mode.

Component Configuration#

Bluetooth SDK v3.x projects are based on a Gecko Platform component-based architecture. Software features and functions can be installed and configured through Simplicity Studio’s Project Configurator. When you install a component, the installation process will do the following:

  1. Copy the corresponding SDK files from the SDK folder into the project folder.

  2. Copy all the dependencies of the given component into the project folder.

  3. Add new include directories to the project settings.

  4. Copy the configurations files into the /config folder.

  5. Modify the corresponding auto-generated files to integrate the component into the application.

Additionally, "init" type software components will implement the initialization code for a given component, using their corresponding configuration file as input.

Some software components, such as OTA DFU, will fully integrate into the application to perform a specific task without any additional code, while other components provide an API for use in the application.

To see the component library, click the project-name.slcp tab of your project, and click Software Components. A number of filters as well as a keyword search are available to help you explore the various component categories. Note that components for all installed SDKs are presented.

Software componentsSoftware components

Components installed in the project are checked (1), and can be uninstalled. Configurable components are indicated by a gear symbol (2).

Uninstall a componentUninstall a component

Click Configure to open the Component Editor and see a configurable component’s parameters.

Component EditorComponent Editor

As you change component configurations, your changes are automatically saved and project files are automatically generated. You can see generation progress in the lower right corner of the Simplicity IDE. Wait until generation is complete before building the application image.

Generation processGeneration process

Building and Flashing#

To build and debug your project click Debug (Studio Debug ButtonStudio Debug Button) in the upper left corner of the Simplicity IDE perspective. It will build and download your project, and open up the Debug perspective. Click Play ( Studio Play ButtonStudio Play Button ) to start running you project on the device.

Enabling Field Updates#

Deploying new firmware for devices in the field can be done by UART DFU (Device Firmware Update) or, for SoC applications, OTA DFU (Over-the-Air Device Firmware Update). For more information about each of these methods, see AN1086: Using the Gecko Bootloader with the Silicon Labs Bluetooth Applications.