WDOG - Watchdog#
Watchdog (WDOG) Peripheral API.
This module contains functions to control the WDOG peripheral of Silicon Labs 32-bit MCUs and SoCs. The WDOG resets the system in case of a fault condition.
Watchdog clock selection.
Watchdog period selection.
Enable/disable the watchdog timer.
Feed WDOG.
Initialize WDOG (assuming the WDOG configuration has not been locked).
Lock the WDOG configuration.
Wait for the WDOG to complete all synchronization of register changes and commands.
Unlock the WDOG configuration.
Get enabled status of the Watchdog.
Get locked status of the Watchdog.
In some scenarioes when the watchdog is disabled the synchronization register might be set and not be cleared until the watchdog is enabled again.
Default WDOG instance for deprecated functions.
Suggested default configuration for WDOG initialization structure.
Enumeration Documentation#
Watchdog clock selection.
Enumerator | |
wdogClkSelULFRCO | Ultra low frequency (1 kHz) clock. |
wdogClkSelLFRCO | Low frequency RC oscillator. |
wdogClkSelLFXO | Low frequency crystal oscillator. |
of file platform/emlib/inc/em_wdog.h
Watchdog period selection.
Enumerator | |
wdogPeriod_9 | 9 clock periods |
wdogPeriod_17 | 17 clock periods |
wdogPeriod_33 | 33 clock periods |
wdogPeriod_65 | 65 clock periods |
wdogPeriod_129 | 129 clock periods |
wdogPeriod_257 | 257 clock periods |
wdogPeriod_513 | 513 clock periods |
wdogPeriod_1k | 1025 clock periods |
wdogPeriod_2k | 2049 clock periods |
wdogPeriod_4k | 4097 clock periods |
wdogPeriod_8k | 8193 clock periods |
wdogPeriod_16k | 16385 clock periods |
wdogPeriod_32k | 32769 clock periods |
wdogPeriod_64k | 65537 clock periods |
wdogPeriod_128k | 131073 clock periods |
wdogPeriod_256k | 262145 clock periods |
of file platform/emlib/inc/em_wdog.h
Function Documentation#
void WDOGn_Enable (WDOG_TypeDef * wdog, bool enable)
Enable/disable the watchdog timer.
[in] | wdog | A pointer to the WDOG peripheral register block. |
[in] | enable | True to enable Watchdog, false to disable. Watchdog cannot be disabled if it's been locked. |
This function modifies the WDOG CTRL register which requires synchronization into the low-frequency domain. If this register is modified before a previous update to the same register has completed, this function will stall until the previous synchronization has completed.
of file platform/emlib/src/em_wdog.c
void WDOGn_Feed (WDOG_TypeDef * wdog)
Feed WDOG.
[in] | wdog | A pointer to the WDOG peripheral register block. |
When WDOG is activated, it must be fed (i.e., clearing the counter) before it reaches the defined timeout period. Otherwise, WDOG will generate a reset.
Note that WDOG is an asynchronous peripheral and when calling the WDOGn_Feed() function the hardware starts the process of clearing the counter. This process takes some time before it completes depending on the selected oscillator (up to 4 peripheral clock cycles). When using the ULFRCO for instance as the oscillator the watchdog runs on a 1 kHz clock and a watchdog clear operation might take up to 4 ms.
If the device enters EM2 or EM3 while a command is in progress then that command will be aborted. An application can use WDOGn_SyncWait() to wait for a command to complete.
of file platform/emlib/src/em_wdog.c
void WDOGn_Init (WDOG_TypeDef * wdog, const WDOG_Init_TypeDef * init)
Initialize WDOG (assuming the WDOG configuration has not been locked).
[in] | wdog | Pointer to the WDOG peripheral register block. |
[in] | init | The structure holding the WDOG configuration. A default setting WDOG_INIT_DEFAULT is available for initialization. |
This function modifies the WDOG CTRL register which requires synchronization into the low-frequency domain. If this register is modified before a previous update to the same register has completed, this function will stall until the previous synchronization has completed.
of file platform/emlib/src/em_wdog.c
void WDOGn_Lock (WDOG_TypeDef * wdog)
Lock the WDOG configuration.
[in] | wdog | A pointer to WDOG peripheral register block. |
This prevents errors from overwriting the WDOG configuration, possibly disabling it. Only a reset can unlock the WDOG configuration once locked.
If the LFRCO or LFXO clocks are used to clock WDOG, consider using the option of inhibiting those clocks to be disabled. See the WDOG_Enable() initialization structure.
This function modifies the WDOG CTRL register which requires synchronization into the low-frequency domain. If this register is modified before a previous update to the same register has completed, this function will stall until the previous synchronization has completed.
of file platform/emlib/src/em_wdog.c
void WDOGn_SyncWait (WDOG_TypeDef * wdog)
Wait for the WDOG to complete all synchronization of register changes and commands.
[in] | wdog | A pointer to WDOG peripheral register block. |
of file platform/emlib/src/em_wdog.c
void WDOGn_Unlock (WDOG_TypeDef * wdog)
Unlock the WDOG configuration.
[in] | wdog | A pointer to WDOG peripheral register block. |
Note that this function will have no effect on devices where a reset is the only way to unlock the watchdog.
of file platform/emlib/src/em_wdog.c
bool WDOGn_IsEnabled (WDOG_TypeDef * wdog)
Get enabled status of the Watchdog.
[in] | wdog | Pointer to the WDOG peripheral register block. |
True if Watchdog is enabled.
of file platform/emlib/inc/em_wdog.h
bool WDOGn_IsLocked (WDOG_TypeDef * wdog)
Get locked status of the Watchdog.
[in] | wdog | Pointer to the WDOG peripheral register block. |
True if Watchdog is locked.
of file platform/emlib/inc/em_wdog.h
Macro Definition Documentation#
In some scenarioes when the watchdog is disabled the synchronization register might be set and not be cleared until the watchdog is enabled again.
This will happen when for instance some watchdog register is modified while the watchdog clock is disabled. In these scenarioes we need to make sure that the software does not wait forever.
of file platform/emlib/src/em_wdog.c
#define DEFAULT_WDOGValue:
Default WDOG instance for deprecated functions.
of file platform/emlib/inc/em_wdog.h
Suggested default configuration for WDOG initialization structure.
of file platform/emlib/inc/em_wdog.h