Option Flags to Specify Scanning Options#

Defines the scanning option flags that can be set with the command sl_bt_scanner_set_parameters_and_filter.

Macro Definition Documentation#



If the built-in bonding database is used (the component bluetooth_feature_builtin_bonding_database is included in the application), the scanner component by default tries to search for or resolve the advertiser addresses to find if a bonding has been created with the advertiser device. The bonding handle is then reported in the bonding field of sl_bt_evt_scanner_legacy_advertisement_report and sl_bt_evt_scanner_extended_advertisement_report events.

If the application does not need the bonding information in advertisement reports, set this scanner option to disable the search for the bonding. When this option is set the bonding field in advertisement reports will always be set to SL_BT_INVALID_BONDING_HANDLE (0xff).

Definition at line 3646 of file /mnt/raid/workspaces/ws.cynwT2I6w/overlay/gsdk/protocol/bluetooth/build/native/ble_host/ble_bgapi/inc/sl_bt_api.h