Defines an entry in the binding table.

A binding entry specifies a local endpoint, a remote endpoint, a cluster ID and either the destination EUI64 (for unicast bindings) or the 64-bit group address (for multicast bindings).

Public Attributes#


Public Attribute Documentation#


EmberBindingType EmberBindingTableEntry::type

The type of binding.

Definition at line 1322 of file stack/include/ember-types.h


uint8_t EmberBindingTableEntry::local

The endpoint on the local node.

Definition at line 1324 of file stack/include/ember-types.h


uint16_t EmberBindingTableEntry::clusterId

A cluster ID that matches one from the local endpoint's simple descriptor. This cluster ID is set by the provisioning application to indicate which part an endpoint's functionality is bound to this particular remote node and is used to distinguish between unicast and multicast bindings. Note that a binding can be used to to send messages with any cluster ID, not just that listed in the binding.

Definition at line 1332 of file stack/include/ember-types.h


uint8_t EmberBindingTableEntry::remote

The endpoint on the remote node (specified by identifier).

Definition at line 1334 of file stack/include/ember-types.h


EmberEUI64 EmberBindingTableEntry::identifier

A 64-bit identifier. This is either:

  • The destination EUI64, for unicasts.

  • A 16-bit multicast group address, for multicasts.

Definition at line 1339 of file stack/include/ember-types.h


uint8_t EmberBindingTableEntry::networkIndex

The index of the network the binding belongs to.

Definition at line 1341 of file stack/include/ember-types.h